Delivery Fails That Will Make You Consider In-Store Pickup Next Time
If you're like everyone else, the second you order something online, you find yourself looking out the window to see if your package has arrived. It's exciting to receive something, even if it is something that you paid for and sent yourself.
It can kill the excitement, though, when the driver who's delivering your package isn't quite as careful as you would have been and you get left with a box full of broken glasses.
Shattered, Not Stirred
Usually, a company that makes glassware would have a pretty solid way of shipping orders without breaking them every time, so whoever was in charge of this package must've really roughed it up.
Was This Not What You Wanted?
You said to leave the package under the front doormat, and you knew what size of package you were ordering. Therefore, you brought this upon yourself, and now you have to deal with it.
Are There No Restrictions On What You Can Ship?
We have a lot of questions about this particular package, but the main question is who was shipping—or better yet why was someone shipping—cow feces through the mail in the first place.
You're An Accomplice Now
What do you do if your package shows up looking like it's been involved in some sort of crime that will get you sent to prison for 25 to life?
Why Do They Make The Labels So Small?
They really need to make labels like this one bigger or print it as a pattern on the box so that you're guaranteed to see it no matter what angle you're coming at it from.
We're Sorry Too
We'd love to know the backstory as to why this person's letter showed up looking like an animal had tried to take a bite out of it, but also, why even bother shipping the letter at that point?
This Doesn't Look Obvious, Right?
We're going to give the company the benefit of the doubt here and guess that a computer who doesn't actually read the labels packaged this box, but couldn't the delivery driver have saved you?
The Books Weren't Getting Along
Shipping 27 boxes to send 27 books to the same address all on the same day seems like a perfectly reasonable use of resources, doesn't it? At least you'll have boxes ready for wrapping Christmas presents this year.
Look Up, Look Down, Look All Around
As far as hiding packages from your neighbors goes, this driver did a pretty good job. The chances of someone stealing your package are slim to none, but what if you're not tall enough to get it down?
It Found A New Home
Just because you can make it fit perfectly into the mailbox slot doesn't mean you should. Good luck getting that box back out of the slot without having to rip it open.
Trapped Inside Forever
Sure, this package fits perfectly under the door handle, and you know that whoever lives there is guaranteed to see the package, but the fact that they can't actually turn their door handle to open the door might be a problem.
A Reasonable Excuse
This is one time that you really can't be upset about the fact that the driver refused to leave your package. Your Amazon shipment really isn't worth the life of a UPS driver.
It's Not Delivery, It's Destroyed
What kind of monster would think it's okay to carry a pizza like a book? Everybody knows that this could happen, but never in your worst nightmares did you imagine that you'd be a victim of this cruelty.
Smelly And Disappointing
To make matters worse, the bottle that broke was a bottle of apple cider vinegar, so you can just imagine what that box must smell like sitting in their kitchen.
Delicious Delivery Disaster
Putting a sticker over the opening of a drink when a customer is getting food delivered seems like a good idea at the time...until the sticker doesn't peel off properly and they can't actually drink anything.
Smash Pumpkins, Not Plates
The fact that someone shipped one plate in a giant box filled with half-deflated bubble wrap seems like they were asking for this plate to get broken, but we're not the shipping expert.
Conceal The Evidence
It's nice when drivers take the time to conceal a package from the street so that it's not out in the open for anyone walking by to see, but in a situation like this, you would've been better off not trying to hide it.
What's The Warranty On This?
If you were to get a notification from a store that your package had "minor cosmetic damage," would you expect it to show up looking like someone had run over your toaster with their car? No, we wouldn't either.
The Pile Up Zone
One Amazon driver decided that rather than deliver peoples' packages to their doors like a normal driver, he'd leave them all at the front door and let the building have a free-for-all.
Recipe For Disaster
When you're ordering any sort of liquid online, you have to trust that the manufacturer is going to wrap it properly so it doesn't break. It's completely blind trust, though, because they still do whatever they want. And that's how you end up with a box full of loose hot sauce.
$40,000 Later
You spent years of your life earning that degree, and you'll be paying off the student debt for the next 20 years, but yes, by all means, please bend the degree in half.
Ring The Doorbell Next Time
We appreciate the commitment of this driver for making sure that the residents of this house knew that he had a package for them, but next time you can just ring the doorbell and go.
Ding Dong Ditch
You don't know the driver's story! Maybe he never learned how to read so he had no choice but to leave the slip and take the package with him back to the truck.
It Even Took Down The Christmas Lights
The effort it took to throw a package over the fence into the bushes would've been better used by walking the package to the front door, but this works too.
Hidden In Plain Sight
What would possess a person to think that this was the best way to leave a package at someone's house? Not only is it absolutely not hidden, but it's also in the middle of the driveway ready to be run over.
School-Age Rebellion
Clearly, whoever was boxing up these school supplies was about as excited about the end of summer as your children are, and they took it out on your packaging. RIP to your notebooks.
First Come, First Served
It seemed like a good idea to tuck the packages beside the car on the driveway so no one could see them from the other side, but what the driver failed to consider is all the people walking by.
A Perfect Fit
It's tough for delivery drivers to know what to do when the mailboxes are so small, but there's no way that they were trained to fold vinyl records in half. That wasn't in the handbook.
Looks Like You'll Have To Roll With It
You paid nearly $40 for the delivery of 21 rolls of toilet paper only to get them and realize they're a little...small? It's still plenty of toilet paper, but you have to double-check what roll size you're ordering, I guess.
It's a Fashion Statement
Now you have to be the person who shows up to a different store with your receipt in hopes that you can convince the cashier to take off the tag after you've proved that you didn't actually steal these shoes.
Next Time Just Report It As Lost
If you're going to shred a card this much during the mailing process you might as well just mark it as a "lost" letter and let the person resend it.
It's Just A Little Scratch!
Talk about putting a dent in Christmas morning when the present you ordered for your parents shows up looking like this... Now's the time for you to send it back and demand a new one, then tell your parents it didn't ship in time.
Reverse Reverse
For once you won't need to wait by the front door or refresh your email a million times to get that "your package has been delivered" notification. There's no chance you missed this delivery,
No Need To Get Bent Out Of Shape
If you need to bend a package this much to make it fit, you have to consider that maybe it isn't meant to go in this particular mail box. We're pretty sure the person would rather go to a pick-up post than have their package broken.
Putting Their Best Foot Forward
Oh, you ordered a new laptop to be delivered to your house and expected that the delivery person wouldn't step on your brand new computer? How naive of you to think that.
A Crime Has Been Committed
What kind of monster could commit a crime such as gnome murder and then simply walk away as if nothing happened? He won't get away with this. He has to pay for his crimes, or at least for a new gnome.
Its As Good A Place As Any
Sure, you might have expected your delivery man to leave the package in some boring location like your mailbox or your front porch, but where's the fun in that? You've got to work for it a bit.
Part Delivery Man Part Garbage Man
At least you found the package that was "delivered" to the trash bin at the end of your driveway before the garbage truck did. Plus, this way you don't have to make the long trek out to the bin to discard all the excess packaging.
You're Lucky It Arrived At All
Your package arrived in one piece to your front door, what more do you want? The delivery men can't be expected to read the package and recognize the word "FRAGILE" spelled out in large font.
It Was Shaken And Stirred
Someone spent who knows how much on these chocolate-covered strawberries only for them to arrive at their destination looking like they were already half-eaten. We'd probably still eat them, but it's not the presentation we were expecting.
That Must've Been One Tall Driver
While it certainly keeps the package out of sight from anyone walking by on the street, it also feels like a recipe for disaster. Slam the door too hard and you're going to end up getting hit on the head by that parcel.
You Can Look But You Can't Touch
Of all the places for a driver to leave a giant package, directly across the front door seems like the most inconvenient place. Maybe he had some sort of bone to pick with this family and wanted some payback.
How Else Would You Describe It?
It's funny that the driver left the note on the door and felt the need to specify where the package was, as if the person wouldn't have noticed the giant package on the ground when they were walking past it to get to the note.
Your Signs Won't Help You Now
Whoever was the first driver to place a package on the table despite the signs is the real culprit here. Everyone else is just part of the flock of sheep who were following what the others did.
It Shipped Separately From Everything Else
If you want to talk about excessive packaging, you should be looking at this company that chose to ship one single ruler separate from everything else in the order, in a box that could've fit 50 rulers.
They Were Determined To Make It Fit
Just because they made the packages fit into the mailbox does not mean that you're going to be able to get them back out without further damaging them... Let's hope you didn't care about whatever was in there.
This Is Worse Than Dog-Earring Pages
Though people who dog ear the pages of their books are considered monsters by some, you should at least be allowed to choose how you destroy your books. Having a book show up this bent would not be anyone's first choice.
The Dog Ate Your Greeting Card
We're not really sure what a USPS worker would've had to do to your letter to have it cut up into strips like this, but maybe grandma will send you more cash after you show her the photo evidence...
He's Along For The Ride
Do you think the packager knew that they were taping a spider to this package as it was happening, or was it simply a "wrong place, wrong time" situation for this 8-legged guy?
Hanging On By A Thread
Look on the bright side: at least you didn't get stuck with a driver who was determined to make the package fit in the mailbox. They would've dented or folded your package in the process.