Activities To Do In Quarantine That Are More Productive Than Netflix
Around the world, most people have taken the time to follow the government's order to stay at home in quarantine. Unfortunately, for residents, that means total self-isolation from the friends and family that they don't live with. But that doesn't mean we have to be bored and unproductive with our days.
Thankfully, there are activities that help with brain stimulation and others that will help improve mental and physical health. Try a new workout video, or start blogging about different recipes you've been trying while stuck at home. Trust us; there are more productive ways to spend your day other than on Netflix. Keep reading for some activity inspiration!
Do A Puzzle For Some Brain Stimulation
Being stuck at home has been a bit difficult for people who enjoy mental stimulation regularly. Unfortunately, it's kind of challenging to get the brain pumping when being stuck in quarantine. But there are a few activities that are both fun and mentally challenging that might help get the juices flowing.
If you find yourself bored and in need of something other than watching a movie, try working on a puzzle. And it doesn't even have to be a jigsaw puzzle. Ever complete a Rubik's Cube before? Well, now is the perfect time to learn!
Start A Journal Or Blog
If you're feeling uninspired during quarantine, think about starting a journal or maybe even a blog. The writing doesn't have to be fancy, just an outlet to get some of your thoughts out of your head. You can write about what is happening in the world or even something as simple as seeing a bird outside your window.
Then if you feel like starting a new hobby of sorts, try blogging. There's a lot to be said about a person that tries new recipes and jots down the do's, don'ts, and if the dish came out well or not. Maybe you'll be the next Julia Child!
Learn A Foreign Language
Celebrities, such as Harry Styles and Shawn Mendes, are taking this time in quarantine to do something a bit different. Instead of blogging, cleaning, or starting various DIY projects, these two stars have decided to exercise their brains and learn a foreign language.
There are a lot of applications, such as Duolingo, that are helpful if you're looking to brush up on your French, Spanish, Italian, or whichever language piques your interest. Look at it this way; if you start now, then you'll be linguistically prepared once you're able to travel again!
Meditation Is Key Right Now
In a time of uncertainty, it's always a good idea to center and ground yourself. And considering many people are stuck in quarantine, there is no time like the present to clear your mind and steady your breathing. The good news is if you're new to meditation, a lot of fitness coaches are going to Instagram Live to help people find their inner peace.
Super trainers such as Elise Joan (@elisejoanfitness), creator of Barre Blend, do live meditation sessions a few days out of the week. The best part is that it only takes a few minutes out of your day, and you'll be left in a blissful state-of-mind.
Self-Care Because You Deserve It
While we're self-isolating, it's easy to forget about self-care, including facial cleansers, tweezing, and even doing something as simple as a bubble bath. But now is the perfect time to take a chunk out of your day and remember that you deserve some good old-fashioned pampering.
Maybe take your self-care day a step further and research a new skincare system. Afterward, hop in a lavender-scented bubble bath with a charcoal face mask, hot cup of tea, and a good book. You're not going to regret the decision. And you'll be so relaxed you'll forget you haven't been out of the house for a few days.
Write Letters To Loved Ones And Health Care Workers
Does anyone receive handwritten letters anymore? The act is kind of a lost art, one that we should all think about bringing back during the quarantine. There is nothing quite like getting a heartfelt letter from a loved one, especially knowing they took the time out of their day to think of personal things to say to you, instead of going to the store and buying some Hallmark card.
And, if you're in a really feel-good mood, think about writing thank you letters to health care professionals who have been working tirelessly to ensure everyone is comfortable during this hard time. You're bound to make someone smile.
Clean Out Your Closet For Donations
One way to stay productive during quarantine is to try on all of the clothing in your dresser and closet and see if they "spark joy," per Marie Kondo's expertise. If you haven't worn a shirt or dress in a year, maybe think about throwing it in a donations pile.
That way, once the quarantine is over, you'll have a nice stack of clothing you can consign. There's nothing better than getting paid for your donations and then finding hidden treasures in the shop. Pretty much, clear out your closet for some new post-quarantine clothing!
Try To Make That DIY Project Saved On Your Pinterest Account
Throw a whole new curve-ball into your life and try to create one of the 50 DIY projects you have saved to your Pinterest account. We understand that you might not have all of the materials lying around your house, but that's part of the fun!
If you're missing an element, think about re-purposing old clothing or household items as placeholders. And, hey, this is also a first try DIY project. So, see if you like where the project is going and then when you're able to head to the store and pick up actual supplies. It will be productive and give you something to look forward to.
Pretend Your Camping By Pitching A Tent Inside
With the quarantine in place, a lot of people are beginning to realize they took the outdoors for granted. Some can't wait for the time when a nice hike or camping with their families is allowed once again. Until that time comes, there is an alternative that will keep you busy.
First, you're going to want to clear all of the furniture from your living room. Then, pitch a tent, or, if you're feeling creative, build a pillow and blanket fort. Finally, the fun part. Turn off all of the lights and tell ghost stories or watch some scary movies. We call it indoor camping.
Try Some New Recipes
The quarantine has brought with it a new wave of health fanatics. A lot of people now realize that they should try to be the healthiest versions of themselves. And with people going to the grocery store as little as possible, this means dieting.
What better way to diet than learning new and yummy recipes? A great way to be productive while staying at home is researching different healthy recipes that you can make with what's already in your kitchen. Then, think about blogging the outcomes along with your weight loss journey. Who knows, maybe you'll become an inspiration for others.
Board Games Since Sports Are A Thing Of The Past
The absence of sports has been hard for a lot of people, especially considering gyms are now closed, and no one can even participate in pick-up games. And with the professional leagues being postponed, people are feigning for a competitive outlet. Thankfully, there is an alternative.
Virtual games, as well as board games, are a great way to compete. Think about making a Scrabble bracket, or a Warzone team with some of your buddies. Both options have you competing and talking to people, which is a nice productive way to spend quarantine.
At-Home Workouts To Stay Active
Gyms are closed due to the quarantine, making at-home workouts an important part of day-to-day life. Since we're not supposed to go places, we need to remember to stay active and keep our blood pumping through this uncertain time. The good news is the fitness world is on board with helping people become the best versions of themselves.
Like meditation, many wellness instructors are going to Instagram Live to do workouts to teach people simple at-home moves that are low impact. Once you have some exercises down, try tuning in to a class, such as 10 Rounds boxing. It's a great way to relieve any pent-up energy!
Rearrange Your Living Room Furniture
Since we're currently living in quarantine, our mental health needs to get new perspectives on life. Thankfully, there are a few different ways to do so, such as meditation, de-cluttering, and rearranging our living spaces. The latter is good for more than one reason, too.
Of course, rearranging a living space is a great way to feng shui your home, bringing in the much-needed good vibes and expelling the bad. But it's also a great way to clean the entire floor, underneath furniture, that you've been putting off for some time -- great for mental health and not so great for the dust bunnies.
Take Virtual Tours Of Some Of The World's Museums
The quarantine has shut down all major places that attract crowds, so restaurants, stadiums, and concert halls are closed until further notice. Unfortunately, for those of us who like to go out to different venues, it's left a hole in our event calendar. The good news is that some places, like museums, are offering virtual tours of their exhibits.
It's time to take out your planner because you're going to be busy traveling the world and visiting some famous museums, well, virtually. One such museum is the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, where a curator leads the viewer through "Keith Haring | Jean-Michel Basquiat: Crossing Lines" exhibition.
Read A New Genre
During quarantine, it's important to stay productive while also doing activities you enjoy. Reading is a great way to get lost in another world for a bit, especially now, considering the state of the actual world. And since we seem to have nothing but time nowadays, it's a great opportunity to put down the fantasy books and pick up a murder mystery or thriller novel.
You never know, a new favorite book could be waiting for you and you have no idea because you're not expanding your genre preferences. Think about switching it up. Then, compile a list of books to share with friends and family!
Deep Clean The House
It's not easy finding productive activities to do around the house during the quarantine. The typical routine has been waking up, walking to the kitchen, setting up the work from home station, and maybe working out in the living room. Of course, there are some meals thrown in there, too. But how about switching things up and deep clean the house?
Cleaning can be therapeutic and help your mind stay on the task at hand instead of wandering around thinking up "what if" scenarios. Also, it's a deep clean, so you're going to thank yourself for the act later when your place smells like fresh lemon and pine.
Create A Massive To-Do List With Check Boxes
If you're having trouble thinking of productive ways to spend your time while in quarantine, it's always a good idea to start with a list. In this case, we recommend a massive to-do list that you can accomplish in the span of a few weeks.
This way, you wake up in the morning, knowing you have a few things that will make your day productive. But, please, don't write things like scrolling through social media or binge-watching a new series on Netflix. Instead, try building a 1,000 piece puzzle, or teaching a grandparent how to FaceTime. You know they'd love to hear from you!
Reflect And Set Personal Goals
With all of the craziness happening in the world right now, it's a great opportunity to reflect on your life, set goals, and reach out to friends and family who you haven't spoken to in a while. Since we're in quarantine, there is no time like the present to switch your outlook on life, and that all starts with reflection.
Think about where you were this time last year and how you can improve your mental health. It's also a good idea to set goals, especially when the quarantine is lifted. For example, set a goal to go hiking more often.
Watch Super Long Movies You've Been Putting Off
Before the era of self-isolation, work, family, friends, going out on weekends, and trying to "adult" left a lot of people with little "me time" on their hands. Now, it seems as though we have nothing but time. So, we encourage you to use it to indulge in those super long movies you've been putting off.
If you have a Netflix account, The Irishman is an excellent choice. It's three and a half hours long, so make sure you have a good amount of quarantine snacks at your disposal because watching this film can turn into an all-day event!
Limit Screen Time
It's easy to get immersed in social media during the quarantine. With everyone posting to Instagram Live, Snapchat, Facebook, and other platforms, it doesn't take much to lose a few hours out of the day scrolling through your phone. So, try leaving your phone in the bedroom or on the kitchen countertop.
It's always a good idea to give your brain a break from everything going on in the world, not to mention giving your eyes a break from a screen. Try picking up a book, not a tablet, but something with actual pages. Your brain and eyes will thank you!