These People Failed Miserably At Being Intelligent Life-Forms
Judge these people all you want, but you know that your brain has totally checked out at one time or another. Sometimes, we all forget that we're supposed to be intelligent life-forms. Whether you put your phone in the fridge by accident or forgot how to use words for a minute, we're sure you can relate to the people on this list in one way or another.
Keep reading to see some people who forgot to put their thinking caps on.
She Doesn't Need More Money
People, this is a public service announcement. Kylie Jenner doesn't need your money. She has plenty of her own perfectly good money. Give your money to people who can't afford lunch.
The thing is, Kylie did actually become the world's youngest billionaire, so these aren't just stupid people— these are stupid people who know how to accomplish a goal. I mean, Kylie did earn some of that money herself, but the donations certainly helped a bit.
That's Not How You Use A Clipboard
Clipboards have clips on them so that you can hold papers in place. There's no need for tape when you have a clipboard on hand. Maybe that's what the mandatory meeting is about.
Everybody in the office needs to be in the board room at 8 AM sharp because clipboards are no longer an adequate or acceptable way to affix paper to a hard, portable surface. It's tape's time to shine now. Clipboards had their moment.
An Accident Waiting To Happen
It's probably not the brightest idea to smoke a cigarette right next to a propane exchange. This looks like an accident waiting to happen. Can't she just move a little to the left?
Actually, can she just move a lot to the left so she's nowhere near a gas tank? They say that smoking kills, but we're not sure that this is what they meant. It would be even better if she just stopped smoking altogether.
Don't Microwave Tinfoil
Have you ever put metal in the microwave before? These people learned the hard way that metal shouldn't ever go in the microwave. They tried to microwave a whole ball of tinfoil...
You know you've messed up when you start to see those blue lightning bolts shot across your microwave. Anybody who's accidentally left a little bit of the foil wrapper on a stick of butter they were trying to melt knows exactly what I mean.
They Asked For It
Look, we're not saying that you have to take a fancy limo to your wedding, but at least have a friend drive you in their van or something. Uber Pool isn't the way to go.
What did the other people in the Uber Pool think? Didn't they have a right to be upset too? They weren't planning on being anywhere near a wedding that day. Was the bride already in her dress? Was the groom in his tux?
There's A "0" Birthday Candle For A Reason
This guy can't seem to fathom why there would be a 0 birthday candle. Have you ever heard of the number 10, Jack? Or 20? Or 30? Maybe this guy just can't count.
And so what if somebody wants to celebrate their kid's 0th birthday on the day that they actually give birth? Let the people have their fun. If somebody wants to blow out a 0 candle after they just went through 20 hours of labor that's their prerogative.
That's Not Appropriate
This Canadian news channel decided to show a photo of a white girl at Coachella in a headdress while discussing serious crimes against aboriginal people. Yikes. You can do better, CTV.
To be clear, the crimes against aboriginal people being discussed did not involve cultural appropriation at Coachella. That's a discussion for a different day. Save this picture for that news story, though. We're going to need it later. White people, please stop wearing traditional native headdresses.
Maybe Realize Something Else
This person had a realization that the bumps on his steering wheel are actually braille. Hate to break it to you, bud, but blind people don't drive. Also, that's not what braille looks like.
If this was braille, it would just be a bunch of jumbled letters. Those dots are just there so sighted people can get a better grip on the steering wheel. There are many little bumps in this world and not all of them were put there to spell words.
That's Not A Phone Holder
This person thought that the cassette player in her sister's car was a phone holder. Well, it is absolutely not a phone holder, and it scratched up her phone screen.
This girl is definitely not a '90s kid. If you grew up in the '90s you would know exactly what a cassette player is for. Clearly this girl has never seen a cassette tape in her life. Remember when car radio dashboards looked like this?
He's Not Smoking
The kid who took this photo sent it to his mom to prove that he was at his friend's house. His mom asked what Sam, the kid in the red shirt, was smoking. He's just drinking a Capri Sun.
At least this mom is concerned about her son and his whereabouts and what he's doing, but do you think if he was actually smoking something he'd send a picture of that to his mom? He knows better than that.
The Infamous Christmas Squid
This person's mom bought some new Christmas wrapping paper. But she confused everyone by buying wrapping paper featuring a Christmas squid. Her family didn't realize that that's an upside-down reindeer.
That year, the Christmas squid was born. He's now a legend in this family ,and stories about him will be passed down from generation to generation. He's just as important as Rudolph or Santa at this point. We salute you, Christmas squid, bringer of ink and Christmas cheer.
Standing In Line
This woman is waiting in line to buy a shirt for her husband. What she doesn't realize is that she's standing behind two mannequins. That line isn't moving any time soon.
How long do you think it will take her to realize that those gentlemen aren't human? She was probably standing there for a good five minutes before she noticed. It was definitely long enough for her friend to snap this hilarious photo of her.
This Art Piece Got A Ticket
This is obviously not a functional truck. It was an art piece that was installed outside a building. Some parking officer still gave it a ticket, though. Maybe the ticket is part of the art?
Who looks at this and doesn't realize that cars, trucks, and motor vehicles of any kind are not able to bend at that angle? They say good art is subjective, but I'm not sure that this is what they meant.
Delicious Soup
This man was all excited to make his wife a home-cooked meal. He looked up a recipe for chicken noodle soup. All was going well until the recipe told him to strain the soup. Oops.
When they said to strain the soup, they didn't mean strain it into the sink and dispose of all of your delicious soup. So much hard work just went right down the drain (literally). Doesn't this guy know that chicken soup is liquid gold?
Kim's Giveaway Glasses
Kim Kardashian thought it would be a good idea to wear mirrored sunglasses to a poker game. Needless to say, she lost that game. This is what happens when you prioritize fashion over function.
Although, it's possible that she would have lost the game anyway. This girl might have some good business sense, but she isn't known for being the sharpest tool in the shed. It's a good thing she doesn't need the money because she has no future as a gambler.
Flip This Pic
Somebody posted this picture on Facebook and then asked if anybody knew how to flip it so the kid in the picture would be facing forward. Lady, that is not how pictures work.
You could flip this photo so the kid was on the left if you wanted. You could even flip the kid upside-down. The only thing you can't do is make the front of him magically appear when it isn't in the image to begin with.
Installed On...
This smoke detector has a blank space on it so that people can keep track of when it was installed and when it needs to be replaced. We know that it's on the ceiling...
You don't need words to tell you where it was installed. You can just look up and see where it is. What you do need is words to tell you when it was installed. We'll just assume it needs to be replaced since whoever installed it wasn't the brightest.
That's Not The White House
Whoever printed Donald Trump's name on this $5 bill has no idea that the Lincoln Memorial and the White House are two different places. This really isn't a good look, Trump fans.
Maybe Trump should move to the Lincoln Memorial. He could learn a thing or two about American history there. Then when he's ready and he passes all of his history tests, we might let him back in the oval office. You should have to know some American history to be president.
She Got Catfished
This girl posted this picture on Twitter with the caption, "I look crazy but I saved a baby shark." Girl, that is not a baby shark, that is a catfish.
This is not what people mean when they say they got catfished, but this catfish did literally catfish a girl. Maybe this is where the term comes from. Catfish do kind of look like baby sharks. Oh no, now we all have that baby shark song stuck in our heads.
It Was An Online Class
This professor was very disappointed when nobody showed up to his class. He sent an apology email a few minutes later. He didn't realize that he was teaching an online class. Should this guy really be a professor? How did he manage to get a Ph.D.?
Nowadays, every professor is very aware of the possibility that they might be teaching an online class. Before 2020, that wasn't necessarily the case. Everyone just assumed that their classes would be in lecture halls. Oh, how times have changed.
A "Pink Rectangular Tablet"
Turn that "Z3d" tablet upside down, lady. That's a Pez candy that you're looking at. Pez is mostly sugar, so there's no need to be concerned. It's pretty harmless. It's also delicious.
The sad thing is, Pez was super popular in the '80s. It was even more popular then than it is now. How has this lady never seen Pez candy before? Did she have no childhood? That might explain why she's so worried about illegal substances.
How Ice Works
OK, so, you put the water in the bottle. Then you put the whole bottle in the freezer. Then the water turns into ice while it's already in the bottle. Get it now?
We really hope that this person is joking because we can't imagine anybody being stupid enough to think that ice stays solid at room temperature. Did this person even go to school? If they did, this really says a lot about our education system.
When Your Password Is "Password"
These days, everyone knows that people hide keys under the mat. You probably shouldn't do it even if your mat is totally opaque. If your mat is just a bunch of holes, then you definitely shouldn't do it.
Find a better hiding place because someone is going to walk straight into your home, take all of your valuables, leave and lock the door behind them. You would never even know they were there until you realize that all of your jewelry is missing.
A Domino Effect
The AAA guy is supposed to help people get out of a jam, not create more problems. What if the second AAA guy also locked his keys in his car and the cycle continued forever?
This seems like some kind of comedy sketch only it's not really all that funny. Let's just hope that they got the keys out eventually and everybody learned a valuable lesson about putting their thinking caps on before they operate heavy machinery.
She Asked For All The Angles
This woman got into a car accident and her insurance lady told her to take pictures of the "front, rear, and side views." She didn't realize that she meant "of the car."
Maybe when you text your insurance person you should realize that they're talking about the thing that you pay to insure. Maybe she thought she was talking with her health insurance person. Maybe she really did have a head injury and that's why she's not thinking straight.
Not A Robot
This company printed out that captcha thing that computers do to check that people aren't robots. This isn't as effective in analog form. We sure hope people walking into car dealerships aren't robots.
Also, we're pretty sure that robots who are advanced enough to fool us into thinking that they're human are perfectly capable of checking a box and telling a lie. Have you seen Westworld? That stuff is scary. We are not prepared for a robot invasion.
The Artist Formerly Known As Leonardo Da Vinci
Did Leonardo da Vinci change his name to Leonardo DiCaprio, or is this person just experiencing a moment of utter stupidity? We're thinking it's the latter. The sky does look nice, though.
Maybe Leonardo Dicaprio does have a whole secret life as a renaissance painter. Maybe he has a sensitive side and acting doesn't fulfill his need to be artistic in every possible way. His body may be a work of art, but we're not sure that he knows how to paint a work of art.
The Red Hot Chili Pipers
This person thought they were going to see Flea tear up the stage. Instead, they got a group of men in skirts playing bagpipes. This is either the worst mistake ever or a happy accident depending on how you feel about bagpipes.
We're guessing that most Red Hot Chili Peppers fans aren't so fond of bagpipes. That's what makes the name of this bagpipe group so ironic. People who like bagpipes can like the Chili Peppers, but we're not sure that works the other way around.
Why Vaccines Are Important
The reason plagues go away is either because the plague kills a lot of people and the rest of the population develops herd immunity, or because a vaccine is created. Of those two options, you want the vaccine.
Vaccines cause mild discomfort for two seconds. Plagues cause mass death and disease for years. We're definitely going to choose the lesser of those two evils. Even if you hate needles, you have to admit that a little prick is better than dying.
Steve And Brian From Next Door
If you name your dog Steve, you're just asking for a mistake like this to happen. It's not so bad to be called Steve. It could have been worse. His dog could have been named Mr. Floofy.
Also, if your name is Brian and you give your dog a human name knowing full well that Family Guy exists, then that is kind of on you. Everybody already associates your name with a dog's name anyway.
Talk About Supply And Demand
There's never a good reason to steal a dog. However, this person saw an opportunity to try and market his new furry friends to someone who might be looking for a pair of pooches.
Those dogs certainly look like the missing Maltese males from the "lost dog" poster. Well, the good news is that they have been found. We're not sure that this person is going. to get the reward, though. Maybe the reward is that someone takes the dogs off their hands.
This Is Sound Advice
Learning a new language can be tough, and most of the time, we learn just enough to get by. That might mean knowing the word for 'hamburger' or "bathroom." We give these people credit for consulting Google Translate. Really, this whole mix-up is Google Translate's fault. However, no matter the language, we should never dumb here.
We should also never use "dumb" as a verb. These people get a pass because they're not working in their native language.
A Long Shot
That first experience of driving a car can be terrifying. Our parents try and teach us to use our blinkers, but where were they on that first trip to fill up at the gas station? This girl has clearly never put gas in a car before. She's also never seen anybody put gas in a car. How is that even possible?
How has she never seen a gas tank get filled up before? This is a new level of inexperience.
Quick Maths
Algebra is pretty daunting, especially if you're sitting in a zoom lecture and look away for a second before seeing half the letters crossed out. As long as you get the right answer in the end, that's all that matters.
Sorry friends, but this is not how math works. You can't just cross out letters when they're part of words, and the word "six" made out of half of sin and an x variable isn't the number six.
Some Adapt To Their Surrounds Better Than Others
Animals don't get enough credit for adapting to everything we humans throw at them. While these animals have learned they can cross over the top of this highway, these people are looking to push through and totally ignore a good idea.
Maybe these people could learn a thing or two from our furry, four-legged friends. Don't walk through fast-moving traffic. It's not going to end well for anybody involved. Just walk to a traffic light or use the bridge that's literally right there.
Sometimes You Have To Overexplain Your Instructions
This must be an early riser who is trying to get through the morning without a cup of coffee. Luckily, they received a very detailed step-by-step instruction on how to eat a bagel.
It's good that they were told to remove the plastic before chowing down because without those instructions, they could have eaten a whole sheet of plastic wrap. These parents have absolutely no faith in their kid. Trust that you raised a person smart enough to eat a bagel on their own.
Petition To Rename It Zebraforce
You have to admire this man, who isn't afraid to ask his friends for a little help. I'm pretty sure you have to pass some kind of intelligence test to go on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, but it looks like the nerves really got to him.
We think that Llamathrust, Donkeystrength, and Zebraforce are all way better words than Horsepower. Although, when you think about it, "horsepower" is kind of a weird word.
We Are Doomed To Repeat History
It's products like the Pet Rock or Fidget Spinners that continue to prove that any idea can make you a millionaire. Whoever said a pair of googly eyes can't brighten your day?
At least fidget spinners do something. They have a mechanism that moves. Pet rocks don't really do anything that a regular rock can't do. Every generation has their weird quirks. Maybe gen Z will be into elastic bands or something else super mundane.
When You Cried Wolf One Too Many Times
Most people have considered blaming their dog for eating their homework when they simply forgot to do it, but has your dog actually eaten your homework before? Well, it finally happened, so hold onto this picture to get you out of your next deadline.
That is one guilty looking dog. At least there's photo evidence of this incident or else nobody would believe that it actually happened. Poor pup doesn't know that she actually did you a favor.
This Is Why Shorts Are Better For Climbing
This is what happens when you make a simple task more difficult. Some people see a fence and immediately want to jump over it, but as you get older, you learn that it's not worth the public embarrassment.
Is this guy not wearing any underwear, or did his underwear just get pulled down with his jeans? Either way, this isn't a great look. Just walk around the fence like every other normal person. Why be a hero?