These People Tried To Achieve The Impossible And They Should Get An A For Effort
Like Kevin Garnett said, “Anything is possible!!” That sounds super uplifting, but it doesn’t always have happy endings. Achieving the impossible results in some bad choices along with some questionable decisions as to how anyone would end up in their situation.
It’s not impossible to be sneaky, but some people definitely didn’t think when they’re trying to move out or just hoping for the best despite the outcome. They’re so wild that it makes us wonder “How did they do this?”
Take Me To Church

Photo Credit: @BobKellyFOX29/Twitter
Regular churchgoers would believe that a dog was being ordained. Wrong, the priest is just wearing a dog mask.
It’s intriguing why someone who praises the father, the spirit, and the holy ghost would wear a mask while preaching. Only thing comes to mind; he’s a Philadelphia Eagles fan.