These People Failed So Hard That Their Souls Are Going To Need Some Serious Resuscitation To Get Back To Normal
It shouldn't come as a surprise that life is a little bit unfair. Every day is filled with more steps backward than forward, and more failures than successes. Luckily, most of us are able to bounce back and pick ourselves up after we stumble.
Unfortunately for some people, their setbacks are so embarrassing or awful that it's almost impossible to recover. Thankfully for us, many of these moments were caught on camera for our entertainment.
Light Up Some Redneck Incense
If you can't afford incense, there are some other options that you can explore to get (close) to the same results.
One of them is to take some cheap, raw spaghetti noodles and light them on fire. This is more for the aesthetic and less for the smell. Also, it'll set your fire alarm off. Just a fair warning.
You're Just Not Recovering From That
There's no way that a grown man will be able to recover from this public humiliation. Not shoving your fingers into the holes at Chipotle seems like something you'd tell your three-year-old son.
What would make this even worse is if they had to call in the jaws of life from the fire department to get it out.
We Know Who Lost Halloween
While we're usually looking at the winners of Halloween, the losers tend to just slip through the cracks without any ridicule.
Girl's will literally try to make any occupation look sexy. Rumor has it that next year the "sexy mortician" outfit is going to hit the shelves with a bang. Can't wait. Coming up, the exact reason why Facebook should have a literacy test before you're allowed to sign up.
That's A Weird Looking Hippo
Well, we don't know much about the person who designed this little kid's shirt, but we do know that they weren't a zoologist.
When has a hippo EVER had a single horn on the front of its face? This is disrespectful to hippos, and we shouldn't just let this happen without consequence.
This Is Appropriate Compensation In My Opinion
Having your car get clipped in a parking lot is no fun. Most of the time the person who does it just drives off, and you're left with the bill.
In this case, the person had a conscience and decided to not only leave a note apologizing, but also left one of the best Pokémon cards of all time. This is more than appropriate compensation.
You Had Two Chances it Right
A spelling and grammar test should be mandatory before people sign up for Facebook. It would save A LOT of reputations.
If you don't know how to put a full sentence together, you completely discredit whatever you're trying to say. This guy had TWO times to get it RIGHT and he failed both times. Just ahead, a mistake that will make a girl not want to leave her house for at least a month.
This is either blatant ignorance or marketing brilliance. If I'm seeing a Shell gas station or a Ha Anal gas station, you already know what one I'm going into.
Even if the Ha Anal gas station is more expensive or harder to pull in and out of, you will still see my money be spent there.
WHERE Is The Common Sense?
You would think that Where magazine would've at least taken a double look at their cover and thought, "I don't know, maybe we could place her head in a better spot."
The head placement turns this magazine quickly into a rated R issue, and it's absolutely hilarious.
That Didn't Work Out As Planned
It's almost impossible to keep up with all the tools and tricks that girls use on their face makeup.
This eyelash curler looks like some sort of torture device that you would've seen in the Medieval Times era. It might as well have been a torture device to this girl, because it just ruined her month. Coming up, the first ever picture of an alien and they don't look like what we imagined.
You Just Did That. You Just Put That On Social Media Forever
Before social media was around, people could do dumb things and say ignorant statements without the entire world knowing.
That's just not the case anymore. Has someone thought a bidet was a water fountain before? Probably. But was it posted on social media? No, so this girl got the brunt of the embarrassment.
This Is Disgraceful
It's safe to say that some people should just never be in a kitchen. They're the people who can't cook a grilled cheese without setting the house on fire.
They're also the people who put a frozen pizza into the oven upside down and completely mangle it.
Send Her To Area 51 Immediately
I don't know what's happening to this girl's fingers, but whatever it is, it needs to be addressed by a medical professional.
We could have our first ever spotting of a real-life alien. We see you E.T. Just because you're wearing a wig and a bathing suit don't mean we can't see right through your disguise. If you're a coffee drinker, you're not going to want to see this picture coming up. Cover your eyes.
That's Not Chocolate
The evolution of soap has been confusing and unnecessary. Why can't we just go back to the classic bars of soap?
Why does soap now have to look like the most delicious piece of milk chocolate that you'd find at a high-class wedding? This is just a recipe for disaster.
A Lesson They Will Never Forget
When kids are at the age when they're just hitting puberty and hormones are raging, they can turn anything dirty.
By mixing up orgasm and organism, you've just invited a year of dirty jokes at your expense. They will not forget so don't even hope for it.
Don't Talk To Me Before My Morning Coffee
I think it should be put into law that if you drink coffee, you shouldn't have to talk to anyone before your first cup in the morning.
There should also be a law that says if anything happens to your coffee (like in the picture), you should legally be allowed to go back to bed without punishment from work or school. Coming up, a very sad attempt by a delivery person to hide a package.
You're Not Turning Into A Princess Today Lady
This girl messed with the wrong frog. She figured if she kissed it that she would turn into a princess, but Freddie the frog wasn't about to let that happen without a fight.
Freddie is sick an tired of being used as a pawn for girls to become royalty. No one ever asks how he's doing, or what his hobbies are.
This Little Girl Nailed It
The problem with pictures is that they last forever. This little girl is so off the mark that it's actually comical.
I'm not actually sure what she's trying to do, but it looks like she's about to karate chop someone's throat in the most aggressive fashion. That is a power stance if I've ever seen one.
"Please Hide It So It Doesn't Get Stolen"
It's becoming all too popular for your Amazon package to disappear off your front porch.
People have started making a point to tell the delivery driver to hide their goodies in an attempt to stop this thievery. This driver took all of one second to find the "perfect" spot under the transparent mat.
That's A Crappy Beach Day
Can we just talk about how good a seagull's life truly is? They get to hang out by the beach all day and scream at the top of their lungs whenever they want and not feel any consequences.
On top of that, they get to eat fries and hot dogs every single day without having to worry about body image AND they get to poop on people whenever they want.
This Is Actually More Practical
I don't know about you, but I'd rather get a bouquet of asparagus than flowers. Flowers are an overrated gift because you literally can't do anything with them.
At least with asparagus, you can use them for dinner that night. Flowers just sit in the corner of a room, get ignored, and then go into the garbage a week later.