These People Are Finessing Their Way Through Life In The Best Ways Possible
There are people who just go through life one step at a time trying to disrupt as few people as possible. These are your friends who are just always there but not really there, if you catch my drift. Okay, let me put this a different way — they're boring.
On the other hand, there are people who go through life finding the little tips and tricks that keep their lives spicy. These are the fun friends. The friends who get more creative with every step they take and continue to beat the system whenever the system deserves to be beaten. Here are those friends.
Clarity Matters
When regular civilians drive around in cars that look like undercover cop cars, it just ruins the flow of traffic. Everyone slows down and pretends like they don't drive with their knees while drinking two coffees at once, meanwhile the person in the car is named Carl and he's a plumber.
A Penny For Your Thoughts
This guy brought in 30,000 pennies to pay taxes on two cars at the DMV. This is the definition of being petty and it's amazing. The struggle that this guy would've had to go through would be 100% worth the faces of the people working. The fact that they have to count every penny is just icing on the cake.
Shoot Your Shot
It's hard to believe these studies, but good for this guy for really taking the initiative and diving in head first. One study said that women like guys who own cats, which has to be false because people who own cats are unstable people. WHO would volunteer their house to an animal who plots your death in front of you?
Bees Knees
This should make every person who has ever sent or received a dirty picture reconsider ever doing it again. It's all about angles and perception, and the human body has a lot of both. This girl is playing this guy so hard but it's impossible to not respect the creativity and dedication to the game.
Always Listening
This is the biggest life hack to ever exist. Earphones act as a tell-tale sign of how approachable you want to be. If you have no earphones in than you are probably really approachable. If you have one earphone in you are kind of approachable, but only for an interesting story. If you have both earphones in, DO NOT TALK TO ME BECAUSE I'M NOT LISTENING.
Gotta Do What You Gotta Do
The lengths dog owners will go to take cute pictures of their dog borders insanity. This owner put a bagel on their head so that their dog would look in the direction of the camera. That's actually fairly tame compared to other owners who would literally throw themselves into the most dangerous situations just to get a picture to post on social media.
Just ahead is a girlfriend who wants their bae to look good, but also wants everyone to know whose man he is.
Scamming The System
That's tricky, but smart. The slogan "Nothing over a dollar" just kind of rolls off the tongue nicely. Having to actually tell the full truth and put "Nothing over a dollar twenty-five" just kind of kills the vibe. It's a big difference that twenty-five cents make too. You can get a candy from a gumball machine for that type of dough.
Prison System Relationship
One way to finesse your way through a relationship is to pretend you're a good person with good morals... until it's too late. This wife is a ride-or-die but she's being duped because HE'S GUILTY. She needs to realize that she's being tricked and she's going to pay for it after stealing the cop car.
Mark Her Territory
This is similar to what a dog does when it doesn't need to go pee but really wants to let the puppy world know it's been there. Every fire hydrant is some dog's property. This is the same idea. If any girl wants to slide into the DMs, they're going to have to do it with a goalie in the net.
Vacation Mode
This guy just tricked his girlfriend into allowing him to cheat on her. How? Well, it's simple. By having her on his shoulders, he can control her reaction and not allow her to do anything too drastic as he kisses another girl. If she was on the ground who knows the kind of damage she can do to him and the girl.
Steal Her Stuff
Look, the number of pieces of clothing guys lose to girls because they're "cold" is an epidemic. Hundreds of pullover sweaters with Ivey league schools imprinted on them are currently calling the floor of a random girl's closet right now. This needs to happen. Guys need to start retaliating by taking some of their clothing and accessories too. Earrings, we're coming for you.
No Thank You
Anyone who's willing to do this just for the thrill of scaring you is not worth your time. This Avatar/ Grudge girl's face should never show their face in a dark room without people pooping themselves. If I see this girl, I'm not just leaving, I'm selling the house for one dollar and moving to Estonia.
Play The System
The NYC subway had put a ban on dogs unless they were in bags. So, what did commuters do? Well, they put their dogs in bags. Like, for example, this dog which surprisingly couldn't fit into its owner's purse, can fit into an Ikea bag. They didn't mention that the bags HAVE to be carried. This also doubles as a great rain jacket.
Play On Words
If you want to get all the perks of driving with a severe vision impairment, all you have to do is install window blinds at people's houses. This is brilliant because you can get the best parking spots AND have at least 500 feet on either side of you while driving. Rush hour will no longer feel like a nightmare when you have those caution signs on your back.
"Those Aren't Your Sheets"
So this is a very smart idea in theory but not so much in practice. If he's planning on fooling his girlfriend, my guess is she probably knows that those aren't his sheets and therefore will be asking some questions. So he's either going to have to say he got new sheets, which means actually going out and buying new ones that look like the inside of the coat.
Get Out Of My Spot
If you think for a second that a little snow bank is going to stop this person from getting that prime real estate, you're WRONG. There's no amount of struggle that's not worth getting the closest parking space to the store. It can decrease sometimes 20 seconds off your commute that you can instead use for shopping.
Pants Off Party
This is one of the most relatable tweets of all time. Some days pants are just not an option. Your legs are screaming to be able to breathe and they don't want to be constricted by your Wal-Mart khakis. This guy has a TV shot live from his living room, but did what we all want to do and that's have a no pants party.
Is It One Or Two?
This product is getting by because they're tricking their customer into thinking their brand name should be taken literally. It's like when fast food places say they have 100% beef, and then you look into it and that's just the brand they buy from and not the actual contents of the meat.
Laundry Thief
This is the basically the definition of finessing your way through life — find the loopholes in how we interact with each other as human beings and expose them. This is really smart because laundry is expensive and if you can do it on someone else's' dollar than all the power to you. Fresh laundry has no cost, or humiliation.