When Clout Chasing Goes Too Far
You may think you're fooling someone on social media when you talk about things you know nothing about or when adding a filter, but using the hashtag #nofilter.
Sure, some may fall for it, but the smart people really know the truth.
Why Not Edit Both?
If she's going to upload a picture where she edits herself in a mirror, why not edit both bodies? She must be new to this.
I wonder how many people commented and told her about the mistake she made. It's blatantly an edit.
Wow, This Guy...
After reading this man's bio, it's hard not to feel bad for him. If he has to go through this much to get a match on the internet, how is he in real life?
These are the people who you need to check on more than others. You need to see if they're doing okay.
"Alex, I'll take 'Things That Never Happened' for $2000"
If this person's daughter really thought like this, she's raising the future first female president. That's a level of thinking that some adults haven't even attained.
More power to her for making such a creative lie surrounding her child. I'm sure she's proud when she looks in the mirror.
How's The Weather There?
If you're going to do a lousy job at editing photos, you must own up to the lousiness. There's no way she uploaded this thinking that people would believe her.
This is like asking your 3-year-old to make a cool photo of you using Microsoft Paint.
Bro, The Score Is Right There
In his defense, he probably didn't know his score would auto-populate after he posted it on Facebook.
Now, on to his flaws. Why would you lie about your IQ? It's things like this that keep the collective intelligence lower than it needs to be.
At Least Be More Slick About It
This guy Rick didn't even bother trying to hide the professional watermark the real photographer uses. It's in plain sight in the photo.
At least he has someone who cares enough to call him out on his lies. That's what good friends are for, anyway.
Lying Over A Backflip
Snowboarding is fun, but it's also hard. If you can fool this many people into thinking you're shredding like that, even if you don't land it, they deserve to get tricked.
Look how epic and professional this looks. Does his "buddy" work for ESPN?
First Time Someone Has Photoshopped Food
Living in a beautiful home shouldn't mean sacrificing your meals for it. If she's trying to advertise for this fridge company, she's got herself a great ad.
It might be a little suggestive, but it gets the job done. What do you think she really has to eat?
She Needs A Little More Help With Editing
As toned as those legs might look, everything isn't what it seems here. If this were real, she would have the waist of a baby.
All the people who liked the photo have no clue that she's out there, getting people to believe it's possible to look like this in real life.
This Is Why It's So Fun Reading Comments
Comment creeping is one of the best things about social media. You might come across a gem like this that reveals the truth.
To their credit, it's hard not to go half chicken and steak when you go to Chipotle. It's an amazing meal, but don't lie about it.
He Made Sure To Let Them Know
Here's a stud who doesn't like people using his likeness without his permission. Certainly, Outside Magazine figured they did nothing wrong here.
Objectifying women is already bad enough, but getting in trouble for doing it to a man is even worse.
Fell Asleep Pressing The Orton Filter
Is this lady serious? Did she really think no one would notice what she did to her face? The poor dog doesn't know that their mother is a trickster.
Pretty soon, she'll start finding cooler pictures of the same dog she has on Getty Images and telling people it's hers.
You're Busted, Dude
Getting caught in 4K is the worst. All this man had to do was keep it real, but he didn't want to do that. Now, everyone who sees this post will know.
Imagine he's trying to get to know a lady, and she finds out this was him—game over right away.
She's Doing Too Much Now
If you're confused as to what's going on here, let me break it down. The first thing is the shape and look of her head.
The next thing is looking at the table. Why is it that the leg looks wavy? Even her ankle has waviness.
Really, Tom Cruise?
If you're going into the salon making the women drop their items like this, you should try and be his stunt double.
Go ahead and tell yourself this little fantasy about how you think you look like Tom Cruise. It's a dream.
He Can't be Serious
Some people have no self-respect. This guy from St. Francis Xavier University is someone you don't want to be around.
If he's willing to lie this hard about his physical appearance, imagine what else he's capable of lying about in the future. He's a wild card.
He really thought he would attain abs like this and not be fit anywhere else on his body? His scrawny arms and missing belly button were the giveaways in this one.
He thought he had people fooled, but some of the comments knew otherwise. Better luck next time, dude.
Time To Practice
Athletes know how badly this swimmer lied. He's looking back because he wants to see how much he'll lose by when he's done.
There's no way he won this, even if he transformed into Aquaman before the real winner took first place.
Something Isn't Adding Up Here
This is so fake, it's almost like a cartoon. I understand that this region of the body is what people like looking at these days, but this out of control.
Stevie Wonder could see that this was fake and edited. There's nothing real about this photo except for the rocks in it.
All For A Laugh
She thought she was being funny, but it ended up backfiring on her. American Airlines didn't have time to play around with this girl.
Some jokes aren't acceptable, even between your friends. She should've kept this to herself.
Nice Try, Lady
She's saying that she wore this outfit to work that day (cape included) and conveniently turned into the marching leader? Cool story, bro.
She planned this the moment she woke up that day. She wanted to get a cool picture for everyone to like.
Looks Like A Total Accident
Is there a such thing as taking an accidental selfie? That would be pretty hard to do, but there could be some truth to this.
She could've been using her camera as a mirror and accidentally pressed the button to take the photo.
Timer Skills On A Million
This woman must practice the self-timer every day. She must also calculate when her husband falls asleep. Overall, she's a champion at taking pictures.
Even if all of that is true, it would still be pretty difficult to get the perfect picture of you sleeping with your spouse.
He Wanted His Ex To See
Sometimes, you have to show your ex that you're doing just fine. If that means pretending to be at the beach, let it be.
That's hilarious how someone caught him from across the way. I know he didn't see that one coming.
Caught In The Act
If you're going to rip something off, don't let it be something that's forever immortalized. This is an iconic character and an amazing drawing.
How dumb do you think this person felt after doing this? Did they really think they would get away with this?
Hurry And Say It
There's a ton going on here. Assuming the person accusing her is correct, why would she put that next to her toothbrush?
Let's say the woman isn't lying and that's a face mask. How does that thing stay on her face without any strings?
A New Level Of Catfish
Did you know people were stooping this low to get a good-looking shot of themselves for social media? This is a new extreme I've yet to see.
It's even funnier because her only response was "Huh?" That's how you know she got caught in the act.
What's Bad Is Thinking Everyone Needs To Know
No one cares if you're stuck at home, and no one cares if you're wearing $800 worth of clothes while you're doing it.
If you want to show people your outfit, do it. That's what Snapchat is for.
Because Getting Compliments Is So Terrible
It's one thing to be grossed out by someone making sexist comments or catcalling you, but being mad that someone told you that you're a guy with nice eyes?
Come on.
It's So Embarrassing Being Successful
If you're going to brag about being in music videos disguised as embarrassed, don't be surprised if no one is buying it.
If it's so embarrassing, why do it at all?
Is His Niece In This Picture?
The fact that he is flexing so hard in this picture is proof that this picture has nothing to do with his niece.
He's just trying to show off his cool muscles on the internet and that he seems loving and cool.
Maybe It Happened In Her Mind
If you're going to tell a pointed story about your ex on Twitter, make sure no one who knows both of you follows you.
People love calling people out on the internet.
It's Important To Be Your True Self
First off, I think we can all agree that her shirt is saying the right message. We should all aspire to surround ourselves with strong women.
Just because she decided to touch up a bit of her look doesn't mean she's not a strong woman.
This All Makes Sense
I'm pretty sure that Pinkberry is exactly the kind of ice cream that someone who has $75 million cash would eat.
It's always seemed like a rich people ice cream to me.
Don't You Hate When That Happens?
How do you accidentally book a hotel's suite and not notice?
It's OK to want to take a luxurious vacation and treat yourself. Just post pictures of how lovely your suite is like a normal person.
Those AirPods Look Fine
He doesn't want us to look at how dirty his AirPods are! He wants us to take in the fact that he has them.
Not to mention that costly bike and watch.
Are People Supposed To Like This Story?
Did anyone read this and feel bad or happy for her at any point? Many kids in the world wouldn't get a car for their birthday.
Now people think she's spoiled.
Just Delete It Then
If you post something to your "wrong account," then just delete it.
If you post it and leave it up, people will know that you want them to see it.
It's Tough Being Smart, OK?
They say that the world is a more accessible place to live in if you're a little dumb.
This person is testing that theory, though. You can be bright and still like the Marvel movies and shows.
Look At All This Random Money
Those bills look way too crisp to have just been sitting back there this whole time.
Most people would notice if they randomly lost that amount of money, even if they have a lot of money.