Tech Fails Scarier Than Not Being Connected To The Wifi
You know the feeling you get when you've been watching videos online for a while, and you look up to the corner of your phone screen and see that you haven't been connected to the wifi and you've been using data this whole time?
That's probably how every tech person feels when us not too tech-savvy folks bring our embarrassing mishaps to them begging them to help.
Looks Like Marshmallows
So this person didn't understand why it smelled like melting plastic in their house even though their space heater stopped working. Once they found this, it became obvious pretty quickly.
"Mom, What's Wrong With Your Screen?"
There is no shame in wanting a screen protector for your phone...but this mom didn't quite get that far. She used the protective plastic on the screen protector for her screen and threw the actual screen protector away.
That's A Lot Of Wax
Do you know where a great place to put your candle is? Not the top of your computer. I'm not an expert, but that looks like too much wax to come back from.
Those Dang Packages
Is there anything worse than those plastic packages that have no opening? They're so frustrating that you do hasty things like this and cut the cord of your brand new mouse.
That Is One Broken Laptop
This person brought this computer in to be fixed because they "dropped it while walking." A likely story seeing as the Super Bowl had been the day before. We all know what happened here.
Is That A Dessert?
It's probably not that uncommon for someone to think that their iPad is a cutting board, especially with the way they make the cases look these days. Let's hope it's a sturdy case.
That Phone Is Going To Die
Let's try to not be too negative, because the bright side is that they got the phone into the cradle, just not with the right side up. Let's hope it's an easy habit to break.
Did It Work?
This person broke the glass on their phone and thought that if they took it off they would still be able to see the screen. Spoiler alert, it doesn't work.
That's One Ominous Sticky Note
For those of us who don't know much about computers, this might not really seem like a big deal. Here's another question, though, who goes around closing laptops in an office?
How Does This Even Happen?
OK, people, come on! Who is silly enough to think that they can just put the paper with the wrapping on it in the printer and it will still work?
What On Earth?
If you saw a tiny hole at the bottom of your new phone, what would your first thought be? Well, apparently this guy thought it was a space for him to put a screw. Just because.
That's A Lot Of Cut Cords
This is what happens when your moderately sized company doesn't have an IT guy, but some serious IT problems. They cut all the cables because they couldn't figure out how to get them out.
"It Didn't Fit"
Yes, it's a very frustrating thing to try and plug something in that isn't fitting where you want it to, but we should all know better than to bend the pins to make it work.
It's Right Twice A Day
This lady brought her new phone into the shop because she didn't understand why the clock on her screen wasn't working. Turns out she didn't take the sticker that comes with new phones off of it.
This Is A New One
This person was told by their IT department that their computer had a virus and they had to send it away to get it fixed. They literally thought the computer was sick and contagious.
It Probably Still Works
Has this person never seen speakers before? We can only hope that this mishap hasn't made the sound terrible, because that would be a real shame. Wouldn't want anything embarrassing to happen.
Shouldn't She Get That Fixed?
This person thinks they hit the jackpot when their phone broke like this. She likes it better this way because she can use her phone without having to pick it up.
"Why Is My Computer Overheating?"
This person put a bunch of tape over their fan because they didn't like the noise that it made while she was working. Why does a computer need a fan, anyway?
Ah, Yes, The USB Port
Have you ever been so angry that you can't get your USB into the computer that you literally want to take a hammer and just hammer it in? Well, this person did.
Classic High School
The disk drive wasn't working on this computer, and no one could really figure out why. All it took was someone taking the whole thing out to see this dumb prank.
This Is Pure Chaos
I get the need to charge your cellphone no matter where you are in the world, because who wants to be without one? But this is crazy and just asking for a broken phone.
An Attempt Was Made
So you bought the wrong size of screen protector for your new tablet. It doesn't have to be the end of the world. If it sort of fits, why not use it anyway?
That's A Lot Of Ink
Here's a fun fact: if you try to vacuum that all up, it will just spray the toner everywhere, so really, if you find yourself in this situation, it's better just to accept it.
What Is Even Happening Here?
Do you know what is insane? Using hangers as part of the network cable. This just looks like a setup for the utter disaster that's bound to happen at any minute.
That's One Use For It
When you don't need a computer anymore, there are lots of good things you can do with it, like recycle it or donate it. Using it as a doorstop isn't the best idea.
This Gives Me Anxiety
This person called up their son and asked why their computer was so slow. It could possibly be the fact that she has eleven toolbars in her browser on her computer.
Who Is Going To Tell Them?
There is this funny thing about magnets where they erase the information on devices like floppy disks. Too bad that system restore disk will never be seen or heard from again.
Keyboards Are Made Of Plastic
Spilling water on your keyboard is stressful, and you want to get that water out of there ASAP. What you don't want to do is use a hair dryer to try and dry it.
Hey, If It Works
This person shattered the screen on their computer, so they somehow got this old screen from another computer all connected to use instead. Is this insane or is it brilliant?
Which Was There First?
Not sure that the bathroom is the best place to set up a mini server room, seeing as it's generally a disgusting and damp place to be. Who are we to say, though? I don't work in IT.
That's One Way To Handle It
To be fair, there are a lot of buttons on a TV remote that seems unnecessary most of the time. This person just wanted to make things a little easier for their parents.
She Looks So Happy
She took some pictures of herself with her new, but outdated, camera phone and then printed them off and sent them in the mail to her grandkids. That's a lot of effort for a picture message.
It Could Happen To Anyone
This person called their son because they didn't understand why everything on their computer was moving backward. That tends to be what happens when your mouse is backward on the mouse pad.
Sorry What Was That?
This is a valiant first effort at a text from this person's mom. It's hard to get a handle on all those little buttons. She'll get it in time. We just have to have faith.
Emojis Are Like A Different Language
They take a long time to learn. For all we know, the person on the receiving end of this laughing face also thinks it's a crying face and so all is right in the world.
Capturing A Beautiful Memory
He's going to remember his daughter's engagement forever now with this beautiful selfie he took by mistake. At least someone else was there to take the picture for the family.
This Is A New One
What do you have to do to make it so that you start getting ads on your home screen? That's a new one that even the most tech savvy of all people haven't faced yet.
It's A Smart Move
This guy got a brand new iPhone but his new case hadn't arrived in the mail yet. He didn't want to take any chances, so he left in the box until the case came.
Don't Believe Everything You Read On The Internet
This woman saw online that the best way to keep your phone from exploding was to charge it while it was in a baking pan. First off, no one's iPhone is exploding, secondly, there is no way this is true.
Do You Think It's Working?
This woman thought that if she stacked her computer on a bunch of books that it would get better internet. Honestly, it seems plausible, but we know now the internet doesn't work that way.