People Who Will Make You Glad You Can’t Go Outside
I think we can all agree that we're getting pretty bored sitting at home all day long. Yes, it's for a good cause, and someday things will go back to normal, but it's hard to focus on that when you're feeling a bit bitter.
Answer me this, though: Was going out in public really that great, to begin with? These are some people who shouldn't be trusted out in the wild and are probably going to make you feel glad you can't go outside.
Remember Sports?
Yeah, I'm sure you do. I know you probably think that you miss them, but do you really miss sitting next to people who put their bare feet in your face and probably spit peanut shells where ever they want?
It's Like The '90s All Over Again
Just take a moment to understand the fact that this guy has eyeballs and the No Fear mantra tattooed on the back of his head. He's never going to be able to actually look at it. WHY?!
Who Needs That Much Ketchup?
OK, here is the more important question other than why they have so much...why is it on the dashboard? That seems like the kind of guilty pleasure you could keep a secret if you really wanted to.
This Is Peak LA
Do you really want to return to a world where a woman thinks it's OK for her to stop traffic so her dog can take a poop in the middle of a crosswalk?
Is This Really The Time Or Place?
No one is going to get mad at someone for indulging in some delicious surf and turf, but was the middle of a midterm review the right place to do that? Seems like a waste.
They Clearly Need The Coffee
No one misses the chaos that is a barista at Starbucks messing up your name every chance they get. This person doesn't even have a name, they're just calling them out on yawning.
Who Carries Chalk With Them?
Ah yes, the familiar feeling of road rage that fills your soul every time you try and find a parking space. I wonder what those people who park like this are doing now? Who are they making mad in these trying times?
This Gives Me Anxiety
Anyone who has a desktop that looks like this is not to be trusted. Nothing about this is safe, and a normal person would never leave their desktop in such chaos.
*Internally Screams*
Who would do this? Why ruin something as delicious and essential as a pizza? It doesn't even matter if they weren't going to share. There is a right way and a wrong way to eat a pizza.
Don't Look So Shocked
I'm not sure why this lady is shocked that people have a problem with her changing her baby on a table full of fresh Old Navy merchandise. Like that's a totally socially acceptable thing to do.
When The Mood Strikes
Listen, I'm not here to kink shame anyone, OK? Whatever floats your boat. However, we don't all need to be out here on your choppy waters of desire with you.
Thanks For Sharing
OK, it's time for some real talk. Is there a single person who has been able to avoid public transportation that actually misses using public transportation? I didn't think so.
What A Class Act
Do you remember how self-involved people in the world are? Like this lady who thinks she can step out in front of a fire truck while it's clearly on its way to somewhere important.
What Is Going On Here?
You've got to love someone who respects those who have passed and the place that people who love them come to mourn. What better way to do that than taking sexy pictures on a grave?
Speaking Of Inappropriate Pictures
You guys, let's all be real here for a minute. Do any of us really miss influencers? Like this woman who trampled all over this garden after being told multiple times not to, just to take a good picture.
Work Out Those Arms
The gym is a lawless place to begin with. Then you add people like this who hog all the equipment. It's enough to make you just want to stay at home and do your workout alone.
What's The Number For That?
What is it that makes someone think that putting a "Thot Patrol" sticker on their car is like a funny and clever thing to do? Not one person has looked at that and thought, "I wanna meet this guy" that didn't end in them laughing at that person.
Show Us Your Serious Face
People who are actually in love are already the worst, but why do so many insist on flaunting it in our face? Like, cute, you're wearing a bathing suit with your weird boyfriend's face on it.
The Stuff Of Nightmares
Does this little boy know who is hidden in that costume? They don't look like they are in any kind of trouble, but it's so hard to tell with this off-brand Pikachu.
That Doesn't Seem Inappropriate
I get trying to connect with the kids, but is this really the right way? How cringey is this, like, honestly? Jesus would be rolling over in his grave if he had stayed in it.
Someone Pop It
No one wants to see a little kid cry, but honestly, it might be what they deserve if they are going to keep a balloon like this and let it float in front of the screen.
Not The Brightest Bulb In The Box
I'm pretty sure that not smoking around propane is something that most of us learn at one point in life or another, hopefully not the hard way. This person is really tempting fate.
Someone Is Always Watching
Picking a wedgie will always be something that can wait until you get back in the car. There is always someone close by watching. It isn't worth the risk to do it in public.
At Least They Aren't Crying
Remember eating in restaurants and people brining babies with them and then the babies ruining your meal because they won't stop crying? Yeah, I do, too. Maybe these people aren't so bad if that baby is being quiet.
It's Beautiful
Nothing says "Happy Easter" like three crosses made out of different kinds of pop cans. I'm sure that God is probably looking down on this and thinking he must have gotten something right.
It's A Full Moon Outside
Be honest with yourself. Do you really miss the kinds of people that you would see in Walmart when you braved the trip? This is a safe place, no one is going to judge you for telling the truth.
Can Anyone Else Smell This Picture?
The most concerning thing about this picture is not knowing where the rest of his hair is going. Is he holding it in his hand? Is it in his pocket?
She's Got Her Priorities Right
This person must have been getting ready for the lockdown. That or they're about to throw some kind of illegal rager. That party hits different when it's illegal, you know?
At Least She's Being Honest
This seems like a lot of information to leave on a sign on the drive-thru window of a beer store, but here we are. Maybe she's just sick of people pushing her buttons.
Classic DMV
The fact that this woman is cutting her nails outside the DMV only makes this only slightly better. Even with that being so, it's still gross and questionable at the absolute best.
They Were Never Going To Tip
Imagine not knowing what the difference is between a hamburger and cheeseburger is? I hope that this person told someone about the audacity of their delivery driver and was schooled in fast food.
I Might Try It
This is what happens when you spend too much time on your own thinking about things. When people are allowed back outside more, this is the kind of stuff you're going to find going on.
Where Is The Rest Of It?
Do you see what happens when you can go out and spend time with healthy people? They think that this is a big enough pizza to feed a party. Like you wouldn't crush that all yourself.
Just A Tiny Taste
How do you know you want to buy it if you can't try it? Now I'm going to wonder how often this happens and I don't even know about it then buy that product.
That's One Way To Keep Clean
We can't shame this guy for trying to get those parts of your back you can't really reach on your own. What we can do is pray that we don't run into people like this at the gas station.
Something Isn't Right Here
The person driving this car is one of those people who are only vegans when they cook for themselves at home, or only vegans three days a week but preach to you like they do it full time.
That's Dedication
Imagine meeting this person and going to shake their hand and then they extend these fingers to you? This is one of the few times I support those people who go on about tattoos being forever.
That's A Jar Full Of Sweat
It's a jar full of sweat that someone is trying to sell on the internet which means one of two things. Either this person is crazy, or there are people out there who would buy it.
Just Taking A Relaxing Bath
Nothing says 'I don't care about anyone other than myself,' more than having a bath in a WWII memorial fountain. Let's hope he's enjoying it since he's making a fool of himself.
He's Got No Pockets?
We have all done crazy things in the moment when we're feeling rushed at the grocery store, but what's going to happen when this guy forgets and sits down on them??