People Whose Parents Are Better At Social Media Than They Are
In the age of social media and technology, parents are having to navigate how or when to monitor their children on social media. When do you sit back and let them post what they want, or when do you step in and stop them from posting a picture they might regret 5 years from now?
These parents decided that they couldn't resist commenting or responding to their kids' posts on social media, but it might not be the wholesome, encouraging comments you expected them to make...
Proud Parent Moment
While at the liquor store this dad discovered that his son's face was amongst the fake IDs displayed on the Wall of Shame, and he couldn't resist sharing his proudest moment as a father with his Twitter followers.
Subtle Encouragement
Every day can be about self-love when you're unemployed, but if you want to keep getting your hair done or your nails done, you're going to have to find a way to pay for it, and Mrs. Arnold has your solution.
Is It Time For The Father-Daughter Dance?
It's every little girl's dream for their dad to appear shirtless in the window behind them while they're trying to get that good Insta picture right? Definitely a photo she'll cherish forever.
Strike a Pose
As excited as these girls were to be able to walk out onto the frozen lake, their dad in the background was a whole lot more excited to be Instagram famous.
Who Wore It Better?
Tired of seeing his daughter's selfies on social media, Cassandra's dad took to his own social media to recreate her looks, and he absolutely nailed it, right down to the fake tattoo.
Realizing You've Failed As A Parent
Their marital bliss was over the second they realized that they'd created a child who doesn't know how to spell properly. At least they have a second child who'll be able to support them in their old age.
Rude Awakening
Seeing your parents recreate your selfie poses makes you realize that maybe you don't look as cool as you thought you did, or you learn that your parents can pose better than you.
The Thug Life Chose Her
She may have chosen the thug life, but the thug life doesn't pay the bills so she's gotta rely on mom and dad still, and they really wanted to make sure everyone knew that.
Dad Can Be A VSCO Girl Too
If you're going to post pictures like this on Facebook, you're almost guaranteed to have your dad comment on i. But this dad took it one step further by actually recreating it. Needless to say, his daughter was not thrilled.
Commitment To The Comments
This mom on Facebook speaks exclusively in puns when responding to people, and we're impressed. It takes serious dedication and commitment to come up with consistently good puns, especially ones about tamagotchis.
Pure Disappointment
Behind every "thug" is a parent who's tired of their son's antics and really wishes he would show them a little respect and appreciation, and who would keep his thoughts to himself sometimes...
Parental Controls
Rather than simply taking their daughter's phone away as a punishment, these parents took it one step further by posting daily selfies to their daughter's Facebook page, including this masterpiece.
Favoritism At Its Finest
It's pretty clear who the favorite child in this family is, and it's definitely not whoever posted this on Facebook. But aren't parents at least supposed to pretend they don't have a favorite? Looks like this dad didn't get the memo.
Time For The More Direct Approach
Mom's not holding back anymore! Mom is sick of coming home from work to find you yet again sitting on the couch watching Netflix so she's ready to out you on Facebook.
At Least Block Your Mom From The Post
Note to self: even if you're parents are going out of town, they can still see your social media and can see that you posted this... Stick to the group chat next time and keep it off of Facebook if you don't want mom to ruin your life.
It Builds Character!
Justin would probably disagree but we're on James' side - Ted definitely just won the internet with his comment absolutely roasting his son. At least his dad seemed to get over the fact his date left with another man.
Never Miss An Opportunity
This girl's parents went on a hike and discovered the spot where she took her senior class photo, so obviously her dad had to recreate the photo to share. He wouldn't be a true dad if he didn't strike a pose here.
Mom, You're So Embarassing!!
Brian may not have loved this photo but his mom and her Facebook friends definitely did, as did the rest of the people who have seen this mother-son interaction on their timelines.
A Twice In A Lifetime Picture
These parents couldn't resist trying to spoof their son's profile picture and they made sure to get every detail right down to the mom's great temporary tattoo and the dad's head tilt.
It's Her Right As A Mother
If you're going to make a sexist comment, your mom (remember, that woman who raised you?) has the right to roast you. She created you and carried you around for nine months, now she gets to make fun of you online.
You Brought This Upon Yourself
This one is basically the daughter's fault. Her mom roasted her, but she's the one that shared it on social media so she deserves a bit of teasing. It's the law.
A Mother's Love Only Goes So Far
Anyone who posts about being a thug on social media definitely isn't one, and this boy's mom wanted to point that out to everyone because she's just as embarrassed by this post as you are.
Expect A Response In 3-5 Business Months
Looks like Josh's social calendar just got freed up for the rest of the year and now he'll be able to spend lots of quality one-on-one time with his dad. To his boys, you can talk to Josh at graduation, or better yet, at college.
We All Know Whose Photo Was Better...
These moms felt like they could recreate their son's photo from a Dodgers game, and they were right. The mom with the cup especially got it right, but shoutout to all of them for having a good sense of humor.
Father-Son Bonding
We're hoping that this dad bought the shirt instead of borrowing it so they can match on social media and in public. Really show people how close they are as a family.
Brotherhood Of The Travelling Tank Top
If your brother takes a selfie and you don't recreate it, does it even count? This guy's father and two brothers decided they could do better so they stole his tank top and proved they were right.
Dad's Not Holding back
It's unfortunate for the son that it had to come to this but this is one of those times that it seems like the kid needed to learn the lesson the hard way.
A Whole New World
If you're learning something just from staring at the ceiling, then you're about to be fascinated when you get around to finally cracking open a textbook or if you type something into the Google homepage...
Go To Bed Derek
Sorry Derek, but there will be no interaction with wildlife for tonight, or anytime in the near future. Crisis averted thanks to his mom Joy, keeping him safe and out of harm's way!
The Miracle Of Life
As embarrassed as his daughter might have been, this was important content that needed to be shared, and her dad just happened to be the one to share it on his Facebook. She's the one that tweeted it out, it's second-hand embarrassment, but first hand her fault.
Thanks For The Vote Of Confidence
Look on the bright side! At least your mom thinks that you're going to live an extremely long life. She just also happens to think that you might live it alone...
A Father Can Only Dream
I'm willing to bet that this boy's father also hates unappreciative disrespectful people who do nothing, but you don't see him going around posting about it on Facebook. He calls them out on their own posts instead.
And That's Called Payback
If you're going to post a bunch of rude things on Facebook, you should at least make sure that your parents aren't going to be looking over your shoulder or scrolling through their own social media and finding it.
Get Your Head Out Of The Gutter Son
Mom was just trying to let everyone know that her underage son wasn't participating in any shenanigans while on the family vacation, but instead she took away any street cred he might have had—though it doesn't seem like there was much.
It's Time To Let The People Know
Sometimes the realization that you don't actually want to deal with children for the rest of your life comes before you have them. But sometimes it comes afterward and you're left to break the news to the little ones.
She Raised You Better Than That
Moments like these are when parents really know that they've failed at their job to raise fully functioning human beings. If he can't even replace the toilet paper, what else isn't he doing.
Nobody Asked For Your Opinion
The role of a mother is to give her opinion even if nobody is asking her for it, which is why she chose to toss her opinion into the ring here.
Moms Just Ruin Everything
Of all the places you could've posted about having a party at your house, you thought it would be wise to post it on social media, which your parents can see?
She's Allowed To Criticize Her Own Work
He really set himself up for that particular burn. She's allowed to say it too because she's the one who created him, but you know she'd also go on the defensive if anyone else tried to say it.
Tweet Like You're Living Your Dream Life
At least mom was nice to begin with and only texted her daughter to drag her social media rather than actually going her out online. The daughter is the one who chose to further her embarrassment by sharing it.