People Who Made It Work Anyway
When life hands you lemons, you know the best thing to do is to make lemonade, at least that is what they say. But maybe the best thing to do is just accept that you have lemons and make do with that. Sometimes, I'm too tired or don't care much for lemonade.
What's More Important?
You're a grocery store and you got a huge shipment of small, travel-sized bottles of alcohol and a salad bar that no one really uses because "meh, salad." What do you do?
Netflix Has People To Answer To
I'm not really sure what difference it makes because when they watch that movie, there is going to be that so-called "zoot" in the film. But at that point, you've made your choice and Netflix can't be held liable.
This person is trying their hand at a zero-waste lifestyle, so they wanted to use water from their pasta for their coffee. Spoiler: it was gross! But more importantly, who has mac and cheese for breakfast?
It's Not Like You Have To Take Care Of Your Car Or Anything
Her car needed an oil replacement, so the best thing to do is just replace it with any oil you have kicking around in the kitchen right? Who needs a mechanic?
Never Trust Facebook
You cannot ask anyone on Facebook or any social media for anything remotely helpful because you know the only people who are going to have anything to say are going to be annoying and not helpful.
He Got What He Asked For
He finished his meal and, I imagine, leaned back in his chair, and asked for a small beer to finish off his meal. He got exactly what he asked for.
This Might Have Been Delicious
They said to bring something to the BBQ, but they weren't specific about what kind of thing to bring. So he brought frozen food. So what? They didn't say it needed to be BBQable.
Technically Still A Nice Gesture?
The worst would have been when his girlfriend got in the car all packed for her international travel plans and ended up on a 10-hour car ride that is basically driving in a circle.
Still Delicious, I'm Sure
Grandma likes to buy her grandkids snacks when she goes to the grocery store. Her granddaughter asked for sour cream and onion chips, and Grandma got close, and that's what counts.
They Just Wanted To Do A Good Job
There is doing your job well, and then there is doing your job too literally. The person who made this badge did it way too literally. Did they really think "probably" belonged there?
Such Fond Memories
This is such a big brother move. She asked her brother for a picture of herself and he took one, but she didn't bother checking it because she trusted him. Guess what? Mistake.
This Is Absolutely Not What They Meant
This person ordered a Frosty in a medium cup, and the person handed it to them saying "I'm not sure if this is what you meant"...this is obviously not what they meant.
That Will Show Him
He was being a pain, but she wanted to show off her new lingerie, so she found out the perfect way to compromise. Plus it really highlights how cute that new set it.
An Attempt Was Made
Her mom asked her to lean against the pole so that she could take a cute picture of her daughter, and this is what she did. She leaned her head against it...
It's Like She Didn't Even Try
I don't understand why people who don't like their jobs just don't quit. Like, did she learn how to use Photoshop for this job just so she could call in?
Technically, It Isn't Wrong
The teacher asked for there to be a word count on the papers, however, what they meant was at the end of the paper, not after every single word. But at least it is there, I guess.
Puzzles Are Hard
OK, maybe puzzles aren't that hard, but a puzzle can certainly be time-consuming and maybe you just don't have the patience for it. Now you know what to do next time.
That's Actually Pretty Smart
The dial on their deodorant wasn't working, so they had the genius idea to use an Allen key. It is unfortunate that putting on deodorant has to turn into such an affair, but here we are.
That Looks Like Milk
This person ordered a green tea latte and was handed this glass of milk with ice. The woman who made it was very confident that this was green tea, so she had no choice but to take it.
Never Say No On A Disney Cruise
You're on a Disney cruise, and someone asks what you want for dessert, and you say "nothing." Never say you don't want anything for dessert on a Disney cruise, or you're going to get mocked.
Because Using A Pan Is Hard?
This person is probably going to end up being an engineer or something, because it's smart even though it's also stupid. This is the life that students who live in dorms must learn to adapt to.
She Did What She Was Asked
I think what needs to be focused on here is that she offered to help, and that is more than a lot of young kids will do when their parents get home with groceries. Plus, now she'll learn what "under the sink" really means.
When In Doubt, Go With Tacos
Tacos really are so versatile. You can make them in so many different ways, and you can even use them as a bookmark, apparently. I wouldn't recommend it, but here we are.
Ha Ha, Very Funny
Who doesn't love a barista with a sense of humor? Maybe he is a regular and they thought it was funny, or maybe they are just sick of everyone telling them how to spell.
Maybe It Would Have Worked
Maybe the bowl would have slept it off if they had left it broken in the cupboard. Or, more likely, someone would have tried to take it out and broke it more.
He Looks Mad
At first, I thought that this is foolish! How do you not know other great moments in history? But now that I sit here, I can't really think of's the pressure.
Hey, They'll Work
This is the first and the last time that she's ever going to ask her dad to sharpen her pencils for her. What happens if one of these breaks? At least she has four.
What A Lovely View
Good thing it is just Mount Rushmore they went to go see and not something really exciting or cool. Just kidding, that would be so disappointing to drive to and see that view.
This Is Cold-Blodded
We can miss Larry and still be very much in need of a manager. Pizza Hut isn't joking around. I hope that Larry haunts that pizza place for not giving everyone some time to mourn.
You Can See It On Her Face
Technology is hard, and a lot of us were just thrown into a situation where we needed to learn how to do it, and obviously, that wasn't going to work our great for everyone.
Everyone's Favorite Treat
Maybe they didn't quite understand the nature of the question or they're trying to make the point about bringing snacks, but really, they stole the show with this post like a champ.
These Are Dangerous Times
Don't you just love someone who can own up to the mistakes they make in their lives like that? That curb came out of nowhere and they just wanted everyone to know about it.
Thonks, I Guess?
This is absolutely a sign that you would get at the dollar store when you're living in your first apartment on your own and want to be festive but don't want to fork out of the cash.
Cat, Are You OK?
There wasn't enough room for him to sit comfortably by the window there, but, true to cat form, he wasn't going to let himself not sit by the window. He made it work.
Yvonne, Relax
Do you think that she has some really unresolved feelings about her family that need addressing, or no? Because that's a really loaded post, and I think someone should follow up with her about it.
That Was A Roller Coaster
This was a roller coaster of an email to get. If it were me, I would probably think that it was a joke. I really appreciate his dedication to teaching, though, and how he's going to make it work.
We All Have Them Sometimes
While I feel they could have said nothing, I respect that they turned this into a situation to remind this person that they don't want them in their life anymore.
Yes, We All Love That Dog
Talk about trying to get those likes on social media. Though, if ever there was a way to do that, posting a picture of your dog who looks like they are crying is a great idea.
Hey, If It Works
Never would it have occurred to most people to use blinds as a shower curtain, but you know what? This person might just be a genius and the rest of us are witnessing their glory.
What A Great Way To Make It About You
I love that the last line is about how they're going to protect this person from their family. They're really intent on stealing the show away from their sister and making it memorable for different reasons.