Instances When Safety Clearly Wasn’t A Concern For These People
For most people, safety is of the utmost importance in their life. They wear seat belts, follow instructions, think before they act, doing pretty much everything to keep themselves out of harm's way. Of course, there are outliers who like to live their life on the edge or who don't even consider the consequences of their actions. This article is about those kinds of people. Take a look at some individuals who threw safety right out the window for reasons nobody knows.
What Could Go Wrong?
Nothing is safe about power tools and heights, right? These guys have either done this before or have absolutely no idea what they're doing, but either way, it's not the best idea.
We're surprised that those thin pieces of rebar can even support the concrete, let alone the guys jackhammering away at it. It appears that no hard hats or goggles are needed for this job either! We sure hope their project manager doesn't walk in!
Where There's A Will There's A Way
With a situation like this, a safer option might have even been landing a helicopter on the top of the roof. Being on the roof is dangerous enough without having to scramble up in the unsafest way possible.
We're going to assume this man's wife has been telling him to put the Christmas lights up for a month and now he's scrambling to get the job done. Maybe he should have planned ahead of time instead of risking his neck.
Now That's Thinking Outside Of The Box
We're not sure how this guy has access to a crane and a sit-down lawnmower but no ladder or hedgers, but we admire his creativity. This may not be the most effective way to go about this task but it sure would be entertaining to watch.
Also, who's in control of the crane? Because if he's all on his own, we no idea what his plan is. We can hear his wife yelling at him through the screen.
Self-Proclaimed Technician
Usually, when someone doesn't have the correct plug for an outlet, they go to the store and buy one like a sensible person. But not this person, they decided to risk their life in order to get the power that they needed.
While we do have to tip our hat to the ingenuity, we highly doubt that this even works in the first place. Someone give this person a few bucks so they don't kill themselves next time!
Adding Insult To Injury
If you're unaware what the orange device is, it's a form of power wash to clean out your eyes in case you accidentally get chemicals in them. Now, imagine running over to this thing to save your vision only to get electrocuted in the process.
Surely, somebody had to have realized that this wasn't the brightest idea. Maybe it's just a form of encouragement to be careful around the chemicals in the facility. But still, nobody deserves to learn that lesson.
Nothing Like A Flammable Welding Mask
The point of a welding mask is both to protect your eyes from the brightness of the flames as well as your face from any sparks. This man's mask doesn't accomplish either of these. On top of that, he's using a newspaper to protect his face which is flammable.
All it would take is one spark landing in the perfect spot to set that whole thing alight. He should probably invest in the proper equipment on his next paycheck.
A Seasoned Mechanic
It looks like this guy trusts two pieces of 4x4 more than a jack, which is literally designed to lift up a car. But hey! To each his own though! He must really be in a rush if this is what it came to fix something under his car.
The real question here is how he managed to get the car on its side in the first place. We highly doubt that he used those pieces of wood!
Taking The Route Of Most Resistance
Although we respect this man's dedication to getting the job done, there has to be a better way than this. Even if the laws of gravity and friction might make this seem like a good idea, trust us, it's not.
One wrong move and that ladder is going down, and the worker right behind it. Maybe that's his plan all along. As long as he doesn't die he'll get workman's comp for the foreseeable future.
Hanging Out By The Water's Edge
There are so many things wrong with this picture we don't even know where to start. At least the guy on the ladder isn't stacking multiple on top of each other like some other people we've seen. But what's up with the guy sitting on the bucket of the backhoe?
We can guarantee that's not part of his job description and he would definitely be fired if his boss decided to stop by. On top of everything, that current looks pretty strong!
Ladders On Ladders
Sometimes, people are so desperate to put a little effort into something that they take matters into their own hands, no matter the risk. It looks like these people needed to change a light bub at the highest point in their house and only used what they had available to them.
Instead of going and renting a ladder fit for the job, they thought it would be a good idea to stack ladders on each other instead. They better hope it doesn't all come crashing down, literally.
No Mask, No Problem
Sometimes you just forget your equipment at home, but the job doesn't stop. Right when this guy thought he would have to explain himself to his boss for being forgetful, he had a bright idea.
He probably went and dumped out the rest of the animal crackers out of that bucket, and got to work. Is this even close to being as safe for the mask designed for this type of work? No. Will it still get the job done? Probably not.
Flying By The Seat Of His Pants
We hope this guy wore pants a few sizes too small when he decided to fix this air conditioner. If not, his friends might find themselves holding on to a pair of pants without anybody in them. We will admit that this is some serious team effort.
It looks like even the neighbor decided to lend a hand. If this guy did manage to survive this endeavor, he might want to invest in an air conditioning unit that fits into the window.
The Last Thing You're Supposed To Do
Understandably, wood chippers should only be used by people who know what their doing, which this man clearly does not. Even if it's not running, you should never put any part of your body near the blade, it's powerful enough to turn tree trunks into smithereens!
Freak accidents happen all the time, and nobody wants to lose a limb, especially to a wood chipper. Have you ever seen the movie Fargo? It's not a pretty sight.
Double Whammy
There are a few seriously wrong things with this whole situation. First off, using a plastic bag as a defense against sparks flying into your face probably isn't effective whatsoever. Those heated pieces of metal are just going to end up melting right through.
Second, putting a plastic bag over your head is never a good idea. That's how you end up suffocating! Did he not learn anything from his mother? Well, at least he's wearing gloves... we think.
Please Stop It
First of all, we just want to point out that there are tables behind them that are designed for this kind of job. But, it looks like they are already being used to hold wood, so logically, this is the next best option.
What we really want to know is how they decided who had which job. Did they play rock-paper-scissors, flip a coin, or this is always how they do it? The guy on the ground needs to get a new job.
Got Him By The Scruff
We don't think that there's a single construction job out there that's so important you have to be held by your shirt off the side of a building. The only reassuring thing about this picture is that he has something to stand on, but even that doesn't really matter.
The real question is, why is this even happening? What is so pressing that they're putting this man's life at risk? This is something you see in action movies, and they're even more cautious than this.
No Equipment Necessary
A lot of planning, safety equipment, and stable structures are necessary for most construction jobs. This is so the job gets done in a safe and efficient manner, but that doesn't seem to be the biggest concern here.
Not only are these construction workers not wearing harnesses, but they're also standing on strapped together pieces of bamboo! They must feel extra alive every day when they clock out knowing they survived another day on the job.
Push It To The Limit
If this person didn't have a ladder to get that high up, how did he get on top of the doors in the first place? The slightest shift in his weight could end in catastrophe and most likely a trip to the hospital.
There are so many terrible ways this could turn out, it's best to not find yourself in this situation in the first place. Hopefully, nobody comes into that room unexpectedly or it's game over.
Sleep Deprivation Can Be Dangerous
Most people prefer to take naps in the comfort of their own beds or on the couch, but this man likes to live life on the edge. Looks like he just finished up installing that air condition unit and needed a cat nap, or maybe he just wanted some time alone outside of the house.
He better hope that he doesn't have a nightmare or isn't woken up suddenly or else those dreams you have that your falling might just become a reality.
AC At All Costs
We get it, nothing is more miserable than not having air conditioning, especially when you need it the most. But is it worth hanging off the side of a building for? Does anybody trust their friends as much as this guy?
Not only could the weight get thrown off and cause the ladder to fall, but the whole air conditioning unit could come unattached and it's game over. Pro tip: Maybe call a landlord next time instead.
A Master Of Balance
Nothing says "bored at work," quite like a man using a fork lift to clean the overhead lights. Seriously, this guy is either not afraid of heights or extremely afraid of getting fired if he doesn't clean the dust away from the light fixtures.
How he thought balancing on that palate on two narrow pieces of a lift was a good idea is a question for the ages. Hopefully, someone was close by to catch him if he fell.
What's Better Than One Ladder? Three!
Honestly, this person must have fallen off a ladder one too many times to think putting a ladder on top of two other ladders is a good idea. What are they doing anyway, changing a light bulb?
Most people would prefer to go about walking the staircase in the dark instead of climbing that rickety ladder in hopes of making it to the top, unscrewing a bulb, recrewing in a new one, and safely making it to the bottom. Thanks, but no thanks.
Sorry, Find Another Fire Exit
We're going to take a wild guess and say this person either doesn't care about his job or just really doesn't care if there is a fire and people need to quickly get out of the building. Seriously, they had one job -- to put the shopping carts away.
One would think common sense would have them stack the carts in some other location, but who are we to say? Some people just don't give one care.
When You're Channeling Your Inner Cat
Apparently, no one told this man that he, in fact, isn't a cat. We're also going to make a wild assumption that if he was a cat in another life, he was most likely one that spent its days lounging in a sunbeam and not pretending to be a gymnast balancing on the top of a door.
Has he never heard of a ladder? You know, those things that humans are meant to climb in order to reach high objects?
Nah, It Doesn't Look That Hot
The fact that this person allowed this wiring to get so hot that one of the nuts and bolts literally turned red is a huge testament to their home renovation expertise. They didn't notice that the thing hooked onto the bolt is completely burnt?
It's amazing that the entire house hasn't burnt down! But, don't worry, folks, just because the hardware looks like something out of a cartoon doesn't mean this person doesn't have an objective. What that is, is just up in the air, is all!
When You Think You're An Acrobat
This man obviously had a game plan. To say it was a good game plane would obviously be lying, though. Balancing a block of wood on a pipe in order to balance a ladder really isn't the smartest way to go about getting on a roof.
But, hey, who are we to say. Maybe this man is an acrobat and has mad balancing skills. Unfortunately, we highly doubt that's actually the case.
"Don't Worry; I Have It"
There is something to be said about friends. They're there for you when you need them most. In this case, the friend really could have been left at home since he went along with the other man's genius idea to balance a ladder on a ladder for the sole purpose of trimming the hedges.
News flash, the shrubs aren't nearly as important as keeping your neck intact! Hey, at least the man on the ground is there for stability and moral support.
Bring On The Balancing Act
While bamboo is a very sturdy piece of wood, it doesn't mean people have to use it for a construction project. In most cases, workers make planks out of long and thick pieces of wood.
Here, that concept is just way too easy. They wanted construction to be a workout that may or may not result in plummeting to the ground since bamboo is, you know, completely round and has a tendency to get slippery when wet!
No Friend? No Problem!
It looks like this guy's partner was out, so he had to improvise on how to keep his ladder stable when he climbed to the top. So, clearly, the best way to go about maneuvering up the ladder is to clamp a piece of wood to the bottom.
See, stability! Honestly, it's amazing this person was able to find a solid piece of wood and not one but two clamps. Was there not a single person around to help for a minute or two?
Team Work Makes The Dream Work
Hopefully, these workers have good insurance through their company, or else this little bit of safety is so not worth it. "Little bit," because they're all technically strapped in with a harness.
Not so little because they might be strapped in, but that strap is connected to the person below them. So, in case they fall, someone will be able to catch them. Pretty much, they're all hoping their catcher has the upper body strength of Captain America.
Hey, It's Head Gear
In the most dad move ever, this man decided he needed to appease his partner and wear some headgear while cutting into the concrete floor. Well, what happens when safety goggles and a hard hat aren't readily available?
Apparently, a bucket is the next best thing. It's just too bad that a flimsy plastic bucket isn't going to stand up to a power saw! Can he even see properly through that thing?
It's A Wood Chipper Not A Leg Chipper. Duh!
There is a lot to be said about a hard-working individual. But after a hard work day, a lot of brain cells go out the window. In this case, the brain cells that tell bad ideas from good ideas decided to go home early.
Friend, we know this machine is technically a wood chipper, but it won't think twice about taking that foot and leg and chipping away at it like those logs. Here's to hoping he at least turned everything off first.
Plastic Bags Are The New Safety Goggles
It doesn't look like anyone clued this teenager in; safety goggles are hard and are meant to protect your eyes from any flying objects. Does that sound like something a flimsy plastic bag is going to be able to do? Answer: no.
But, hey, he's working with what he has. Even if what he has is a plastic bag that is more than likely going to tear to pieces once a stray piece of flying wood hits it.
This is Why Neighborhood Dads Shouldn't Get Together
The amusing part about this picture is that what they're "fixing" is probably such a minuscule issue that doesn't need four people. But, hey, when one dad gets tools out, all of the sudden, three more are in the yard, flocking to help.
In this case, the help could have been left in their respective homes. "Hey, Jim, stand here. We need to make this short ladder taller." Overall, brilliant idea. Not!
Move An Inch, Fall A Few Feet
This man clearly thinks he has super-spidey balancing abilities because he took the concept of safety and threw it out the window and into the great beyond. Honestly, painting the side of the building can't be as important as not breaking every bone in your body.
How he managed to balance that ladder on the tiny edge of the railing and the wall is another question in and of itself. There must be a mattress are something underneath him!
Balancing Game Is Strong And Horrifying
Sorry, but there is no way a manager would approve of this worker going full-on balancing act on a scaffold. He couldn't lie down on the planks to the right and stretch to nail in whatever he's nailing into the wall?
The best part is there is someone with him! Don't worry, though, at least the other guy made sure the one doing the ridiculously unnecessary acrobatics wore his hard hat out onto the ledge. That's a good friend.
Wheels, Man. It Has Wheels!
It might look like a ladder and it might be able to be used as a ladder, but that doesn't make it a ladder! The thing literally has wheels. And the fact that this guy isn't stretching that far makes us wonder why he didn't just go with a good old-fashioned chair.
But, who are we to say. Obviously this guy has buns and a core of steel if he's able to balance and not going flying to the ground.
Small Surface Area, Meet The Wheel
As this post suggests, yes, sound footing for scaffolding is needed to ensure proper safety! Obviously, that measure was overlooked, or the workers just didn't care, considering a wheel is on top of something with a ridiculously small surface area.
One wrong move, and whoever is walking, climbing, or sitting on the scaffolding is in for a horrible surprise. Well, it shouldn't be too much of a surprise since the safety measure wasn't exactly "safe."
Sketchy Ladders Make The Best Ladders
Ladders are sketchy to being with, but this man just added on a whole new level of "no thank you" to the workmen's tool. It's almost like he woke up one morning and asked himself, "how can I make an already dangerous tool even more so?"
Well, he answered that question for himself, adding a ladder to hold up the already too-long ladder so he can paint a roof. Is going on to the roof too easy now?
"Just A Little Help From My Friends"
Friends don't let friends do dumb things alone. Case and point, this photo of four men trying their hardest to use every single ladder they own for the sole purpose of installing what looks like a light bulb.
There's a dad joke in there somewhere. But for now let's focus on the absolute jungle gym of ladders and men these four drew up in order to help their friend reach the roof. Don't worry, though, they're all safe. One of them is supervising.