Nautical Fails That Prove Not Everyone Should Operate A Boat
When it comes to operating a boat, it is not the same thing as driving a car. The water alone can cause mishaps if you don't know how to navigate the current correctly. Some of these people couldn't even get to the water because their boat toppled off the trailer while they were still on the road! From sunken boats to yacht fires and collisions, these fails go to show that driving a boat isn't all sunshine and mist rainbows.
Buried In The Sand
Remember as a kid when you would lose something to the sea and hope it'd wash back up on the shore? This is like that, only the thing lost isn't a toy or a boogie-board, it's a boat.
We can just imagine the owner of this boat being out on the sea and suddenly having to evacuate. Perhaps it toppled over, leaving the riders in life-jackets out in the water as they watched the current yank their boat back to shore.
Not The Best Parking Job
We're no boating experts, but this certainly isn't the way you park at the marina. Perhaps they hit something that caused a leak, resulting in the boat tipping to its side. For all we know, the photo could have been taken as the boat was sinking.
You've got to love the guy in the background just standing there and watching. At some point, you've got to accept that there's nothing to be done until help arrives.
Going Up In Flames, On The Water
It seems improbable that something could catch on fire while sitting in a body of water. After all, water is what puts out fires! Clearly, this image proves that watercraft are just as flammable as land vehicles.
While it's fortunate that the boat fire wouldn't be able to spread because it's in the middle of the water, that didn't stop the flame from eating up the boat itself. We hope the owner had fire insurance.
Stuck In The Mud
There's nothing like gliding along the smooth water, and then suddenly coming to an abrupt stop because you're in the middle of a mud mound. Talk about destroying a lovely ride.
The best part is how this man is holding up a fishing pole. We're pretty sure you won't find fish swimming around in that thick mud. If you thought getting a car out of the mud was a challenge, just imagine trying to do so with a boat!
This one isn't technically a boating "fail" because it seems like an amazing magic trick instead. How the heck does a boat, with two grown men inside it, become airborne while traveling on dry land? It's truly a mystery.
We can't imagine that the landing that came after the brief sail through the air was very pleasant for the people involved. It couldn't have been good for the boat, either!
The Driver In Training
We can't imagine how someone could have driven their boat directly into another yacht. The crash was so perfect that both boats are perpendicular to one another! It's as though the collision was planned.
It is overtly clear which boat was responsible since the blue yacht to the right is tied to a dock. That means the driver had to head straight toward the stationary boat and continue full speed ahead without a trace of caution.
Straight Into The Buidling
This boat was going to fast that it managed to skid across the sand and straight into a building! It reminds us of a car that was in drive instead of reverse, flying forward and into the wall it was parked in front of.
The most comical part is how unsure all of the men look. You have one guy scratching his head, three men standing around talking, and one guy standing in the boat with his hands in his pockets.
Heading Toward The Highway
This boat nearly made it out of the water and up onto a highway! It's amazing that its nose didn't crash into the rocks. Instead, the entire craft skidded up and onto the rocky slope so that the nose is pressed against the highway guard rail.
With a boat going that fast, we have to wonder how far it would have made it if there was no guard rail. We typically think of those rails as protecting cars from going into the water, but in this case, it was a boat protected from the street.
The Boat Didn't Want To Leave The Water
This guy was trying to bring his boat out of the water with a trailer. Though he was at first successful, the boat's weight ultimately dominated and it slid right off its carrier.
We love how the guy is sitting there puzzled, just trying to figure out how in the world this happened. It's clear that he isn't the most experienced when it comes to hooking up a boat to its trailer. That or the equipment had a serious malfunction.
Straight Into The Rocks
If you've ever had a current pull you toward the rocks while swimming, you know it's not a fun place to be in. That's why people who are piloting yachts should be particularly careful when it comes to rocky areas.
Still, they have a motor engine to help steer clear of dangerous areas. That's why this image makes absolutely no sense. What did they do, let the boat steer itself for hours while the passengers blindfolded themselves?
Catch Of The Day
Just another relaxing day on the water! This gentlemen appears to have been sitting on the side of the boat and decided to jump off into the water to cool off. However, he didn't realize that his trousers were caught on the cleat of the boat!
As if the situation weren't bad enough, someone had a camera to capture the scene before helping free him. You'd expect this from a kid, sure, but not an adult man!
A Boat Jump Gone Wrong
At first glance, you may be wondering how in the world this boat landed on the vegetation several feet above the water. The only logical explanation that we can think of is that someone was recklessly driving when they lost control and the boat flew up and onto this slope.
Just imagine how intense that moment would be when you go from controlling the boat, to the boat controlling you. Hopefully, the thrilling moment was enjoyable while it lasted.
Boats Aren't Jumping Horses
The driver of this boat must have been a horseback rider, becuase they treated their boat like a jumping horse. Last we checked, a boat doesn't have the capability of leaping over tall items like ramps.
Just imagine if a person had been walking down the ramp when this happened! This scenario is like in a movie when a speeding chase leads to a car leaping off a cliff and landing on the other side. Most of us know those things aren't realistic, but this person clearly did not.
That's One Way To Transport An RV
You know you're a diehard camper when you take your RV onto the river. We can't imagine that this ended well. You have two large canoes carrying a giant RV that already appears to be tilting to one side.
Just imagine if they hit some rapids! The craziest part is that one guy is just casually walking on top of the RV like he's fall-proof. He could at least get down on all fours and grab on to a rope!
They Went A Little Too Far
This boat driver went a little too far when trying to park their boat at the dock. The point is to keep the boat in the water and tied to the dock, not on the wooden walkways!
The most embarrassing part is that every boat owner who comes through is going to have to squeeze past this haphazardly-angled boat to get to theirs! On the bright side, at least this yacht won't get lost at sea.
Perfectly Stuck
Have you ever gotten into a spot that you can't get out of? That's what happened with this yacht. We can't imagine how someone drove this boat into this position, but they're certainly in a pickle.
The yacht is not only stuck between two docks, but is also wedged between two of the wooden beams that support the dock! The spot they had to pull into was so obvious, how did they get it so wrong?
Still Riding
This speedboat may be rapidly flooding with water, but that didn't stop this guy from posing in it for a photo. He has his life jacket on and everything, prepared to go down with his sinking ship.
Despite the circumstances, he's wearing a big smile on his face, happy as a clam. They must have some incredible insurance to be unfazed by the fact their boat is going down. To be fair, they do have it roped to a dock, so at least it won't be lost.
A Boating Fail Nowhere Near The Water
We've all been in that scenario where you're stuck in traffic on a highway all because a car accident blocked the road. Just imagine if you finally get to the accident spot to see it's not a car with the problem at all, but a boat in the middle of a highway!
The yacht must have fallen off of its trailer when it went over that small bump in the road. This is why they say it's better to be safe than sorry.
Upside-down Docking
This little boat clearly wasn't docked right, because it ended up getting turned upside-down. Hopefully, the owners didn't have anything of importance that they left in the boat, because if so it's definitely been taken by the current.
This boat is so tiny that the surrounding sand is already starting to bury it. We'd imagine that if the owner left it like this long enough, the boat could become completely buried. It'd be rather comical to see a family digging in the sand for their boat!
Sinking At The Dock
This boat made it all the way to land, and is even tied up at the dock. So why is it that it still is having issues staying afloat? We sincerely hope that the problem began after the boat was docked.
Otherwise, the riders could have been scrambling to make it back to land. If so, they must have been so relieved to not have their boat sink in the middle of the lake that they probably don't even care it's malfunctioning at the dock.
The Abandoned Boat
They say that a picture tells a thousand words, and that's certainly true in this case. For starters, the upside-down boat must have flipped while it was in motion, being that it's in the middle of the water.
Then there are all the lifejackets that are thrown on top of the boat, as though the riders were tossed a bunch of jackets and just left them there. With all those pokey branches sticking out of the water, we can't imagine it was the most pleasant swim to safety.
Going Down In The Middle Of The Ocean
This little boat is going down like the Titanic. By the looks of it, there's no saving this thing. If there was, it would at least be tied to the boat that this photograph was taken from.
Our best guess is that the owner was saved by a rescue crew when he took this picture as a memento. At least everyone on board is going to have a safe return, though we can't say the same about this boat.
Maybe He Thought The Truck Was The Boat
The best part about this picture is the owner of the boat and truck is standing on the shore, having not one care in the world that his car is in the water. Hopefully, someone on the docks clued him in that it's going to be a bit difficult to drive his boat home.
But, if we're honest, we feel as though if it took this long for him to realize his truck is practically submerged, he should be allowed to drive anything on land or at sea.
"You're Good"
Nothing quite says, "you're good," like a parking job that results in a boat being launched into the roof of the dock. Like, seriously, how does one even accomplish this? They had to have been going way over the speed limit and launched themselves over the actual dock to wind up in the roof.
Sir or madam, we would like to see your boating license and registration, please. Oh, and just a heads up -- you're not going to get it back for some time.
A Captain Goes Down With His Ship
You have to hand it to this guy. It takes a good amount of skill to sink a sturdy ship, especially when the ship is traveling down a canal that is lined with tires. If you're not up-to-date with sailing, those tires are there to assure the boat doesn't get scratched.
But, they're also there to make sure a boater doesn't ram into the wall at top speed, sinking the boat in the process. Note: exhibit A above.
The Moment You Remember The Boat Wasn't Locked In Place
We'd bet a nice chunk of change that whoever was driving this truck had a huge "oh, [add colorful language here]" moment when he heard the crunching of the truck bed. How you forget to lock your boat on the trailer is beyond us, but these people managed it somehow.
Not that we're huge boat people, but we're guessing sailing over the family truck wasn't exactly the wave their family planned on riding during this outing.
Sea Lions Taking Over The Ship
Well, we hope the owner of this boat wasn't too attached to it because it doesn't look as though these giant sea lions are giving it up any time soon. The best the former captain can hope for at this point is the sea animals loving his ship as he once did.
Because, clearly, this is their new home away from home and they are ready to sail the seven seas. All these two need are white captains hats and they're good to go!
Cargo Overboard!
If you think you're having a bad day, just think about the day the captain of this huge cargo ship is having. We're going to take a wild guess and say someone is definitely fired! Just look at all of that cargo about to tumble off the ship.
We wouldn't want to be on the other end of that crew when the higher-ups get word of the about-to-capsize ship. Grab a dingy and get out of their way, mates!
They Just Wanted To Help The Nice Farmer
There are really only three things that could have possibly happened here. One, the drivers of the speedboat thought it would be a nice idea to help out the farmer. Two, they wanted to literally take out the farmer by driving their boat into him.
And, three, they were trying to park. Regardless of the "why," let's focus on the "how." Like how on Earth did they manage this? And can we talk about how there's a group just watching?
This Looks Like A Nice Parking Spot
Some people need to be parking-shamed when in standard parking lots with cars. Then some need to be parking-shamed because they think the bottom of a cliff face is a good place to park their boat.
We're not entirely sure, but that can't be good for the hull. It's probably scratched all over. If they're lucky, the rock didn't puncture through. But we watched Titanic. If an iceberg can breakthrough a ship's outer layer, so can a rock.
Sir, The Holland Tunnel Is UNDER The River
Show of hands, who thinks this person should be allowed to own a boat? No hands? Great, we agree. If this boat owner was unaware, this is the Holland Tunnel that leads to New York.
The water they are most likely looking for is a few layers of brick, stone, and concrete above their head. Also, it's the Hudson River. No one takes a leisurely boat ride in that thing unless they're taking the ferry or visiting the Statue of Liberty. Otherwise, gross.
Oh, The Irony
We're sorry that your boat went to say hi to Davey Jones, but maybe that will teach you not to name anything "No Worries." Because, unfortunately, you don't know what your future at sea holds. And that means that it could be very worrisome!
Not only is this person's boat sinking now an ironic occurrence, but the people trying to help are most likely also trying not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation -- we sure are.
Homemade Boat For The Fail
We get it. The spray of the sea on your face, the wind blowing through your hair, the adventure that comes with being on open water, it's thrilling. But a DIY boat isn't the way to go about being out on the sea.
This man gets points for creativity. But for anyone else looking for to "make a boat," we recommend buying a kayak. We're trying to get trash out of the oceans, not add more to it.
Contemplating Life While Another Boat Drives Away
This man looks content with the hand the universe has dealt him. Not only is he sitting on the underside of his sinking ship, but he is in a "thinker" position that makes us believe he has come to terms with what is happening.
That being said, sir, it was probably in your best interest to flag down the boat now driving away from you. It's going to be a long swim back to shore!
A Fail That Has No Words
We're not sure if we should roll our eyes and shake our heads at these two men, or applaud them for utilizing their sunken boat for a lounging pool of sorts. Yea, we're going to go with the former.
If you want to lounge in a wading pool, we recommend going to the beach and lying in the surf. Otherwise, hop in your bathtub and call it a day. Sunken ships are so not the new hot tub.
Need For Speed Gone Wrong
If you're an adrenaline junkie, then this boat probably looks like the ultimate dream. But we'd like to focus your attention on the person at the bottom of the picture, falling from a still-speeding boat down to the water.
Not only is this an epic fail, but a dangerous one. We mean, come on; rule number one when getting into any moving vehicle, whether it be on land or water, you buckle in! Rookie mistake.
Who Needs A Normal Way To Haul A Boat?
We have to give it to this person, they sure are persistent. Who needs a trailer to hook your boat onto when you have a perfectly good trunk? You know what? We agree! It's time to say no to buying accessories that will save the back half of your car.
Who cares if the weight of the boat is going to drag down the car and most likely run both vehicles? Yeah, us; we care. Don't do this. Ever.
Marker Three? Yeah, The One With The Boat
The good news is no one will ever forget where marker three is in the channel. The bad news is that whoever is the owner of this little speed boat had one severely bad day. Not only is their boat done for, but they are now and will forever be the person who drove their boat at a ridiculous speed into a marker.
Like, honestly, they had to be going super fast for that piece of wood the cleanly cut in half the front of that boat.
They Tried
We have to give this person a little bit of credit because they did try. Was it their best attempt at tying off their boat at the dock? Probably not. Will they get a lot of beef from this fail for a long time? Probably yes.
We would just like to know how the boat was tied off and yet was able to submerge underwater completely. The other two boats are perfectly fine!
How Did They Qualify For The Olympics?
If anything, the guy on the left-hand side of this photo is totally us if our ship was about to sink. He is completely over this race, regardless if it's the Olympics. That being said, their sail boat is literally on its side.
How did two highly-qualified Olympians let that happen? We know, it can happen to anyone. Maybe we're thinking that's an easier save than it actually is. Well, lefty over there earned gold in our book for his impeccable form.
There's Something To Be Said About Commitment
You have to admit; this guy went all out for this boating fail. Not only did he say "not needed" to the water, but he completed his entire escapade with a sailor outfit. And that's not even the best part.
We'd love to know where this man got a parrot and how he trained it to sit on the stern of the rowboat while he "rowed" down the road. We're calling this an evil genius fail.
It's A Fighter!
Well, it appears that this fisherman does not skip leg day at the gym. He's probably been training for this moment his whole life, looking for that one monster fish to prove himself to his fishing buddies.
He'd better put some more muscle into it, because it looks like he’s going to run out of dry ground sooner rather than later. Once he’s in the water it’s game over because he’s in the fishes’ world and won’t stand a chance.
No Days Off
This guy is not messing around. If there's an opportunity to fish, you bet he’s there. The road is completely flooded? Instead of freaking out like everyone else, he’s taking the opportunity to hopefully catch a few fish that he can fry up for dinner.
We wonder how many fish he was able to catch fishing on the side of the road. This is probably like Christmas for this man. He didn’t even have to go anywhere, the fish came to him.
This must have been an extremely painful picture to take, but we're glad it was taken. Whoever was fishing had not one but two poles in the water and this fish couldn’t care less.
This fish was probably the size that they had been praying for all day and now it’s right in front of them. At this point, their best bet might be to try and jump in the water and wrestle it into submission. Good luck with that though.
They Can't Arrest Us All
While most fishermen respect the signs that prevent people from fishing for environmental reasons, these people could care less. There are so many people here it makes you wonder what they're all after. Maybe a sunken treasure?
But really, chances are these are that just a bunch of elderly people who think rules no longer apply to them because they lived past the age of 65. They all better hope that a fish and game warden doesn’t come their way anytime soon.
Is This Even Legal?
While most people might typically use a fishing rod, this woman is thinking outside of the box. With no rod in sight, it appears that she's relying solely on a net to catch her haul for the day.
We’re not sure how legal this type of fishing might be, but to each their own. It also looks like she doesn’t intend to be hit in the face by any flying fish, so she adorned with some armor to prevent it.
No Complaints
Even though everything is flooded around him, the nasty water didn't manage to get in this man’s Jacuzzi. So, he decided to take advantage of the situation and grab a beer, hop in, and go fishing.
He’d better be careful not to move too much or else that flood water might spill into the pool and ruin his setup. Even though there’s a real boat not far from him, he prefers fishing like this. Which we respect him for.
Perfect Timing
You have to admit, although they can be cute at times, fish have some pretty funny looking faces. So, when you put one on a human body, they look all the more outrageous.
Perfectly-timed photos can't always be planned but it looks like this person managed to snag the exact right moment. Out of all the fish surrounding these people it only took one to get into the frame to compose the perfect shot. Impressive.
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
While it's likely that the guy in the water is just working on something under the boat, we hope that this is an attempt at fishing. We’re going to assume that they forgot to bring rods out on the boat and resorted to catching them like our ancestors, with their bare hands.
It may be an unorthodox way of catching fish but you can’t knock it until you’ve tried it. We wish these boys the best of luck no matter the actual situation.
Land Ho!
One moment this guy was enjoying his day fishing and the next he's beached on an island made of rock. Either he’s not a very good captain or he should try and lay off the cold ones next time he takes the boat out… if there is a next time.
Not only is that going to be hard to get off the island but every inch that boat moves on the rocks is money coming right out of his pockets. Ouch.
It's Me Or The Fishing Poles…
Sometimes, a man's fishing rods are more precious to him than, well, anything. This guy is so happy with his rod collection that he’s even made room for them on his bed. Looks like he has no option except to be the big spoon but we’re sure he doesn’t mind that.
It’s also possible that he has a big trip coming up and is so excited that he needs to sleep next to his gear in order to prepare.
Fisherman From Head To Toe
If you're a die-hard fisherman, it’s crucial that you let everyone know. If your Carhartt sweatshirt and Conquistador Tackle hat aren’t cutting it, throw on these bad boys so everyone knows where your priorities are.
You’ll be the coolest guy at the dock bar strutting in to grab a beer after a long day on the water. The only thing that could top these if they were real fish, but that’s up to you.
All Water Is Fair Game
This guy and the guy fishing during the flood should get together and go angling sometime. It's obvious that they’re on the same wavelength fishing-wise. if you don’t have access to a large body of water. Sometimes it might be worth trying things other people wouldn’t think of.
Not only might you catch something, but it’s a guarantee that your spot will stay a secret forever. Fortune favors the bold, and this man is about as bold as they come.
They Have The Same Dentist
These two are spitting images of each other and we're not sure whether to laugh or cry. That fish does not look like anything that somebody should be holding next to their face but this guy needs to picture to share with the world.
We need to know where he caught this fish so we can stay as far away from that body of water as possible. We’re not trying to come face-to-face with that thing in the wild.
Which One Did He Catch?
Looks like this guy had a pretty rewarding day out on the water! Not only did he catch a large mahi-mahi, but he managed to reel himself in a girlfriend as well.
He might have to release one of them back into the wild unless he has a cooler big enough to fit both of them at the same time. Good thing he's wearing shoes, because if he slips and falls he might end up losing both of them at once.
What A Bummer!
There's nothing worse than loading the car up with all of your friends and fishing gear only to discover that your favorite spot is no longer available for public use. Nevermind that there’s no water, the sign is the real bummer here.
On top of all that, now that there’s no diving allowed either, you might as well just go home defeated. Make sure to tell all of your friends that this spot is a no-go from now on too.
Comfort Above All Else
Are you really fishing if you don't bring your La-Z-Boy out on the water? We know that a man’s boat says a lot about him, and this guy is sending a huge message with his vessel.
He’s got room for two, a chair, a cooler full of beer, and even a grill preheating in case he catches any fish. It may not be the fanciest setup but it proves that sometimes ingenuity is all you need.
No Boat? No Problem
It's likely that this man’s boat is in the shop or his wife locked it up, but that’s not going to stop him from getting out on the water. Looks like he stole a float from his own pool and took it out on the lake in hopes of catching a few fish.
We hope the water’s not too cold. He better be careful with that hook or else he might find himself swimming to shore.
Very Therapeutic
The owner of this boat only needs his fishing rod, the open water, and a few fish to solve all of his problems. He doesn't bother with clinical therapists because he has his own docked in California.
Hopefully, he also uses this boat to help any friends who are having a tough time by taking them out on the water to cast out a line and forget about their worries. It might even be cheaper than seeing an actual therapist.
The Higher The Better
While all of the other suckers are fishing off bridges, these guys are taking advantage of their company's construction equipment. Now, they don’t have to worry about wading in the water because they can use their crane to get out as far as possible to catch the most fish possible.
These guys are living examples of 'think smarter not harder.’ We wonder what the lifeguard will say if they see them while making their rounds on the beach.
Feeding The Masses
We're willing to bet that one day these two fishermen thought they would be nice and give a piece of fish to a stray cat. The next day, maybe they fed two cats, and before they knew it they had an army of cats on their hands and not enough fish to feed them all.
Which is worse, coming home empty-handed or being attacked by a large group of angry stray cats? That’s the decision these two men must make every day.