Students That Prove Our Education System Teaches All The Wrong Lessons
What's there to say about school? We're forced to be in it for all of our childhood and into young adulthood. But what do we actually learn? We're told that book smarts will get us farther than street smarts, but is that really true?
If you can solve for "x" but don't know how to do your laundry without setting your entire house on fire, is that really a win? The people in this article have fallen victim to our failing education system, and I'm not going to lie, the results are hilarious.
Welcome To Adulthood
Going to college and growing up sounds great in theory, but it's really anything but. It's the first time that you realize just how expensive life really is.
You no longer can just go to the grocery store and get whatever you want. You literally have to look at prices. Yes, cheese is expensive and yes, avocados will bankrupt you.
Someone Didn't Go To Grammar Class
When you graduate from high school or college, you expect to be a genius, but that's never the case.
For most of us, we struggle to put one foot in front of the other and don't even get me started with grammar and spelling. Coming up, a student tries to weigh themselves on their iPad, and well, yeah.
Reptiles, Shmemptiles
Don't we all hate those people who take one zoology class and think that they're all of the sudden animal kingdom experts?
Meanwhile, they think a pork loin is a lion that's weirdly made up of pig meat. In this case, they think that squirrels and dolphins are reptiles which is blatantly wrong.
Sam And Ella? That Must've Been Some Kind Of Creme Egg
I don't know who Sam and Ella are, but they must be some tasty individuals. I don't think anything bad has come from a creme egg.
I really don't understand why they only appear in mass during Easter because they're one of the best chocolates ever invented.
The iWeight Didn't Go So Well
I don't know what level of schooling this person had, but I think they need to go back and double their time.
Unless they were about to weigh a snail on that thing, you're asking for trouble by standing on your iPad. It's basically built to break at any given moment. Coming up, a student bathroom that has a warning sign against peeing in the, well, you'll just have to see it to believe it.
Well That Took An Awful Turn
So if there was ever a time when spelling matters, it's reading these tweets about cologne.
There are certain words that completely transform with one or two missing letters, and this case certainly isn't any different. Let's hope that one girl doesn't have the smell of his colon on her fingers because that's absolutely repulsive.
This Hurts My Soul
What's going to be really interesting to see going forward is if kids can tell time on a traditional wall clock.
Most young people will have no reason to look at a wall clock when they have a digital one on their phone. Let's also not forget that people don't wear watches anymore for time — they do it as a fashion statement.
Talk About Peeing In The Wind
If you need to have this sign up in your school bathroom, the future probably isn't so bright for the rest of us.
The fact that kids are peeing into a hand dryer and probably getting tons of backsplash and enjoying it is really concerning. Coming up, student cooking that will give you food poisoning just by looking at it.
She's THAT "Cool Auntie"
Almost everyone can relate to that crazy single aunt that shows up at every family gathering with the weird stories and boxed wine.
She's the one that's always giving relationship advice yet she hasn't been able to keep one herself for more than two weeks.
I don't know what school is teaching our young people, but they're no longer able to separate literal tasks from figurative ones.
This is an excellent example of what can happen if you turn your logic button off, and idiocy one on. The only good thing to come of this is that at least both cakes were delivered.
Literally Died And Went To Heaven
Why doesn't school teach us the basics of life? No, I don't need to learn this 19th calculus theory, but I would like to know how to cook chicken without giving myself food poisoning first.
Why do I have to know how to solve for slope but can't learn financial literacy and how to do taxes? Coming up, the perfect hiding spot for alcohol if you're a fake bookworm.
Think It Through Johnny And June
I'm completely against getting couples tattoos in general, but if you're going to get them at least do them right.
Getting a couples tat is a life sentence to that person, so it probably warrants at least a second thought. They need better friends to tell them that this really doesn't make any sense at all.
That's Not Right, But It's Not Wrong Either
If you're looking for coconut water, which is delicious by the way, and you end up with a Coke and a water, you didn't necessarily lose.
I will concede that coconut water is the better option of the three, but if you're going for quantity over quality then the second option is the winning one.
The College Cabinet
One thing living in a residence at college will teach students is how to successfully hide alcohol.
The lengths that you'll be willing to go in order to ensure that your alcohol stays hidden is insane. This person literally built a secret compartment in their bookshelf and I can relate on every level. Coming up, the drastic measures that Millenials will go to in order to be "present" in class.
I Would've Accepted That
Honestly, if I was the teacher in this situation, I would just give them the marks. There was obviously some deep thought that went into this answer and I think it should at least be rewarded with part-marks.
While the context of the question may not result in 'love' being the right answer, he's technically not wrong about it.
Boxed Wine Becomes A Student's Best Friend
What you'll find out as a broke student is that boxed wine will become your best friend. And, just like a best friend, you'll try to take it with you everywhere you go.
This guy came up with one of the best inventions of the 21st century by making his box of wine into a backpack.
When You're Late For Your Test But Your Friend Has Your Back
This is what happens when you have an exam on a Friday morning and it's Thirsty Thursday the night before at the local watering hole.
At about midnight you accept that you're not going to be able to get out of bed so you, do some damage control and get your friend to virtually be in the class to yell "HERE."
Well That's Very Inappropriate
It's becoming more of a thing for teachers to start dating their students. It seems that every day you hear of another incident involving a teacher and a student.
This must be the way that they sift through the interested ones. This teacher gets an "A" for their persistence.
When You're Trash, You Wear Trash
When it's finals week and you feel like absolute trash, it just makes sense that you wear it too.
By this time in the term, you're emotionally and physically drained by all of the work. You can barely get out of bed before noon anymore, and truthfully, the only thing that gets you out is the stress of five exams in four days.
Snacks On Snacks On Snacks On Snacks
Not only does finals week take a toll on your sleeping habits, but it also affects your eating patterns as well.
It seems that, like clockwork, your taste buds just disappear at the end of the semester and you will literally snack on anything. This picture perfectly shows that.