Size Comparison Pics That Will Make You Realize How Small We Are
Sometimes, we all need a good old-fashioned reality check. As humans, we are really quite small in this world, even though our egos are huge. We might cast a large shadow over the world, but there are plenty of things in the world that are way bigger, or way smaller, than we ever realized.
Here are some pictures that'll make you realize just how small we truly are.
Spot The Squad

Here is a picture of some people traveling in the Jordanian desert.
If you squint closely, you'll be able to see the four people riding their horses in the sand.
Whales Have Huge Heads

Here's a picture of a woman laying down next to a whale skull, and it's kind of terrifying.
But, wait, what if that's a bird skull and that lady is just a VERY, VERY tiny person? Food for thought.
Why Does It Look Like He Has No Equipment On Whatsoever

Here's a diver posing next to a MASSIVE propellor. I hope that they didn't start it accidentally or anything, because yikes.
Pictures like these just go to show that we are so tiny in comparison to the machinery that we build.
Bald Eagle's Nest

Okay, somebody stop this nonsense right now, because I had NO idea that bald eagles made nests that were this big.
I guess I should have put two and two together because those things are HUGE.
Imagine Untangling That

Behold, some really, really large anchor chains for an offshore platform. Look at how small these people look amongst what looks like a literal sea of chains.
I'm not sure what they're doing with it, but I'm going to assume that it's going in the water at some point.
King Of The Ocean

It's crazy to think that animals that are this large actually exist.
Whales have terrified me ever since I was young, and I do not think that I am brave enough in the SLIGHTEST to swim with one like this.
Now That's A Big Bush

This is a picture of a 100-year-old bush situated in a Canadian town called Ladysmith.
The lady standing next to this megalodon bush was able to watch it grow since she was a little kid. How sweet.
Dinosaurs Didn't Become Extinct, They Just Learned How To Fly

Here is a picture of a claw of a young Crowned Eagle. If this is a small eagle, WHAT DOES AN ADULT CLAW LOOK LIKE?!?!
I did some research and this breed of eagle just swoops in and grabs monkeys from trees, which is pretty terrifying.
Is It Weird That I Want To Sit In It?

This massive amethyst straight-up looks like the portal to the Nether in Minecraft. I had no idea that quartz rocks could be this big.
Everything else aside, the purple color of this is beautiful.
Absolute Units

These are Clydesdales, a Scottish breed of draught horse. And yes, that is their ACTUAL size.
Although they are huge horses that are primarily bred to pull, surprisingly, they aren't too big to ride.
New Pet Idea

So, this isn't photoshop. It's a real African land snail, and even though it's pretty cute, I am thankful that snails in North America are tiny.
I kind of want to be grossed out, but he's so darn cute because he kind of looks like a rabbit.
Small People, Big Doors

This is the oldest door that is still in use in Rome, and it's freakin' HUGE. The picture doesn't even do it justice, but it's a whopping 25 feet high.
Humans are so small, but we seem to believe that we need huge doors? Where is the logic, people?
Why Does Australia Have Such Large Insects

While out on a walk, this Reddit user found this MASSIVE worm and used their sister's leg for scale.
Don't worry, it's not your standard earthworm, it was near the Minamurra Rainforest in NSW, Australia.
In Case You Forgot - Dinos Were Huge

This is the skull of a Triceratops, and man, look at those horns.
Fun fact: because of the length of their horns, these dinosaurs could easily puncture or rupture internal organs, which would quickly kill even Tyrannosaurus Rex. But, they were vegetarians and only ate plants. Talk about conserving your strength.
Croc Attack

Someone snapped this photo of a MASSIVE crocodile coming out of the water, and it's pretty majestic. His head is at least the size of half my torso.
Man, I would not want to be in a fight with one of these things.
At Least We Have Bigger Brains

Even though we think that we're so above animals, this picture comparing a human skeleton next to a gorilla skeleton may be pretty shocking.
Our genomes compared to a gorilla's genomes are only different by just 1.6 percent.
Nature Finds A Way To Protect Itself

Nature truly is METAL. At first glance, I thought that they were someone's really long fingernails, but these are actually thorns on a plant.
The thought of falling into one of these is actually nightmare fuel.
Apparently, Agave Plants Get Huge

This woman posed next to a giant agave plant in her neighborhood, location unknown (my guess is California or somewhere in Australia).
Thank god for Agave plants, because where in the world would we be without tequila?!
I Wouldn't Wanna Get In The Way Of This Thing

Here's a dude standing next to a replica of a Quetzalcoatlus, which was one of the largest known flying animals of all time.
Their wings apparently stretch to 33 feet when opened up, but I'm out here wondering how it is able to fly with that big beak on its face.
Thanos, That You?

Even though our skeletons are kind of, sort of similar, gorillas clearly have much larger features than us.
This is a picture of someone's hand contrasted against that of a gorilla's, and all I can say is —dang—.
Small People, Big Doors

This is a 6 foot 1 man standing next to a massive door in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, England. Apparently, Michelangelo called them the doors of paradise.
What was the human race's obsession with making such large doors, especially because we're clearly so tiny in this world?
We Really Are Tiny

This is a picture of a girl walking through Sequoia National Park, which is surrounded by groves of the world's largest living things, including trees.
Imagine trying to climb one of these bad boys?
90 Inch Tall Wheels

A guy stood next to a Fendt 1046 rear tire, and this picture is the result. The guy is around 5'9, so it's safe to say that these wheels are huge.
I have never been up close to a tractor, so I'm surprised that the wheels are this tall.
That's A Big Boy

The man here is completing tagging and blood tests for Bison, also commonly known as the American buffalo or simply buffalo.
Just to give you an idea of how big these boys are, this male allegedly weighed over 3000 pounds.
Wolf Or Dog?

Actually, both. This is an Irish Wolfhound held up to scale against his 5'8" owner.
He looks like a really good boy, and I hope that he gets lots of treats. I wonder how big his poops are, though...
We're The Size Of A Femur

This is a picture of a woman laying in between a whale femur (right) and a giraffe femur (left).
It's safe to say that our femurs are truly the size of ants in comparison to these big bones.
The Great Pyramid of Giza

This is one of the best perspectives of this pyramid that I have ever seen.
Pictures like these make it all the more astonishing in how it was built so, so many ages ago.
Star Of The Next Anaconda Film

This isn't your average anaconda. This one is massive, and those people standing next to it could become its next dinner if it wanted them.
How do these things even get so long?
Giant Salt Mines

These are the salt mines of Garmsar, located in Iran.
That human standing in the middle provides the perfect context, as you see how tall and wide it is in there.
The Submerged Part Of The Ice

No wonder the Titanic never stood a chance. With all this ice underwater, a glacier can take out anything that comes into its path without much trouble.
Look how tiny the human is underneath it!
How Long Did This Take To Make?

Michelangelo's David is one of the most recognizable statues in history, but something a lot of people don't realize is that it's far bigger than you think.
In pictures, it seems like it's a life-size statue of a human and would stand at 5 or 6 feet tall, but it actually stands 17 feet high!
Tiny In Comparison To Today

At the time it sailed, the Titanic was considered to be the biggest and best ship there could be, but when you look at the size of it compared to modern cruise ships, it seems minuscule.
It's crazy how things change.
He Seems Like A Fun-gi

Despite what it seems, this is not a ball of styrofoam about to be used in a science project.
It's actually an aptly named puffball mushroom that someone stumbled upon in their backyard.
Fishing For Trouble

One Reddit user seemed to think these knives were meant for use on large fish.
However, if you need a knife this big to deal with a fish, maybe you should just toss it back and get a new one.
Imagine Him Hopping Around Your House

Bunnies are thought of as these tiny, cute balls of fur, but when it comes to Flemish Rabbits, there's nothing small about these guys.
The longest one on record reached closed to 4 and a half feet.
Take A Look At The Next Red Light

Turns out traffic lights are a lot bigger than we thought.
It's not something you spend all that much of your time looking at (hopefully) but they're nearly the size of a full-grown woman.
You Could Make A Lot Of Lemonade

For some unknown reason, someone managed to grow this giant lemon in their backyard, which came from a tree of completely regular-sized lemons.
This guy must have got the most sunlight.
Tornado Alley

If you thought a wind turbine was powerful, look at the size comparison between a tornado and your measly wind turbines.
This is why you don't want to live in tornado country.
You Don't Need Glasses To Read This

One Reddit user says they've always had a fear of a sign falling on them while they drive under them, and now that we see how truly large this sign is, we also have this fear.
It's so much bigger than we thought.
All Hands, And Tusks, On Deck

This walrus decided to block the entrance to their submarine and there's literally nothing they can do about it because it's huge, and he's busy taking a nap for the foreseeable future.
Just let him sleep in peace.