These Short People Prove That The World Was Just Not Made With Them In Mind
It shouldn't come as a surprise that short people come into this world having to fight an uphill battle. Not only do they have to climb the hill with shorter legs, but they also have to do it with tinier brains. Just kidding, obviously.
Just as the world really wasn't built with people who are over 7 feet (I'm looking at your airplanes), it also wasn't made for short people. Other than not being able to ride roller coasters, always getting ID'd at the bar, and never being able to touch the ground when they're sitting — they also face other challenges that we never think of.
End Mirror Discrimination
It's a continuing battle between short people and public washroom mirrors. The mirrors have to play to the average height of its users which means that short people often get the, uh, short end of the stick?
At the very least, at least they can see exactly what their forehead and a few their eyebrows are doing.
The Forsaken Cupboard
In a way, this could be a good thing for short people. If they have to go full American Ninja Warrior just to reach the top shelf where the cookie jar is, it may deter them from eating it in general.
This is perfect for anyone looking to go on a diet or even train for the next season of American Ninja Warrior.
Laundry Is More Difficult
It just seems that being short adds unnecessary difficulties to everyday life. Who would've thought that you'd have to pencil dive into your washing machine just to get clothes out?
Someone needs to make sure that this girl doesn't get too ambitious and end up doing a handstand to get that last sock at the bottom of the machine. Coming up, a picture that will give short people some purpose next time they're around an average sized person.
"I'm Down Here"
Don't even get me started with short people and pictures. They completely ruin the opportunity to have a nice centered picture.
If you don't cut off half of their head than you'll sacrifice the heads of the average people at the top of the lens, and we all know that can't happen.
Normal People Have To Do Yoga To Get Water On Their Head
There's nothing worse than being an average height person and showering in a short person's shower.
You literally have to do insane yoga and gymnastic poses in order to get your entire body under the shower head. This picture perfectly describes the struggle.
They're Perfect Height For Something
If you're short and are looking for some positives about your height, just know that you make a great armrest.
When an average height person's arms get tired, just shimmy on over to them and allow them to rest their soulless arm on the top of your head. It will make their day. Just ahead, a picture that shows how the gym is not a place that short people feel welcome.
Even The Friendzone Is Affected By Height Differences
It's one thing for a guy to be taller than a girl, but it's a completely different thing when the girl is taller than the guy.
Not only does it affect your masculinity when you're shorter than your date, but it's also just not practically efficient. For this guy to put his hands on her waist, he literally has to stand on a boulder. My thoughts are with this dude.
Not Necessarily Eye-To-Eye
One of the complaints that a lot of short people have is that they end up talking to people's chests instead of their faces.
When someone says "my eyes are up here," it's not always the short person's fault. Sometimes they don't want to extend their neck in order to be able to see your face, so they choose to just, uh, stare directly ahead.
It's A Workout Just Being Able To Use The Machines
You know you're short when it's basically a workout just to be able to reach the machines.
This girl is having to do box jumps just to latch onto the bar. In a way, it would be kind of beneficial in a way, because you'd have walked out of the gym having doubled the workout of any normal sized person. Coming up, a picture that shows that short people have an advantage when looking for dancing partners.
It's hard to take anyone who gets angry seriously when they're really short. You basically need a cell phone to hear what they're screaming at you.
If someone is closer to the height of an ant than they are to you, you can't even begin to feel intimidated.
It's Hard To Look Professional When Your Feet Are Dangling
There's nothing less intimidating than seeing someone who can't touch the floor when they sit on a regular sized chair.
It's also almost impossible to look like a professional if your feet are just dangling back and forth in the office. They take two big losses here.
Your Slow Dance Partner Pool Is Very High
There is a positive to being "height challenged," and that's the fact that you can dance with basically anything and anyone.
If you want to waltz with a squirrel, you can do it. If you want to slow dance at a wedding and don't have a partner, all you have to do is grab the dog. Coming up, a picture that proves the creativity of short people is unmatched.
This Could Be Seen As A Positive
This might be one of the big positives of being short. You can spend less money on clothes and bikes because you can buy children's sizes.
Kids clothes tend to be a lot cheaper than adult clothes. And kids bikes are about half the price of an adult bike. That's a big win for short people.
Walking Is Actually A Slight Jog
The act of walking is even difficult for short people because their legs don't cover as much ground as someone who is of average height.
They will either fall behind, or they have to transition into a slight job just keep up, which is a lot of energy that they have to use.
They Have To Get Very Creative
One skill that you can't take away from short people is their creativity. For them to maneuver their way successfully through everyday life, they have to get creative.
If you can't reach something that's high, you have to use your resource management skills to figure out a way to get the job done like this person in the picture. Coming up, a picture that shows that even short people need somebody to lean on. Literally.
Public Discrimination Is Rampant
It's overlooked just how much short people are made fun of and discriminated against.
Often times, the discrimination comes in the form of graffiti that's out of the reach of their hands, which leaves them feeling helpless and sad. More attention needs to be brought to this.
When you're short, you basically need to have steps with you everywhere you go. There's no easy climb into bed, into the car, or even into the shower.
Very soon it'll be socially acceptable to see short people carrying around steps with them in public. That'll be the day.
We All Need Somebody To Lean On, Especially Short People
Short people need some stability too. If you ever ride public transportation, you know that it can sometimes be a bumpy ride.
If you're too short to hold onto the hanging grips, but you don't want to fall over, this type of companionship is sometimes your only answer.
Sometimes You Need A Talking Head
While this is mildly creepy, it's kind of genius and hilarious as well. There's nothing that says "I'm going insane" quite like talking to a paper cutout of your co-worker.
It works even better if you really don't like your co-worker and want to give them nightmares for the rest of their life.
There's A Whole Other World That They'll Never See
It's sad to think that many short people will only ever be able to see half of what average height people see on an everyday basis.
For example, when they go into a grocery store, they can really only see the first three shelves, which cut their options at least in half. It's a true shame.