These Women Got Some Nasty Comments About Their Engagement Rings
Getting engaged is supposed to be one of the happiest moments in a person's life. After the big moment, everybody wants to see the ring. Usually, newly engaged people are more than happy to show off their new rock. Of course, there are always a couple of negative Nancys who don't know when to keep their mouths shut.
If you don't have anything nice to say, you really shouldn't say anything at all.
Diamonds Are Boring
"She asked for pictures so I sent her a couple of the ring we got, and her response was ', it's so...basic 😂 but the shape is nice I guess.' It really hurt my feelings, needless to say, so I didn’t text back. Then a few moments later she sent me another text and said, 'diamonds are just soooo boring 🙄.' I wanted to first of all, tell her how incredibly rude her comment was, and second of all say 'IT’S NOT EVEN A DIAMOND!!' Instead, I just didn’t text her back."
Keeping Quiet
"On Friday, a coworker approached me, saying she'd heard I was engaged, and wanted to see my ring. I held it out, she took a look, and said, 'That’s unusual…' and then literally walked away without saying another word! I was surprised at first because even if I hated a ring I’d find something to compliment. But then I realized that people have opinions, they’re not always polite, and you can’t let it bother you. Now I think it’s funny, and it’s a story I won’t forget!"
Sapphires Vs. Emeralds
"I have a sapphire and FI's aunt when on and on about how much better emeralds are when she saw the ring. I didn’t put too much thought into it afterwards because she’s just an awkward person in general (very poor social skills) but it was really bizarre at the time!"
People Are Dumb
"People just seem to have no filter when it comes to ring comments. When I was first engaged, I got the 'WOW! Your fiance must be loaded!!' – yes, my ring was expensive, but what does that have anything to do with it?! And FWIW, he's NOT loaded (in fact I make significantly more than he does) and comments like that make me feel like they’re calling me a gold digger.
People are dumb."
Wait For The Divorce
"A coworker said to me, 'you should have gotten him to spring for a large solitaire so that when you divorce its actually worth something' I love the design and size of my ring so I just choose to ignore it!"
Yours Is Too Much
"Told a recently engaged friend that her ring was so sparkly. Her response?
"Yeah, it's exactly what I wanted. Yours is just too much."
Um, thanks? (Mine is just a carat with a halo)"
Looks Like A Class Ring
"Some girl made a comment to her friend right in front of me that she would NEVER want a ring like mine because it looks like a class ring. Lol! Oh well, can't expect everyone to have manners I guess."
A Promise Ring
"I have an emerald ring I got engaged on vacation I had a co-worker say to me 'is that a promise ring, like I promise to get you a better ring' laugh and walk away he also later announced my engagement to the floor which I was not ok with as we hadn't yet announced it."
Her Lips Are Sealed
"I had the same girl ask to see my ring twice, and twice she said NOTHING. It was so weird. She is not one of my favorite people anyhow, as she tends to say rude stuff. Maybe it was better she kept her mouth shut!"
Are You Sure?
"I think the weirdest thing I've heard was 'It doesn’t look that expensive, are you sure it’s an engagement ring?' My ring is a garnet stone with two cat figurines surrounding it. My fiance and I have three cats and we love them and the ring is more perfect than I’ve ever imagined!"
Do You Hate It?
This is a pretty forward comment from a complete stranger. Why would you ever ask anybody if they secretly hate their own wedding ring? How ugly could it have been?
If The Ring Fits...
Imagine lying to your own fiancé because you hate your ring so much. Also, imagine still calling him your boyfriend even though you're engaged. That's how much she hates this ring.
Uncalled For
Why does anybody's husband's ex get to comment on an engagement ring? You had your chance, honey. It didn't work out. It's time to move on. There's definitely some unfinished business here.
Stolen Goods
Hey now, even an ugly engagement ring is worth money. If the setting is ugly, whatever metal it's made out of can be melted down and turned into something else.
That's Harsh
Okay, this girl was way out of line. Her future mother-in-law is right to be angry. Nobody should have to wear a ring they don't like, but there is a time and a place for that kind of criticism.
Listen To Your Girl
Boys, this is a public service announcement. When your girlfriend starts talking about ring preferences, take note. That is very important information for you to know. Write it down, even.
Hand-Me-Down Ring
What's wrong with a hand-me-down ring? Plenty of people wear engagement rings that are family heirlooms. Even Kate Middleton has a hand-me-down ring. There is absolutely no shame in that.
When Mom Picks Out The Ring
Men, if you're going to take a mom shopping for engagement rings, take your girlfriend's mom. She knows her daughter's style best, and she's your best chance at picking out something nice.
He Didn't Listen
If your man doesn't respect you enough to listen to your ring preferences, is he really the man you want to marry? He might be, but it's something to think about.
Time To Get A New Ring
If you don't like your ring, it's perfectly fine to request a different one. You could even keep the same diamond and put it in a different setting. Really, it's the stone that matters.
A Hated Ring
You don't have to feel like a terrible person for not liking your engagement ring. Everyone has preferences. This is why engagements shouldn't be surprises. You should be able to pick out your own ring.
Too Ugly
There are way too many people who hate their engagement rings. Get involved in the selection process! Ask for what you want if your engagement ring is important to you.
An Unoriginal Ring
Some people call it unoriginal, others call it classic. To each their own. Your engagement ring should be something you really like, though. That's not being shallow. You have to wear that thing every day!
Change The Subject
"Most people have at least had the decency to pretend to like my ring, which is a traditional diamond ring, but the stone is on the small side compared to some of the people I know (it's the perfect size for me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!). However, twice I had someone ask to see the ring, look at it, and immediately change the subject without making a single comment! Unreal…"
The Wrong Way
"I have a pear cut engagement ring and I've had a number of (most older) women tell me I’m wearing it the 'wrong' way because I wear it pointing toward me. I get that that’s not the traditional way to wear a pear cut and the other way elongates your finger, or whatever, but honestly, I have long fingers, so that’s not an issue, and I have yet to find a pear cut rule book. I just tell them, 'I know, but I like wearing it this way. I like having it point toward my heart.'"
The Rose Gold Trend
"'Oh, your ring is rose gold? Isn't that a trend and will go out of style?'
Yep, heard it a few times. Don’t even care. I love my ring and rose gold/gold jewelry looks good on my skin tone. I hardly ever wear silver/platinum so, the color works for me. And besides, I like having a unique ring."
Not Your Hand
"I know a friend of mine that just got recently engaged and this other girl saw the ring and LITERALLY said, 'Oh, it's cute. A little small for my hands,' I was COMPLETELY shocked. Some people just plain rude. My friend replied, 'Well thank god the ring’s on MY hand' haha, I would honestly just say a witty comment and move on."
Don't Let It Get Snatched
"A woman on the subway complimented my set the other day, then told me to turn my engagement ring to the inside of my hand at all times because 'this is NYC and people will cut off your finger or murder you for less.' I'm not sure if it was rude exactly, but it was kind of an insane thing to say to a stranger…"
Costume Jewelry
"My best friend has said several times before how she 'isn't particularly fond of' my ring because 'it looks like fake cheap costume jewelry and not a real engagement ring.' Ugh, thanks? I love how she follows up with 'I mean, you make it work, but anyone else with a ring like that looks tacky.'"
How Much?
"One of my fiancé's friends asked me how much he paid for my ring (right in front of him, too). Luckily his girlfriend told him how rude it was to ask such a question!"