Why Having Siblings Is Both A Blessing And A Curse
If you have siblings, you can never really predict how you're going to get along with them on any given day. Sometimes you're the best of friends, and sometimes you drive each other crazy.
Making A Mummy
These two older siblings decided to turn their younger sister into a mummy. We can't see her face, but she seems to be dealing with it well. She'll get them back next time.
Some People Like To Watch The World Burn
It looks like these two siblings set fire to that house across the street and now they're admiring their handiwork. The older sister looks like she's very pleased with herself.
We've Got A Biter
When you have five kids, odds are one of them is going to be a biter. In this family, it was the youngest sibling. Unfortunately, his brother's arm got munched on.
Thing One And Thing Two
These two brothers look like polar opposites. The older brother looks kind of serious, while the younger brother looks like a silly goose. Are you more of a Thing One or a Thing Two?
The Blunder Years
Look, these brothers aren't the coolest cats on their street, but at least they got through the blunder years together. Those purple suspenders really are something else. Who thought those would be a good idea?
Headgear For Three
This family took a professional photo to commemorate the days when they all had headgear. Yeah, it was dorky back then, but now they all have straight teeth. Who's laughing now?
Yin And Yang
These two brothers have a lot in common now, but back in the day, they couldn't have been more different. The older brother went through a rather intense goth phase.
Crying In The Club
It's hard to get a photo of three happy kids, especially when one of them is screaming and the other two can't stand the noise. The matching outfits are a nice touch.
That Face Says It All
This girl got to meet her new baby brother, and she doesn't look so thrilled about it. Her face really does say it all. These two are best friends now, but a new baby can be quite a shock.
One Happy Family
These three siblings were upset on Christmas. Their dad wasn't so happy about how the holiday photo of his kids turned out. That love sign is the icing on the cake.
Just Two Buckaroos
Their parents really went the whole nine yards with this photo. These two aren't just in full cowboy gear, they're also sitting in front of a fully stocked saloon. That's commitment.
That Sideways Glance
The photographer told them to look to the right. He meant for them to turn their heads to the right. They did this instead. It makes for a pretty sinister photo.
Angst Has No Limits
These two teenagers look pretty bummed out, even though they're standing in front of a gorgeous mountain view. Teenage angst doesn't discriminate. It can pop up anywhere. Even on vacation.
Look Out!
This photo was taken about one second before these two sisters got very angry at their little brother. What is it with boys and sticks? This kid is just looking for trouble.
The Perm-Mullets
These two sisters are sporting a very interesting hairstyle. Maybe this perm-mullet look was all the rage back in the day, but today it's kind of...interesting. Yeah, let's just call it interesting.
Welcome To The World
The look on that baby's face is absolutely epic. Her sister also looks like she's out of her element. It's okay, these two are just getting used to each other.
Surprise, It's Twins!
What's worse than one new sibling? How about two? This girl doesn't look so happy about the fact that there are now two crying babies in her house to keep her up all night.
Very Photogenic
These two siblings are equally photogenic, which is to say that they're both not photogenic at all. I mean, this picture is good for a laugh, but what is with these accessories?
Yes, That Is Underwear
These brothers decided to dress up as nuns one evening. They put underwear and T-shirts on their heads to create the perfect nun costume. Is this offensive? Maybe. It's also kind of funny.
It's Not Your Birthday, Sis
This girl knew that her sister would try to blow out her birthday candles, so she was proactive about the situation. She got to blow out her candles and make her wish.
Just What Siblings Do
If you have a sibling, you know that everything going on in this picture is actually pretty normal. These kids made their own fun. Homemade fun is the best kind.
How She Insists On Holding Her New Baby Brother
Welcoming a new baby into the family can be quite an adjustment. This girl is handling it all rather well. The wolf mask is just temporary...we hope. One day, that baby will get to see her real face.
A Frightening Experience
This girl is getting the chance to hold her baby brother for the first time. She looks very scared, but maybe she should be. Holding a baby is scary! Don't drop him!
Matching Outfits
Why do parents love to dress their kids in matching outfits? What's the appeal? Now these siblings look like they work for some kind of Southern restaurant. It's not ideal.
Does The Couch Match The Drapes?
These brothers are wearing matching outfits that their mom made them out of the curtains that came with this couch. It's not a bad thing to do with some extra curtains...
A First-Prize Onion Ring
This girl's brother is holding a certificate and a trophy, and she's holding an onion ring. You know what? You can't eat a trophy. I'd rather have an onion ring.
One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other
Well, we know who the black sheep of this family is. Did you go through that phase that involves wearing all black and long sleeves to the beach? No? Consider yourself lucky.
Sibling Rivalry
These human siblings seem to get along, but the same cannot be said for these canine brothers. They are literally at each other's throats. Hopefully, they learn to put their differences aside.
They're Not Naked
This brother and sister duo do competitive swimming together. In this photo, they're actually both wearing bathing suits. The way this picture is cropped just makes it look like they aren't wearing anything at all.