These Beauty Fails Absolutely Ruined People
Makeup is not an easy thing to learn how to do. I have tried to be good at it, but I'm just not. I always end up doing something wrong and then I just look like a fool.
I'm more in the category of people who are better known for their makeup fails. But hey, I can't say I've ever dropped all my makeup in a toilet.
I Can Hear The Sound Of It.
That inevitable crash that comes when you drop your make up. Next thing you know there is eyeshadow dust flying all over the place.
Of course, this only happens halfway through doing your makeup.
That Looks Great.
This makeup artist wants us to believe that that foundation color is the perfect color for her skin.
I'm no expert, but I've gotta say, that is a little orange.
We've All Been Here.
This is a double whammy. She's got the bad bangs and terrible curls. At least those curls can be brushed out.
Those bangs, on the other hand, might be too far gone.
Are You, Though?
Last time I checked, rocking that all-natural look did not include scary eyebrows and half a tube of eyeliner.
The natural look is coming to work with your mustache unwaxed and pimple blaring.
This Is Kind Of Adorable.
Petition to start calling false lashes eye weaves. It's more fitting, I think.
I imagine it is frustrating to find them all over the place, especially since, from the corner of your eye, they look like spiders.
So Disappointing.
It's always a bummer when you get something new that you're excited to try and it ends up being a total dud.
When will we learn that drugstore makeup isn't worth the risk?
There Is A Lot Going On Here.
I do like her hair, it's a really pretty pink. But those eyebrows are something else. Where did her real ones go?
I feel bad because obviously she feels confident and that's what matters, right?
Hey, You Tried.
And that's what matters. I don't believe contouring is something normal that people are good at.
It's like some kind of black magic that makes you look like the Bratz doll version of yourself.
Well This Is An Epic Fail.
At what point did this person not see that what they were doing was clearly not working.
It seems like there were a lot of moments where she could have paused and realized this was a mess.
At Least He's Honest.
Not all of us are good at makeup, as we have discussed. But, even fewer of us know that.
It's better to walk around with no makeup than wear bad makeup thinking it's good.
What A Beautiful Princess.
That is quite pink! It's a bold move and it suits them. Looks like they were going for the matching nails and lip look.
I would be so mad if my dog looked better in my lipstick than me.
Well, This Is Kind Of A Disaster.
The longer I look at this, the worse it gets. She's a pretty girl! She doesn't need a mountain of foundation and uneven eyebrows.
Don't even get me started on her lips.
An Attempt Was Made.
Looking at this hurts my brain, especially the eye make up part. These two people tried their best and that's all anyone can ask.
I do have one question, though. Why leave the house when you know it's not working?
This Pains Me To Look At.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that this might be one of the worst things that ever happened to this person.
There is probably over a hundred dollars worth of makeup in there!
Poor Girl.
This is a look, though. I don't hate it. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing this around on Instagram and Snapchat until it becomes a thing.
Some of the best inventions came by accident.
Melted Lipstick
It's awful when you go to do a touch-up and see that your lipstick has melted into the tube.
I feel like not leaving your make up in a hot car is makeup 101.
This Is Always So Frustrating.
The most frustrating thing about this situation is how hard it is to clean up all that fine powder.
It sticks to everything! It's never going to come out of that brush holder.
I Am Horrified.
How hard did she pull have all her eyelashes come out!? This isn't a problem that's easily fixed, either.
She's got to wait for them to grow back. Will they grow back?
She Has A Point.
The Too Faced Chocolate Bar pallet does smell like a delicious candy, so this is kind of on them.
That little girl looks like she regrets nothing which leads me to believe it might taste good, too.
That Little Paw!
We aren't going to shame this poor little dog for wanting to feel glamorous, are we?
A little highlight is essential to any look and this little pup is rocking that color.
You Can See The Sadness In Her Eyes
This woman went to someone who has the audacity to call themselves a makeup artist.
She wanted the look in the picture and instead, she ended up looking like a washed-up 80s rocker.
This Is Making Me Want To Barf
Everyone knows that the bottom of a purse is basically a void where all things disgusting go to never be seen again.
That's why it's so upsetting when your lipstick opens up and becomes a magnet for those things.
It Really Matches His Skin Tone
To be fair, he was being a good sport when he let his young niece do his makeup.
She just happens to be one of the makeup artists who love to lay on the highlighter.
What A Waste Of Everything
There is this dreaded moment when you open up your makeup bag and see that your foundation exploded all over your other makeup.
Now you need a new foundation, a new makeup bag, and probably a new everything else, too.
Always Put Your Contacts In First
Imagine getting so frustrated that your fake eyelashes weren't sticking and you finally put your glasses on...
... and see it's a fly you've been trying to stick to your eye.
Don't Believe Everything You Read Online
This person read that if you put your beauty blender in the microwave you will be able to clean and sanitize it.
Well, guess what? No part of that is remotely true.
You've Got To Do What You've Got To Do
I'm actually surprised that the cat decided they were going to lie still enough for that.
It seems to me that they should have just run away in shame but also pleased they messed up their human's picture.
Ok, The Makeup Isn't Bad!
The makeup may not be bad, but the stain on her collar certainly is.
Good luck getting that foundation out of her shirt at any point in time because it just isn't happening.
Makeup Artists Don't Always Know Best
There comes a time in everyone's career when they wonder, "Is this really for me?"
That should have been the question this makeup artist was asking after thinking that this was a perfect match.
They Regret Nothing At All
That is the face of a dog who does no regret eating last seasons' heinous pink lipstick, not even for a second. It really is her color, though.
Blondes can always pull off that kind of pink.