These People Tried Their Best And That’s What Matters Because Absolutely Nothing Worked Out

I’m all about encouraging people to step out of their comfort zones and try their hand at something new. Trying new things is how you learn. As Miss Frizzle always said, “Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!”

Well, that works sometimes. But other times people should really just stay inside their safe bubbles and stop trying their best because it never works out. Seriously. I’d prefer if that the UPS driver didn’t deliver the package at all, instead of leaving it the way they did and ruining someone’s day. These people all tried their best, but they shouldn’t have.

This Kid Just Didn’t Want To Bother His Parents

he can go permission letter.jpg

Photo credit: @PorshaaEscobar / Twitter

Parents get busy and having to sign another field trip permission slip can be exhausting. This kid clearly was just trying to help out his parents by signing it himself. And he signed it twice to make sure everyone knew he could go.

Maybe next time leave the adult business to the adults.