Photos That Give You A New Perspective Of Everyday Things
I am constantly amazed, frightened, and surprised by the complexity of the world we live in. There are so many different processes and factors that occur every day, even though most of them remain unseen by us.
It's incredible how the most common of things can have sides that we have never heard of or seen before. These are some photos that show you the side of life that occurs or has occurred right under our noses.
Don't Plant Your Trees In Small Pots!
This tree stayed in a plastic pot for a little too long, leading its roots to grow in this twisted, circular shape as the roots filled the only spaces available to them. Unfortunately, the tree died only a few years after being planted due to its poor root shape and growth.
Pyramids Were Even More Majestic When First Built
This pyramid has been standing for over 4,500 years, but was originally encased in white limestone and had the tip covered in gold foil. It held the record for being the tallest man-made structure for about 3,800 years. Part of the reason that the limestone exterior no longer is there is due to foreign invaders mining it off the pyramid for their own use.
The Great North Dakota Blizzard of 1966
This photograph captured Department of Transportation employee, Bill Koch, standing next to overhead powerlines due to the massive amount of now. Visibility was reduced to zero for 11 straight hours during the storm in the agricultural and rural area and 74,500 cattle died due to the three-day blizzard.
Bookworms Aren't Just Literature Nerds
This book was published in 1787, but it's had more than just interested readers enjoy its pages. The lines that appear in the book were created by Curculionidae larvae, more commonly known as "bookworms". While they do tend to create holes within the book, their main target for eating is actually the spine and the leather binding.
A Millipede And Its Shadow
This little insect has no idea that its shadow is about five times its sides. The reason the shadow is so large and ominous in comparison to its actual body has the do with the position of the sun. This photo was taken during sunrise when the sun was still low on the horizon, casting the shadow far away from this little guy.
Maybe The Dutch Should Have Gotten Wall Tips From The Chinese
Early Dutch inhabitants of New Amsterdam built a 12-foot wall in the 1640s to protect themselves from invaders who might threaten their settlement. In 1664, the British avoided the wall and instead took New Amsterdam by sea. It's now New York, and they replaced the wall with a street, which is now called "Wall Street".
Lightning Turned This Dirt To Glass
When lightning strikes a beach or desert, the electricity vaporizes the sand/dirt crystals at an extremely rapid rate. The process occurs at a temperature of 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit during the split second it takes for the lightning to make contact. The result is that the sand/dirt is turned into glass tubes called fulgurites.
Glass Half Full?
This candle was left outside by this Reddit user for a few days, during which it rained. The container collected rainwater, which sank to the bottom of the glass after the wax was melted by the sun. After the candle had cooled, the wax re-hardened, effectively trapping the water underneath it.
This Is An Oasis In The Libyan Part Of The Sahara Desert
Oases are most often formed when an underground freshwater source, such as an underground river or aquifer, is brought toward the earth's surface. This can be a result of faulting and climate conditions creating a depression in the ground, whether by pushing the group up on the sides or pulling ground down in one spot.
Maybe Switch Up Your Wardrobe Regularly
This Reddit user explained that her grandfather mows the lawn every week while wearing the exact same grey shirt that has "Yamaha" written on the back in black letters.
This happened because the cotton of the shirt blocked the sun's UV rays to a certain extent, but still let in some. However, the iron-on lettering didn't let the UV rays in at all. Over time, the difference in UV exposure caused this man to become a walking Yamaha ad.
This Person Rehydrated A Raisin
This Reddit user took a raisin and soaked it in a bowl of hot water overnight, causing it to regain its grape form. Weirdly, the rehydrated raisin looks like the great-great-grandfather of a regular grape.
The Reddit user ate it and reported that the rehydrated raisin had the consistency of a grape, but tasted just like a regular raisin.
Trees Eat Whatever Gets In Their Way
Trees are pretty resilient plants, and they often refuse to let anything get in their way. Trees have been known to grow around external objects that are too close to it, slowly enveloping the item entirely over time.
I'm just saying you probably shouldn't stand still next to a tree for several decades.
The Paramount Pictures Logo On The Day It Was Painted
Paramount Pictures is the fifth oldest film studio in the world. It was established in 1929 as the Famous Players Film Company, but has evolved significantly since then. While the first logo image was created in 1914, the painting that we'd come to know and recognize was painted by artist Dario Campanile in 1985 and was used by the company from 1987-2002.
Spiderwebs + Smoke = This Amazing Image
No, spiders have not started to spin webs in black filament. The person who snapped this photo explained that they had made a fire near to this spiderweb the night before. The soot from the flames attached to the web due to its sticky surface, creating this charcoal-colored spider web.
This Fish Got Stuck Inside A Jellyfish
This fish looks absolutely panicked, and who can blame it? This fish was swimming when he accidentally got caught inside the belly of a small jellyfish. In this photo, the fish is actually swimming and controlling the movement of the jellyfish, since jellyfish, while pretty, don't tend to be the fasted or strongest swimmers in the ocean.
How The Film Crew Made Buddy Look So Big
Will Ferrell wasn't acting beside a cast of incredibly small people, and his size wasn't enhanced using digital technology. Instead, it was all pulled off through a film technique called "forced perspective".
This technique is often used to make things look closer or further than they are or to make something look larger or smaller than it actually is through strategic placement and camera angles.
You Can See Where The Regretful Guy Was Standing
When the waste toner cartridge in the printer tells you not to tilt it, you should take that information at face value. Normally, IT crew or another designated group in an organization are in charge of emptying the waste toner cartridge to avoid messes like this, especially with such high-use office printers. Don't be a hero and just call IT.
Anyone Order A Cobblestone Rug?
After many years in the exact same spot with the wear and tear of pedestrians and weather, this rug has worn very thin and closely mimics the cobblestone pattern it rests upon. One might suggest to replace it with a new one, but lifting it up may be impossible without the rug breaking.
This Leaf Is Being Eaten By Tenthredinidae
Tenthreadinidae is the largest family of sawflies, which cut into the twigs or trunk bark of a tree in order to lay eggs. The larvae (pictured here consuming the leaf together) are typically herbivores and feed on the foliage of trees or shrubs, and tend to look like tiny caterpillars.
You Should Always Wear A Helmet
We're told that we should wear helmets while riding bicycles and motorcycles consistently throughout childhood, although sometimes the safety measure feels mildly unnecessary. When traveling at 60 mph, hitting and skidding on concrete/asphalt would feel comparable to shredding your skin off with a hot cheese grater. For my motorcyclists out there: wear a helmet and an appropriate jacket.
Little Paws In The Same Place Have Impact
These paw prints that appear in the grass were created by two cats who habitually walked in the exact same spots while repetitively crossing the lawn. Over time, their footprints were worn into the ground.
Cats, who are mostly indigenous to desert areas, instinctively follow similar or the same paths to properly retrace steps to spots with abundant prey.
You Wanted To Leave That Can Unopened? Too Bad
These two Reddit users left unopened cans of soda in their cars during hot weather, and cam back to this. As the can gets hotter, the particles in the carbonated liquid start to move faster, causing them to take up more space. If it gets hot enough, the can explodes as these two people with very sticky cards know firsthand.
This Onion Was Discovered In The Car Trunk Four Weeks After Being Left There
Normally, when I forget a grocery item in the back of my car, it makes everything smell really bad. However, this onion gave itself a second life.
Onions are typically very hardy, resilient plants that aren't very hard to grow. Onions are "bulb" plants, which grow underground while their green leafy parts protrude above the surface.
A Life In Prosthetic Legs
Unless you or someone you know has a prosthetic limb, you're unlikely aware of the fitting and changing process for prosthetic limbs. While adults with prosthetic limbs go through less changes, children require new prosthetics pretty frequently to match they're rapidly growing bodies. While children often adapt to using a prosthetic limb easier than most adults, they face more problems with uneven leg/arm length.
People On Public Vs. Private Transit
In order to give a physical representation of how many cars one needs to transport 40 people in comparison to a bus, these people gathered with their vehicles in order to emphasize the value of taking public transportation or carpooling to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and traffic for regular commuting.
Don't Leave Your Slides Near A Window
This Reddit user had the unfortunate experience of finding the right side of her slide-on sandals had shrunk after sitting in her backseat for two months. She's not the only person this has happened to, and others have had this problem with crocs.
When left exposed to the sun in a hot car, the foam part of the shoe condenses.
This Ring From The 16th Century Transforms Into An Astronomical Sphere
Ladies, diamond engagement rings are canceled. Your man should get you one of these gold astronomical sphere rings if he really loves you. These rings were originally a handy (pun intended) way for astronomers to do work, as the sphere was helpful in making calculations. Over time, the ring became a sign of being knowledgeable.
Cat Artists Should Be A New Sculpture Sub-genre
This scratching post used to be a solid block of wood, but has slowly, through many years of contact with claws, thinned out significantly at the bottom in comparison to the untouched top. In my opinion, this Reddit user's cat, who is no spring chicken, is one of the most dedicated woodworkers of our time.
This Marmot Got Quite The Shock
This perfectly-timed photograph captures the exact moment that a marmot, a close relative to the squirrel that inhabits mountainous areas, realized that a fox had caught up with it. While it's a little grim to think of what happened following this photo, the look of pure surprise on the furry boy's face is absolutely priceless.
A Moose Got Stuck In The Crevice
Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place (or another rock in this case). This antler-clad guy must have fallen through the cracks while walking and was unable to get his body out from inside. The result is a full-moose skeleton perfectly propped up by the surrounding ground.
I Would Have Thought The Opposite
This cooler is full of beer and pop. It turns out that while floating in the water, beer will float at the top, and pop sinks to the bottom! I would have thought the pop would float because of the carbonation.
That Looks Like A Tank Full Of Watermelon
Even though it looks like there are a bunch of watermelon slices floating around in this tank, it's actually a school of female beta fish taking a quiet nap while they can.
What Big Teeth You Have
This kitten is at that awkward stage we all go through where you're not an adult but not a baby. They've gotten all their adult teeth but are still waiting for the baby teeth to fall out.
Who Else Had An Eight Ball?
This person broke open an eight ball just to see what it would look like and much to their surprise, it wasn't full of water. It had a cylinder in it with a bit of water.
Highlights Are So In This Season
This beautiful peacock is made even more striking by a random streak of feathers that are white. It's likely a bit of albinism that sometimes happens in patches. Who knew they could be more beautiful?
Something About This Is Kind Of Cute
This strawberry grew into a fully formed fruit, but it kept many of the petals from the flower it came from. It looks like it should be in a cartoon or something.
Can You Guess What This Is?
This alien-looking plant is actually a tiny baby cucumber in the first stages of growth. It's hard to believe that tiny bloom will turn into a vegetable that is mostly water.
This Looks Like It Was Taken On Mars
This Marshalls looks like it's set up on Mars, but it's not. This photo was taken during the middle of the day. The scary apocalyptic look comes from nearby forest fires.
Can I Get A Discount?
It looks like there was a bit of a printing mishap at the Cheetos factory the day these were made. Let's hope that there aren't any fewer chips in there than there normally are.
They Look So Soft
These blueberries look a little bit like they're glowing and made of velvet. That soft look is actually just a trick of the flash from a camera that took this tasty looking picture.