People Who Really Thought They Had A Bright Idea
The people on this list all made some serious mistakes. Some of these mistakes could have easily been avoided, and some of the people on this list were victims of circumstance. Either way, we're glad we're not standing in any of their shoes.
Keep reading to see what happens when you choose the wrong time or the wrong place to make a big move. Please learn from the errors that were made here. We don't need another airplane breakup in the world.
The Whitest Teeth
It looks like this guy also took photoshop a tad too far.
Those teeth look way too bright to be real. A little touch-up is fine, but this isn't even believable anymore.
A Tight Fit
Both of these cars tried to pass through this toll lane at the same time, neither driver checked their blind spot, and now we have this mess.
I also feel pretty bad for all the drivers in line behind them.
A Spider-Man Cup
The makers of this Spider-Man-themed cup really didn't think through this design concept.
You're telling me that you're supposed to be able to drink out of this thing without getting poked in the eye?
A Bad Day
This woman spent all day making a delicious pot of chili only to drop it all over the floor the second it was finished cooking.
Does this remind anybody else of that scene from The Office?
This Photo Tells A Story
I don't need any context to figure out what went wrong here.
What's really surprising is how far that bike was able to get through half-dried cement. Someone must have been pedaling really hard.
Instant Regret
From the look on this dog's face, it looks like he instantly regretted his decision to jump into the pool in his backyard.
I guess he didn't expect the water to be so...wet.
A Convenient Drink Rest
This guy found a way to use his prosthetic leg as a drink holder.
Yeah, this looks kind of gnarly, but if it works for him, who are we to tell him what he can and can't do with his own leg?
Not Fooling Anyone
This girl really tried to photoshop a Lamborghini logo onto the steering wheel of her car.
Girl, nobody believes that you drive a Lambo. Nice try, though. You had us for like half a second there.
Why Do This?
This girl photoshopped the Starbucks logo onto an otherwise blank white cup.
Why would she do that? Is she trying to get a Starbucks sponsorship? Because this isn't the way to get their attention.
A Bad Morning
This guy thought that he was pouring almond milk into his coffee this morning, but it turned out to be vegetable stock.
He didn't realize until it was too late.
Just A Jar Of Mayo
This woman thinks that it's perfectly acceptable to eat plain mayonnaise in public without a care in the world.
Excuse me, ma'am, that is not okay. Please don't eat plain mayo ever.
The Last Photo
This family decided to play a prank on their grandfather by having him hold up this sign while they took a family photo.
It looks like he took the joke rather well.
Photoshopped Legs
This woman really thought that nobody who saw this photo that she posted on Instagram would be able to tell that her legs were completely photoshopped.
Nobody's legs are that smooth.
Too Many Cats
They planted catnip because it deters mosquitos.
Well, it did keep away the mosquitos, but do you know what else catnip does? It attracts cats. A lot of cats. All of the cats.
Instagram Boyfriends
All of these Instagram boyfriends are taking pictures of their girlfriends sitting in the ocean.
I'm sure all of their photos turned out great, but the whole scene looks a bit less glamorous from this angle.
Don't Fall Asleep At A Keg Party
This guy had one too many beers and then passed out on the floor at a college keg party. His friends then did what college boys do best.
The artistry here is actually pretty impressive.
A Photoshopped Toe
This girl tried to make her feet look smaller in a photo she posted to Instagram, but she ended up making her feel look...well, like this.
Those don't even look like human toes anymore.
Long Beards And Power Tools Don't Mix
This guy thought that it would be fine to work in the shop with his very long beard. Clearly, that was not the case.
His beard got caught in a saw. This could have been absolutely disastrous.
A Croc Tan
Wearing Crocs is a bad enough idea on its own. We're not in 2004 anymore.
An even worse idea is wearing Crocs to the beach. That's how you end up with a Croc tan.
Never Break Up With Your Girlfriend On A Plane
Twitter user @kellykeegs posted this photo online along with the caption, "This guy on the plane just broke up w his girlfriend and she's SOBBING."
I can think of no worse time and place to stage a breakup.
The Same Shirt
Not only did this guy get a shirt that he already owns for Christmas, but he got a shirt that he was already wearing for Christmas.
His family must know his style really well.
He Got A Little Too Excited
This kid saw his favorite soccer player crossing the street, so he ran over to meet him.
Unfortunately, he ran without looking where he was going and crashed straight into a lamppost.
Oh, The Irony
This guy's new guitar finally arrived on the same day that he lost three of his fingers in a work-related accident.
It's safe to say that it was a really bad day all around.
A Coke Explosion
This person put a can of Coke in his freezer one evening, forgot it was there, and then came down to this mess the next morning.
Please learn from this guy's mistake.
A Melted Laptop
This guy's laptop was placed a little too close to this burning candle. The heat from the candle actually ended up melting part of his computer.
Props to the person who took this picture before warning the guy.
Sorting Beans
Reddit user CensoryDeprivation posted this photo online along with the caption, "I work at a small coffee shop. My boss just absentmindedly poured unroasted beans into a batch of roasted ones. Here's us separating 10,000 hand."
It's boring work, but not exactly strenuous. I can think of worse ways to earn a day's pay.
His Plane Left Two Hours Ago
Someone forgot their passport in the airport washroom, and by the time this person stumbled upon it and brought it to airport security, it was too late.
Never leave your stuff in the washroom.
The Perils Of A Stock Photo Model
This guy posed for a random stock photo campaign and got paid good money for it, but he didn't have any say over how those photos would be used.
I hope he got paid a lot for this.
It Was A Trick
This guy got invite over to his in-laws' house for dinner.
It turns out that they really needed him to build this dining room table before they could sit down.
There Wasn't A Better Place To Put That?
I get it. Maybe at the time, it seemed like a good way to stop people from getting water all over the counters when they reached for the soap. But at what cost?
Now people can't stare at themselves while they wash their hands.
A Temporary Fix At Best
Sometimes, in the moment, you don't feel like dealing with anything that is too serious. That's fair.
But often the band-aid solutions—in this case literally—aren't going to do the work you want them to.
Please Say This Won't Catch On
What went through this person's mind?
Imagine seeing a dead bug and thinking it would make a great little addition to their manicure? Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. Even if it is dead bugs.
An Attempt Was Made
Why is it that it is always the things that seem like the most simple tasks are the ones that end up getting royally screwed up?
Building a shelf seems easy, but alas, it is not.
Apparently, The Sun Does Shine There
This is a real bright idea, and I'm surprised it hasn't become a trend anytime anyone sees a rainbow.
What are the chances that she would be on the beach in rainbow leggings at the same time that a big, beautiful rainbow came out that was super clear like that?
No Time Like Nap Time
You can take a nap anywhere you want if you're brave enough.
This guy has a napping crown and a blanket waiting at his desk for whenever the mood strikes. Let's hope it doesn't show up on their employee review.
The Face Of True Defeat
You can almost hear this picture just looking at it.
That kid had his heart broken that day. Now, maybe he will remember to never pick up a pizza box sideways again.
They Kind Of Regret It
If you know you have a dog that is going to destroy your new plastic containers, why would you leave them out where they can find them?
Nothing is safe, not even for a minute.
You Can Smell That Picture From Here
This is what happens when you fall asleep after you put your food in the oven.
The need to eat was not outweighed by the need to nap. Just listen to your body next time.
He Must Have Made The Photographer Mad
He made the photographer mad, which sucks because wedding photos are forever.
I'm sure he's going to think twice now before being accidentally rude to anyone even if he doesn't remember doing it.
Extra Cheese—On The Burger
When someone asks for extra cheese, they probably mean that they want it on the burger, on the inside, not the outside.
That's just a thought, though. Maybe we need to be more specific.
Work From Home, Work From Bed, Same Difference
Working from home during the pandemic introduced us to an entirely new way of life, and that also means new mistakes to be made.
This unfortunate work-from-homer hit the camera button instead of the mute button and revealed to the boardroom that they were cozy in bed.
Never Forget The Open Window In Norway
The below-freezing temperatures and weather in Svalbard, Norway, can turn bad quickly.
This person showed how much snow damage was done to their home office after forgetting the window open overnight. Looks like a call in sick day.
This Boy Who Is Allergic To Everything
A 12-year-old boy found out during a local allergen test that he happens to be allergic to most things in his environment.
It looks like camping isn't in the cards for him.
Flood Waters Raging Outside The Rental Unit
Intense flooding is scary enough, but it's a little more stressful when you're renting and have no clue what to do during an emergency flood.
The person who snapped this picture said they're about to find out the value of renter's insurance.
A Critical Mistake Was Made Here
The branding on these two medications could not be more confusing.
Someone became the unfortunate victim of the mix-up and instead of taking an Aspirin before bed, they popped a couple of laxatives. Sounds like a long night.
The Person Responsible For This Needs To Be Caught
This town had been plagued by missing FedEx deliveries for months.
Eventually, someone found this stash of mail in the bottom of a ravine where a driver had been tossing them to cut time off their route.
Great Day To Break In The New Stove
Installing a brand new glass-top stove in your kitchen has got to be exciting.
These people's excitement was short-lived when their old kitchen cupboard decided it was time to come crashing down on the new stove.
Shower Is Slippery When Wet
Falling in the shower is a scary accident, but the person who fell here managed to land on the toilet and make their situation a lot worse.
It looks like there will be some definite bruising and they should probably call the plumber ASAP.
Gravity Versus Stair Tumbler
As it turns out, gravity will always win when you're falling down the stairs.
The person who tripped down this staircase will have to do some re-drywalling, but they live to trip another day.
Card Collector's Nightmare
Have you ever finished a challenging task only to have it all fall apart before your eyes?
That's what happened to this card collector who spent time organizing their impressive collection before tripping on the way up the stairs, putting them back at square one.