Tweets About Adulthood That Are Way Too Relatable For Our Liking
So much happens when a person becomes an adult. You take on new responsibilities, you learn how to be independent, you gain more freedom, and you figure out how to exist in the big wide world. That all sounds great, but it doesn't get at the little details of adulting that throw us for a loop every single day. That's what Twitter is for.
We've compiled some of the best tweets about entering adulthood. Keep reading for some mega relatable content.
Another Thunderstorm
We know intellectually that the weather isn't being stupid just to spite us, but sometimes it really does feel that way. How dare it rain again on a Sunday? The nerve.
Trash Talk
When you become an adult, "trash talk" doesn't mean what it used to mean anymore. Now it means discussing the various types of trash cans that you might like to have in your home.
A Reasonable Explanation
If you start to hear a bunch of moaning and groaning sounds, the most reasonable explanation for that is the fact that you're old and it's hard for you to stand up now.
A New Dawn
Adulthood comes in waves. You can weave in and out of it until you're in your mid-20s, and then it's here to stay. This kid may have just had his first adult moment.
Making Music
If you ever catch yourself singing along to the music playing at the grocery store, you might just be an adult. If you find that listening to good grocery store music is the best part of your day, you're definitely an adult.
A Specific Order
Okay, everyone knows that heavy stuff goes on the bottom, produce gets its own bag, as do frozen goods, and all pantry items should be grouped together if at all possible.
That Escalated Quickly
Okay, I'm just chiming in here to say that some adults have panic attacks, but not all of them. Panic attacks shouldn't be a feature of adulthood. Therapy is your friend.
The Joy Of A Good Pen
Are you more of a felt tip or a ballpoint person? I guess it depends on the kind of paper that you're using. Felt tips on thick paper may be the gold standard, but don't get one anywhere near loose leaf.
It Never Ends
Even when you think your dishwasher mission is over, you spot another six plates that you forgot were lurking in the other room (not that there would be space for them in the dishwasher anyway).
Freezer Space Is Golden
I'm about to tell you something that will change your life: get a chest freezer and put it in your basement. Freezer space will never be an issue for you again.
Firm Or Memory Foam?
Obviously, the best mattress situation is a firm mattress with a memory foam mattress topper so you get the best of both worlds. But you have to make sure to secure the mattress topper with sewn-on velcro strips or else you're going to find it half on the floor every morning.
So Many Emails
Well, this is a very comprehensive tweet. Yes, I do find it all very relatable. I currently have 5,922 emails in my inbox. The crowded and lonely paradox hits me at my very core.
Tums For The Win
If you don't have a cupboard full of various antacids in your home, are you even an adult? Heartburn is just a part of growing up. You better get used to it.
What is it? Your pet's name with a number after it? A catchphrase you developed when you were 17? Do you know how easy it would be to hack into all of your accounts?
The Junk Drawer
It doesn't matter how many times you dedicate hours to cleaning out your junk drawer. It will always accumulate more and more stuff. The saga of the junk drawer is never-ending.
The Sleep Paradox
This is the main battle of adulthood. You spend the whole day being too tired to function, and then when you actually need to fall asleep, you can't fall asleep, so you don't get a good night's rest, and then you're tired again the next day.
Snap, Crackle, Pop
If your bones sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies (or, as this Twitter user so artfully put it, a carnival glow stick), you might just be a fully grown adult.
The Wrong Side Of The Bed
Welcome to adulthood, your body is a lot more fragile now. That means that you're going to have to spend a lot more money on things like pillows and back support seat covers.
Chapped Lips
I bet your lips are chapped right at this very moment, aren't they? Do you wish you had some lip balm in your pocket? Of course you do. Everyone does.
Front Left FTW
It doesn't matter which stove we're talking about, the front left burner is the best burner. I will fight you on this. Who even uses back burners? That's for when you're done cooking something so you move it away from the front left burner to let it chill.
A Second Cup Of Tea
This adult-aged human being forgot that he made himself a cup of tea, so he made himself a second cup of tea. If that's not adulting, I don't know what is.
Too Much Information
Okay, I don't know about you, but I'm an adult and normal nail clippers work just fine for me, thank you very much. I don't know what's going on with this guy and his toenails.
Time To Wake Up
That moment before your alarm goes off is the best moment of your day. You have a few seconds of peace and quiet before that familiar ring blasts you into reality.
The Chosen One
Obviously, it's the all-metal one with the very thin edge at the perfect angle. Don't come at me with those silicone covered utensils. Those things aren't doing anybody any favors.
Fresh Sheets Are Everything
They don't even have to be new sheets from the store, they can just be new sheets from your dryer. Do you ever spend all day looking forward to going to bed?
Memory Problems
I know I had a conversation about peeling garlic with somebody last week, I just can't remember if it was with my mother-in-law or the receptionist at the vet clinic.
Not All Dish Towels Are Created Equal
There is definitely a hierarchy of dish towels. The most important factor is color, then absorbency, then texture, then pattern. There is always one towel to rule them all, and that towel is always in the wash.
Too Many Pills
Also, you have a chessboard now, and you know how big a chessboard is because you binge-watched The Queen's Gambit and ordered a chessboard from Amazon the very next day.
A Lot Of Business Cards
Are they your business cards? Are they somebody else's business cards? How did they get into your wallet? There are so many questions that we'll never have the answers for.
Where Are The Scissors?
If adulthood had a catchphrase, it would definitely be, "Where are the scissors?" Why is it that you can never find the scissors when you need them even though you have at least 4 pairs of scissors in your home?
The Plastic Bag Of Plastic Bags
You have no clue how one person can accumulate this many bags or how one plastic bag can fit so many other bags. Yet here you are. You have to get creative with how you use them, but you refuse to ever throw any of them out.
The Holidays Are A Chore Now
Christmas was once your favorite day of the year. You basically got to wear a brand new outfit, eat your favorite food, and get showered with gifts. Now, unless you do that for yourself, you're spending it alone paying bills.
The Voices Won't Quiet Down
You used to think hearing voices in your head was only something that crazy people dealt with. Unless life itself has driven you crazy by now, you just can't seem to quiet the voice reminding you of everything you still need to do.
Pop It Like It's Candy
Except it doesn't taste like the rainbow, makes you sleepy instead of giving you a sugar rush, and a bottle of it could buy you at least 10 bags of skittles.
Relaxing Is Not Your Vocabulary
You don't even know how the list began, but you know that it has no end. It's like as soon as you clean and take one step away, it gets dirty again. If you eat one meal, you already need groceries. It's a vicious cycle.
Dread Over Excitement
You're getting close to running out of excuses for why you're ditching your friends once again for Friday night drinks. You dread events you once thought were fun, and you wish you could just lie on the couch all day.
The Power Of Self-Discipline
It's not that we grow out of wanting to punch some people in the face, but rather that we know that this could lead to a jail stay for assault, and that's just not worth it.
It's In The Little Things
If there's one good thing about being an adult, it's that you have such few moments of happiness that you learn to find it in even the smallest things, like the smooth gliding of a new pen.
The Forced "Morning Routine"
Long gone are the days of sleeping in then winging it in the mirror. You might actually suffer a panic attack if your morning routine gets interrupted, rushed, or doesn't go according to plan.
A System Brings Order
And order gives you control, which brings you peace. You like knowing where things are so you can get in and out as quickly as possible so you can make it to your other 9,999,999 tasks.