Pictures That Are Hilarious But Also Accurate AF
We're just going to put it out there: there's a lot of weird pictures on the internet and a lot of content that you don't want to look at. But there's also a lot of funny pictures that are super accurate and you can't help but laugh at them.
Everyone needs a laugh every once in a while. It's good for the soul, and that's why you're here, to get a good laugh out of these on-point, funny pictures.
How Artificially Intelligent Are We?
You don't really think about how strange this is until it's pointed out to you. If a robot has the ability to ask us to prove it, doesn't that mean that we could be robots who know how to check a box, and not humans?
The Perfect Party
This man created a photo that perfectly represents every introvert's dream party: a party of only him. You don't have to deal with anyone else, plus you can kick everyone out and go to bed whenever you want.
Don't Snapchat In Public
Always remember in the age of social media that even though that photo might only be sent to one person, every other person in the room saw you take it and is wondering what on earth you're doing.
Seems Like A Bad Idea
This seems like there may or may not be a flaw to this book that forces you to interact with whatever you're afraid of. It's like a real-life Bogart and I am not here for it.
Hollywood Typcasting
They say that women in Hollywood get typecast a lot, but this tweet about The Rock proves that men have to deal with it too. He basically plays the same character in every movie, but he kills it every time so why fix what isn't broken?
Online Shopping Problems
Everyone who's shopped at Urban Outfitters has felt this pain. You cannot trust their website, it's an 'in-store only' kind of store if you're buying anything other than jeans because you just never know what kind of fun house-sized clothing you're going to end up with.
Capitalize On Your Opportunities
It's like your dog knew what the card was. He could sense it, he knew that this was his moment to shine, and he knew you wouldn't even be able to get mad at him because it was too perfect.
False Advertising
If only there were something that could prevent your dog from chewing on your products... oh wait. Looks like this company needs to build some of that deterrent right into the bottle.
A Message To All
Do you think they got the license plate before or after the accident? It clearly didn't work as a preventative warning, but maybe it'll work in the future. Another option is never pop the trunk back out, then no one will be able to hit it.
Taking Marriage To A New Height
It's pretty clear which side of the family is which here, and it's also pretty clear that these newlywed's children could have a future as NBA players if they wanted to.
Give Each Audience What They Want
Everyone knows that in situations like this you have photos that you take so you can post them on Facebook and send them to your grandmother, and then you have the photos that you keep on your camera roll to post on your Instagram story for your friend's birthday.
They Were Having A Great Sale
Harley Davidson knows what's up. A motorcycle probably isn't one of those things that you should be lying to your spouse about the cost, but maybe you can convince her your brand new bike only cost $50?
The King Is Taking A Stand
This can't be a coincidence, but which one do you think came first? We're hoping that Burger King decided to show what they thought of this sign and strategically placed their billboard right next to it.
Not Everything Needs To Be Hands-Free
It seems like a great idea now, but wait until it's 2 am and you're trying to whisper-yell "Kohler stop water" without waking up the rest of your family and then you flood the kitchen.
The Sign Says It All
You know that some teenager was in charge of fixing this sign but then decided it was better off this way anyway, so now here they are. It's become a local staple, you can't change it now.
Is This What True Love Looks Like?
If this isn't true love, I don't know what is. Imagine thinking there's going to be some awesome surprise under the pillow, but instead, you just find out you're a fart toucher. Serious relationship goals here.
Just The Right Level Of Spice
Taco Bell understands that there is such a thing as too much pumpkin spice flavor. We love fall as much as the next basic white girl, but leave our tacos out of it.
Wise Beyond His Years
If we didn't know better, we would've thought that this baby's face was somehow swapped with someone out of our view. He looks like he has seen some serious stuff, and he's sick of basically everyone around him.
Time To Start Distracting Your Girlfriend
Yes, sure, the engagement is nice and great for those people, but the really accurate part of this photo is the man in the blue shirt who is clearly upset because now his girlfriend is going to start talking about getting engaged.
Seems Easy Enough To Follow
We're not sure why anyone would want to give drugs to a herd of bison, but it clearly didn't go well and now they've ruined it for the whole class.
We Need Some Time To Reflect
Anyone who's ever tried to sell a mirror knows this struggle. How do take a picture of your mirror without being in it, but also without getting a weird angle that doesn't properly show what the mirror looks like? It's a challenge.
These Boyfriends Know Their Role
The reality of living in an Instagram-focused world is that if you go to the beach, your boyfriend better be prepared to get that good angle, otherwise, it's time to find a new vacation photographer.
I Just Can't Even
Whoever designed this Nike shirt was clearly having a day, realized that other people probably were too, and decided to switch up the logo a little bit to better fit everyone's needs.
Oo Yea It's Gonna Be A Good Year
Why would you ever fix a burnt-out sign when it now spells out 'oo yea'? What better advertising could Good Year ask for? This just seems like they're super into their product, and everyone loves an enthusiastic salesman!
The Reality Of Having A Cat
When you get a cat, you imagine you're going to spend your time cuddling and taking cute pictures with the. In actuality, you're constantly listening for any sound that could indicate your cat is eating something they're not supposed to be.
Learning The Lesson The Hard Way
Well yes, actually, that's exactly what they were going to do. This is what follow through and commitment looks like, even if this man had to learn the lesson by getting stabbed.
Autocorrect Isn't Helping Anyone
Does autocorrect ever actually help anyone? It really just makes our lives more difficult and requires everyone to pay more attention because you have to make sure autocorrect didn't change any of your words into something completely wrong.
Wasting Away The Good Years
If only you had saved all those $5 and $10 bills that grandparents and aunts had put in your birthday cards over the years instead of wasting it away on a Club Penguin membership, you'd probably be able to afford your hydro bill this month.
Single People, Aisle 23
Whoever organized the aisles at this grocery store is trying to send a very clear message to their customers — or a specific type of customer — and we don't appreciate being attacked like this.
Whoever was in charge of cutting and writing these fortunes was either trying to teach us all a lesson, or someone was hoping they would finally learn something. Either way, it was a bit of a failed attempt.