Useless Items That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head And Asking “Why?”
Sometimes, looking at things like staircases that go nowhere or a gate people can walk around makes people wonder what the creators were thinking. Well, honestly, nothing. There are just some things in this world that have no solid purpose and, for your head-scratching pleasure, this list is full of them!
How Do You Even Use This Fork?
Forks are supposed to make eating food easier and cleaner. This fork, on the other hand, is pretty much laughing in the eater's face, waiting to see how they're going to go about lifting it, let alone getting food onto it.
Who in their right mind thought a flimsy chain was a good utensil design? Answer: someone who just wanted to sit back and watch the world burn while they laugh with their regular fork.
Too Bad Bananas Aren't Packaged Already...Oh, Wait
It's too bad bananas don't have a protective, biodegradable outer layer, forcing humans to package them with plastic and Styrofoam that won't break down for many years to come, if ever.
Not to mention it's a shame that bananas don't come in a bunch, and that people have to go out and buy them in singles. Oh wait, all of that is false, and these pre-packaged bananas are pointless.
It's Called Fashion
It's not that someone went out of their way to design this pair of heels but that a consumer decided, "yes, these are the shoes for me." The shoes literally look like they were put together incorrectly, with the base of the heel never actually touching the ground.
It's also ridiculous how the main shoe is completely normal, a shiny black closed-toe shoe that just so happens to have an absurd heel attached to it. But, hey, it's called fashion, folks, look it up!
Because Water Isn't 'Diet' Enough
Yes, keeping in mind caloric intake is important to a lot of people in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The thing is, water isn't one of those items people need to "diet" from. In fact, H2O literally has zero calories.
So, either someone on this company's marketing team made a severe typo, or they were trying out something new, seeing if "Diet Water" would take off and they would make millions. Either they have no clue what they're doing, or they're mad geniuses.
Because Swapping Shoes Is Too Easy
First off, wearing white shoes in the rain isn't the smartest plan. They're bound to get dirty from stuff washing off the street and bouncing up and onto the shoes. So, if the umbrellas were to stop the shoes from getting wet and dirty, it's a failed mission.
Was swapping rain boots for heels a foreign concept to this person? Literally, all they would have to do is wear rain boots outside and pack the heels in a bag, switching them out when they walked through the door.
The Most Useless Avocado
This avocado looks as though Mother Nature either forgot about it, took a day off, or decided no one needs healthy fats in their life, so she decided the pit can take up the entire fruit.
This poor person didn't even know they were picking the most useless avocado when they went to the grocery store. That's going to be one sad piece of avocado toast when everything is said and done. Better luck next time!
Thank You For Letting Drivers Know What's Not Going On
Drivers know to keep their eyes on the road, quickly glancing to the side if a sign needs to be read. Well, the joker who designed this sign is not only telling the drivers that it's not in use, they're having them take their eyes off the road for no reason!
Okay, yes, it is a funny sign, and the fact that someone not only designed it but installed it on the side of the road is commitment.
Thank You, Captain Obvious
Well, if this isn't one of the more pointless signs on the face of the earth, then we're not sure what to think. Thank you, grocery store worker, for letting customers know that there are, in fact, peanuts contained within the peanuts.
Seriously, if someone with a peanut allergy touches anything in or around the container, that is 100% on them because there is literally a sign telling them not to.
Too-Short Gate
A parking lot gate has one job: to lift and lower, allowing cars to pass through in an orderly manner. But, no, this gate doesn't have that luxury and might be one if not the most pointless and useless gates on the planet.
The gate hardly makes it over the curb, let alone far enough out to stop a car before it goes any further. But, hey, it's not the gate's fault. The fault lies with the designer.
Never Again Will The Remote Be Misplaced
The person who invented this wonderfully ridiculous remote control headband must have gone through a long period of suffering where he had no clue where the clicker was located.
Clearly, the answer to his problem was creating this headband, complete with a chin strap and Velcro capabilities. This way, he can walk around, knowing that the remote control(s) are safe and secured to their being at all times. If anything, it's a conversation starter.
"No, No, You Can Have The Front..."
The interesting part about this completely useless bus seat is that the one behind it is totally fine. This designer apparently went out of their way to make it so the front seat has zero legroom.
And that's just mean, considering public transportation typically has little to no leg room, to begin with! Come on, folks, this bus is just adding insult to injury in the worst and most pointless way possible.
When The Use Of A Peephole Goes Over The Designer's Head
Someone is getting fired from their door installation job. Was the use of a peephole too complex in their minds that the need for a complete glass window in the door was the answer?
Well, obviously, since this gentleman is now stuck with a peephole and a window, making the former a completely moot point. Well, at least any robbers that come around don't have the option of moving out of the peephole's peripheral vision.
The Most Pointless Bike Lane
Imagine getting out of bed in the morning and deciding today is the day you're going to ride your bike to work and get in a bit of exercise. Then, all of a sudden, the bike lane ends, and you're forced to do a fancy trick up onto the curb, balance like you're on a trapeze, and hope for the best.
Yup, this is probably one of the most useless bike lanes in existence.
At Least There Is A QR Code?
Nothing says pointless like a book of YouTube videos. Seriously, someone walked into a publishing house and said, "I have the best idea ever! A book about the most epic YouTube videos. But, get this, there are only screenshots of the video."
And the publishing house went for it! At least this book is totally useless, giving the reader a QR code on each page to go to the video if they want. Still, it's the principle of the thing!
A Room With A View That You Can't Get To
It makes sense; the architect wanted to make the building symmetrical, putting balconies on all sides and on each level. But, come on, couldn't they at least put a window if a door wasn't an option?
Now, this balcony looks like nothing more than something out of a horror movie with a ghost door and secret floor attached to it. Thank you, building owner, but folks should probably think of going somewhere else for fear of getting possessed.
Is It Too Difficult To Blow On Hot Noodles?
We get it, no one likes getting burned on too-hot food. But it's not really that difficult to blow on noodles the old-fashioned way, with your mouth.
This invention isn't really saving any time, either. If the noodles are too hot to eat, you'd have to hold them up to blow on them first anyway, just like the fan is doing. This pointless chopstick device isn't doing anyone any favors.
The Little Gate That Could Do Nothing
Here, a designer had the bright idea to put a gate in the middle of the sidewalk. Why? Well, that's the question at hand, isn't it? A gate is meant to keep things in or out, but this gate isn't doing either, as literally, everything can just go around it.
But, don't worry, it is the brightest yellow imaginable, so people won't have an issue seeing the annoying this disrupting their morning stroll through the neighborhood.
For Those People Who Want To Water Their Water
How someone messes up the design of a watering can is a question for the ages. And it's most likely never going to be solved. But, here we are, staring at the most useless and poorly designed watering can ever.
Is the slogan for this product something like "A watering can for those people who just need to add a little extra water to their water"? It's all one big question.
The Strangest Warning Notice Ever
Warning signs are supposed to be helpful, keeping people safe from dangerous areas or even things. However, this warning sign is pretty pointless and is really doing nothing more than mocking the person who opened this electronic.
Thank you, warning sign, for warning this person that there are, in fact, no batteries left in the device. Not only that, but the device is warning that they have been removed. Is this person supposed to go on some sort of murder mystery hunt now to find who took the batteries?
This Helpful Yet Pointless Sign
Okay, yes, this sign is helpful for those people who aren't great at reversing their car. But the question still remains, why don't these people just remove the pole? There doesn't seem to be anything around the pole.
It just seems to be a pole in the ground for the sake of a pole being in the ground. We're going to give the parking lot people the benefit of the doubt, though, and assume the pole isn't easy to remove, as it's stuck in a large block of cement under the ground.