These People Committed Serious Crimes, But Not Really, But Kind Of
Let's be honest here, we all know someone who is kind of a criminal, or at least has criminal tendencies. They're the ones who continue to blow your mind by doing dumb things, yet you can't ditch them because they're so gosh darn entertaining.
Unfortunately for them, I don't think that everything they do is all that fun. But, fortunately for us, this article has compiled all of our almost criminal friends and put them all together.
A Perfectionist's Nightmare
If you want to make a perfectionist mad, just show them this picture. To them, this is worse than literally anything else in the world.
They could walk by a triple homicide and not bat an eyelash, but if they walked by this, they would basically have a heart attack.
That's What You Get For Over Fishing
I don't know what this guy did, but I hope he likes to eat fish. Red Lobster isn't even the worst restaurant to be punished at.
This would be a lot worse if they sent you to an Olive Garden or an Applebees. The service is awful and the food is, well, plain to say the least.
There Are Better Ways To Show It
Most of us absolutely adore our mothers and we all have our unique ways of showing it.
This kid decided that they wanted to engrave it into the side of her car so that she never forgets. I guess it's an expensive backhanded compliment? Coming up, a tattoo that isn't just illegal, it's a life sentence.
Goodluck At College, Sweetie
There's the right way to send your kid to college, and then there's this way. Goodluck to any guy who even looks in the direction of this girl at college.
This is the kind of dad that's in the bushes just begging someone to approach his daughter before he can karate chop their throat.
Not The Worst Secondary Option
When you're right on the cusp of being the legal drinking age, it's almost impossible to stay away from alcohol.
This store warns you that it's illegal to purchase it if you're under 18, and even gives you an interesting secondary option. No, you can't taste the tequila, but you can taste the rainbow if you want.
This Is Worse Than A Life Sentence
You'd think that people who are about to give themselves ink that's going to stay on them for a lifetime would double check the spelling first.
Let's hope that this guy likes chives because he now has "A chive" written on his hand forever. Coming up, thigh master packaging that'll make you hope whoever created it is serving jail time.
Why Some People Shouldn't Step Foot In A Kitchen
It shouldn't come as a surprise that some people just aren't made with the right skills to be successful in the kitchen.
Some of us can't even cook a grilled cheese without almost burning the entire house to the ground.
Driving — You're Doing it Wrong
There's a special place in hell for people who can't drive. If you don't know the basic signs and road markings, then WHY are you on the road?
This person is about to meet the front of about seven bumpers once that light turns green, so it's safe to say they need to brace for impact.
That's Uh, Not Your, Uh, Thigh
It shouldn't come as a surprise that one of the biggest aspects of selling a product is having an enticing packaging.
The light green is great, but the person using their arms to show off the thigh master is missing the mark big time. Coming up, an American comes across a bidet for the first time, and well, nevermind.
Ignorance Is Bliss
Honestly, in a way, I'm jealous of this person. Maneuvering your way through life with this type of ignorance would be freeing to say the least.
There is a point that your ignorance isn't bliss anymore, but I don't think they have reached that line quite yet.
...Because You Can't Text On That Phone
Can someone tell this girl that she's going to be waiting a long time for a text back on that phone?
That thing looks like it hasn't been used since the 1960s. Also, can someone tell this girl that whatever "text" she sent with this phone didn't get through either?
Don't Drink The, Oh Nevermind
When Americans go to Europe, there's some serious culture shock. One of the biggest is the bidets that they have to help you wash up after going to the washroom.
The fact that this girl thought that they were mini water fountains is both disgusting and hilarious at the same time. Coming up, a small grammar error that completely backfires on someone.
Strike One, Strike Two
This hurts me to look at. It's one thing to spell a word wrong once, we all do it. But that's what second chances are for, and this guy blew that too.
If this girl finds intelligence sexy at all, we already know that she saw this post and immediately broke up with him.
This Is Devastating To Look At
It's okay to screw up cooking ANYTHING else other than pizza. There's nothing quite like the feeling of knowing that you're about to indulge in a nice thin crust pepperoni.
The devastation that occurs once you realize you're not getting the pizza is actually crippling. I can't imagine what this person was thinking.
In This Case, Be That "You're*" Friend
It's really embarrassing to have this on the back of your truck, to begin with. It's even more embarrassing when you have a simple spelling mistake.
This is the one time it's appropriate for your one grammar nazi friend to be vocal about spelling mistakes. But after they make their point, they need to be quiet. Coming up, the ONLY real way to protest gas prices that will catch the eye of the public.
I Think You're Doing It Wrong
Ah, the classic clean freak who can't ever get their hand off of a vacuum or a broom. They'll literally vacuum sand off of a beach.
These are the people who will punch you in the face if you take one step into the living room with your shoes on. They're dangerous.
Mmm Beef Flavored Ice Cream
Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if Ben and Jerry's saw that there was such thing as Beef flavored ice cream and made one of their own.
They'll literally make any flavor as long as they can jazz up the name to make it sound eatable. Pickle Banana Tomato Taco Cream Swirl coming right up.
That's One Way To Make An Exit
When you want to make a point to a gas station that their prices are too high but you're too scared to do it vocally, this is the second best option.
If you rip one of their gas hoses out, it's the international symbol of protesting gas prices. If everyone does this, then we can eventually get free gas hopefully.
Cats Are Taking Over The World
Can we just talk about how cats are quickly taking over this world? They're learning to open doors and talk, yet we're sitting there like nothing is happening.
No, Whiskers is going to murder you in your sleep because he's a malicious predator that we let wander around in our house without supervision. We need to be more careful.
Shame Doesn't Even Begin To Describe It
I don't know what these two kids did to get this punishment, but it must've been really bad.
At least they're not looking at each other in the eyes while they're holding hands. There's no getting your reputation back after this.