Photos That Anyone With Siblings Can Relate To
Growing up with siblings is a unique experience that can be different for everybody, but there are also some universal truths that anyone with a sister or brother can relate to.
Anyone with brothers knows that their leftovers or their snacks are never safe in the fridge, and anyone with sisters has experienced the pain of wanting to wear a specific shirt only to find out your sister already stole it from your closet and is currently wearing it. It's all apart of the experience though right? You love them anyway.
Their Presence Is Your Present
Look, when it comes to Christmas or birthdays, there's always going to be that one sibling that's broke and has to think outside the box for presents. In this case they decided rather than thinking outside the box, they'd just give them the box.
He Went Ham On The Lunchables
Eating someone's leftovers or snacks is one thing, but this brother took his food-stealing to a whole new level by eating just the ham out of every Lunchable container before putting them all back in the fridge.
Donut Do This, Ever
Obviously, you're only eating a donut because you want the frosting, but if you're old enough to eat a donut you're old enough to eat it properly and not be the jerk sibling who does this.
An Absolute Heathen
Cue Gina Linetti yelling "damn, who raised you?" Imagine living your life innocently thinking your sibling is a normal person and then discovering that they think it's acceptable to cut a cake like this.
That's Where The Spoon Went!
On this day, this sibling learned that their younger brother clearly was raised by wolves since he thought it was acceptable to put the ice cream back in the freezer with the spoon still in the container.
Sweet Revenge
Having a sibling means there's always a way to channel all of your petty or angry energy into something that will annoy someone else, which is exactly what this brother did with his sister's paper after she took $20 from him.
A Perfectly Portioned Snack
If you're the sibling who does this, good for you. If you're the rest of her family who gets left with plain vanilla yogurt after your sister eats all the toppings off the top, at least it's healthy?
Give Them An Inch, They'll Take A Mile
If you don't give specific instructions, your siblings are going to take whatever wiggle room they have to twist the situation, which is exactly what happened when one brother had to work on Thanksgiving and he asked his sibling to save him "a little bit of everything."
A Serial Killer In The Making
There will be times where your sibling does something and all you can think is "we can't be related." This is one of those times. If your brother cuts his pizza likes this, you should be concerned.
Donut Delivery
Regardless of how proud of you they are, if there's an opportunity for a joke your siblings are going to make it. This woman learned that after she graduated from the police academy and her sister sent dozens of donuts to her house as a celebration.
Being The Immature One Is Sometimes Better
There's usually one sibling that's more mature than the rest, and though sometimes that's a good thing, when it comes to things like Christmas presents it would've been nicer to be the immature sibling who got an XBOX One.
"My Sister, Everybody"
For some reason, this person's sister thought it was acceptable to try every apple before eventually deciding that none of them were what she wanted ... we're just as confused as they are.
What's The Point?
For some unknown reason, this sister refuses to completely finish a stick of butter and instead continues to buy new ones so now they're left with half a dozen half sticks.
He's Got The Weight Of The World On His Shoulders
If you're the youngest sibling, you're going to have to go through a lot of torture. It will be thinly veiled torture so that your older siblings can't actually get in trouble for it, and you'll probably fall for it repeatedly.
You Might As Well Always Leave The Door Unlocked
There's always a sibling that's more responsible than the others, and they're the one that gets left dealing with the less responsible sibling. Can you guess which one is which in this situation?
Might As Well Have Finished The Bag
Contrary to what your brother might try to convince you, this is actually not enough cereal to count as a reasonable serving, and he is trash for leaving that much in the bag.
The Festive Fridge
This woman and her husband were staring at her sister's house for Christmas and when asked to help with some of the present wrapping, they saw the opportunity to spice up more than just the presents under the tree...
You Can Hear Him Saying "There's Still Some Left!"
Just because you leave half a sheet of toilet paper on the roll doesn't mean your siblings aren't going to be mad at you for not changing the roll, but your brother is still going to try to play it off.
You Know Every Move They Make
It's weird to think about how there are people in the world who have literally known you your entire life and who you know better than anyone else, but it also comes in handy for when you have to block your sister from blowing out your birthday candles.
Thanks For The Ride But We'd Rather Take A Cab
Imagine getting off the plane to see your little brother standing at the gate holding a sign that was welcoming you home from rehab... except you were just coming home from college.
Not The Gift She Was Expecting
This sister asked her brothers to buy her a blanket for Christmas, which seemed like a simple enough gift, but somehow she ended up with a blanket that has her two brothers' faces on it.
Okay, But Why?
Sometimes your siblings are going to do things and you have absolutely no reason why, and you don't know how to deal with it. For instance, this family went out and left the youngest sibling home alone, only to come back to find he had left multiple glasses of water upside down on the counter.
Sisterly Swap
If you have a sister, you know the pain of this one. Depending on your style it could be an issue between brothers and sisters too, but chances are if you have a sister you've probably had a moment where you went out and realized they were wearing your shirt or they found one in your closet that was actually theirs, to begin with.
Up Your Wrapping Game
Sure, they might be giving you a present, but if you thought that they were going to make it easy for you, you clearly don't know them that well. Where would the fun in that be?
Sharing Is Caring
When you're making yourself a bomb meal and then your sibling comes sniffing around claiming they're hungry too, you have to do what you can to protect your meal. They get one noodle, the rest is up to them.
Play Time Is Over
This little guy learned that even if his siblings agree to play with him, it might not be the game he was expecting. In this case, them wanting to play meant taping him to a skateboard and pushing him around the house.
Set The Line For Them To Cross
You have to set clear boundaries with your siblings, even though they're probably going to completely disregard them anyway. Set the standard and that way you can complain about it to your parents later when you try to get them in trouble.
Nothing And No One Is Safe
No food is safe in a household if you live with brothers, and quite frankly, it's surprising they were willing to leave any part of a pie behind. But it makes sense that they'd use the leftovers to trick the rest of the family.
You Never Use The Peanut Butter First
Everyone knows that you have to use two separate utensils when you're making a PB&J sandwich, or at the very least you use the jelly first then wipe the knife on the bread before you put it in the peanut butter jar.
At Yeast She Still Got A Good Sleep
If your mom is going to force you to share a bed with your sister, you might as well get some entertainment out of it. She still got a great sleep, and you got some great photos to show her the next morning!
Enjoy A Nice Refreshing Snack
It seemed too good to be true when their sibling offered them a big slice of watermelon to enjoy on a hot day, and they were right to be suspicious.
This Won't End Well For Either Of Them
In the short term, this is not going to end well for his sister when she discovers the monster sleeping under her bed. In the long term, this brother better be prepared for a revenge strike.
Their Wedding Day Newspaper
Being the dutiful sibling that you are, when your sister asked you to save the newspaper from the morning of her wedding, that's exactly what you did. You're not the one who picked the headline, but you could have picked a different paper...
"Where's Your Sister?"
When their mom left them playing in the living room there were three girls, but when she came back she could only find two. Naturally, the older sisters took the moments without supervision to surround the youngest in a tower of lego.
Setting Important Boundaries
Before you even think about entering your sister's room without her permission, you should think twice, and then refer to the sign she kindly placed on her door to make it abundantly clear.
Don't Say He Never Gave You Anything
Oh, you expected him to buy you a toy to go along with the batteries that he gave you for Christmas? That's your own fault for expecting too much from your brother.
Her Sister's Way Of "Helping Her Pack"
Your sister offered to help you pack, which seemed like a suspicious offer in the first place because she never helps. After finding your dog wrapped in bubble wrap you realized you have vastly different definitions of helping.
This Was Not The Recommended Dress Code
When your brother asked you to meet for dinner you thought it was going to be a regular dinner, business as usual. Boy were you wrong, considering he showed up in a full panda costume for no particular reason other than to embarrass you.
Seconds Before Disaster Strikes
Grandpa managed to snap a photo at the exact moment that this older brother decided to launch a sandy sneak attack on his younger brother, but we're curious what this photo would've looked like just a few seconds later.
She Insists On Wearing The Mask
This little girl must know something about her new little brother that the rest of us don't, because she insists on wearing the wolf mask whenever she comes in contact with him.