People Who Need To Get By With A Little Help From Lady Luck

Luck is very weird. Most people don’t like the word as they prefer to use the term ‘grateful’ whenever they get a promotion or find someone special. But then, there are people who don’t seem to need too much luck to get by like it’s a big bite of karma.

There are people who don’t feel as lucky as others. Imagine you have a house, but then a big tree crushes it, or a seemingly “good idea” makes it uncomfortable for guys to go to the bathroom. But come on now, it’d be nice if these folks caught a break every once in a while.

That’s A lot Of Dishes

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Photo Credit: Acid Cow

Dang, that’s a ton of dishes to unpack. Maybe she signed up for a plate stacking contest and she got sabotaged by her own hubris.

It also looks like the boys in the back are going to burst into laughter when the plates crash. Godspeed, little plate stacking MVP.