People Who Had The Best Intentions, But Their Best Wasn’t Good Enough
There are a lot of people out there that like to watch the world burn. They go out of their way to mess things up and make life unbearable for everyone around them. But there are also people who live their life with the best intentions that just never seem to work out.
We all know someone like this. They'll do everything possible to do good, but there is some voodoo magic working behind the scenes to turn everything they do into a disaster. It's not their fault. They're trying their best, but let's be honest, their best is never good enough.
This Guy Who Was Just Trying To Celebrate A Birthday
Nick/Steve looks so done with everything. He probably already has regrets marrying into a crazy family. Receiving a cake with the wrong name on it is now the cherry on top of a less-than-ideal extended family experience.
Now he'll forever wonder who Steve is and if everyone likes Steve more than him.
This Mom Who Finally Listened To What The Dog Wanted
A good friend will do whatever you want, but a best friend will tell you when you're wrong. If dogs are man's best friend, then we should be good friends to them too.
That means not listening when they want to keep it long on top but look like the canine version of Slenderman everywhere else.
This Boyfriend Who Tried Their Best To Apologize For Stealing A Slice
This boyfriend knew what he did was wrong, went out of his way to fix it, and somehow made it worse. Honestly, at this point, he should have just ripped off the cupcake and thrown it out before she saw it. Instead, she has to live with the knowledge that she has one less slice AND one less cupcake than before.
This AAA Guy Who Needed AAA To Come Help Him
Sometimes we forget that the heroes in our lives are regular people too. Doctors, firefighters, and even the AAA guys can be flawed.
We count on them for so much, but who do they lean on? AAA is never afraid to ask where we are, but we never stop to ask how they are.
This Person Who Was Just Trying To Make Sure The Package Was Delivered Safely
Everyone wants to blame the UPS driver like they intentionally locked these people in their apartment, but they have a lot on their plate. Not only are they forced to wear those gag-worthy brown shorts, but they have unrealistic expectations.
Amazon Prime's two-day shipping has turned us into a society that expects our package to arrive one hour after we order. Give the UPS people a break.
This Woman Who Promised Her Church That She Would Bring Her World-Famous Lasagna
This has happened to all of us at one point in our lives. You spend all night making your "world famous" dish, then something happens right at the end to ruin it. Honestly, it's probably for the best. Anytime someone says their food is "world's best"just means their toddler doesn't spit it out immediately.
This Grandfather Who Wanted To Paint A Portrait To Raise His Granddaughter's Self-Esteem
Commissioning someone to paint a full-size portrait of you is a real 17th-century move. So it's not surprising that this painting of a 16-year-old girl ended up looking like she was 108.
She looks like Rose from the Titanic when she's the old woman. Needless to say, this portrait didn't raise this girl's self-confidence.
This Grandma Who Has Been A Traitor For 25 Years
It's tough being an American on Independence Day. You think you're buying some patriotic clothes, but in reality, America's imperial past has made it so that red, white, and blue stars and stripes are on numerous flags around the world.
It's so easy to be a traitor nowadays. Anyone can be found guilty of Russian collusion just for mistaking their red, white, and blue flag. Just imagine if you did something worse.
This Good Boy Who Was Just Trying To Have Fun In The Sun
Okay, I highly doubt this doggo was trying to drown his owner. A good boy wouldn't do that. He's wearing a life jacket, which means he probably hasn't perfected his doggy paddle yet. He was probably just trying to rest for a bit before continuing a fun day at the beach.
This Cat Owner Who Thought They'd Treat Mittens To A New Cat Tree
Mittens does not look impressed with this "gift" from their owner. This cat is already judging you, and this cat tree is justification to Mittens that their owner is as dumb as a stump.
Word of advice: maybe next time check the dimensions on the product before you buy it online.
This Grandma Who Is Starting Her Own Version Of Craiglist
It's never too late to be an entrepreneur. Senior citizens often find a new taste for life as they grow old, and this person's grandma has decided an online swap business is the way to go.
All she needs to do is figure out how the internet actually works.
This Guy Who Overestimated His Ability To Bring A Round Of Beers To His Friends
One trip or bust. This man has been one-tripping groceries inside all his life to prepare for this very moment. But carrying a bag of bread in your mouth is an entirely different story than carrying a pint. Whoever draws the shortest stick gets the pint that Chad carried over in his mouth.
This Christmas Service Who Secretly Loves West Coast Rap
Hear me out: what if this wasn't a mistake. The nice version of this story is that this Sri Lanka service made an innocent mistake. But in reality, they're probably just big Tupac fans who think that wanted to bring Makaveli's vision to the people of Sri Lanka.
I think we can all agree that choosing between ride or die isn't an easy choice and we need a modern prophet to lead the way.
This Gooder Boy Who Was Also Just Trying To Have Fun In The Sun
Look at this dog's face. He is having an unlimited supply of slip-and-slide fun, and no one will stop him. But also look at the muscles on this dog. He's a big boy, and it probably feels like a cement truck rolling over you.
He clearly didn't mean to take out his owner in the process, but he will slip and slide as much as he pleases.
The Netflix Intern Who Thought They Could Handle Any Task Their Boss Gave Them
The problem with most interns is that they don't know when to admit they're in over their head. Even if they have no clue what to do, they won't tell their boss because they don't want to be let go from their unpaid "employment." Whatever intern at Netflix did this was trying their best, but was probably fired immediately.
This Man Who Thought A Tattoo Of His (Ex) Wife Was A Good Idea
Looking back, this man probably has a lot of regrets getting a full sleeve of his (ex) wife's face tattooed on his body. But he made the best of a terrible situation.
Every woman he's with will forever think he's crazy and vindictive, but he wasn't exactly left with a lot of cover-up options. Can you really blame him?
This Mom Who Was Just Trying To Impress All The Other Suburban Moms
Birthday parties are a whole event nowadays. Each mom is trying to one-up the next by making their child's party bigger and better. This mom probably spent her party budget on a bouncy castle, which meant she was left making the cake herself.
She was just trying to give Lara the coolest cake on the block, but instead, she ended up with Hannah's secret twin sister, Anna Alabama.
This Kid Who Didn't Think Anyone Would Notice If He Broke A Plate
This last minute tape job is as wholesome as it gets. I bet this kid was just trying to be independent and get their own food for once and accidentally broke a plate in the process.
Unfortunately, they haven't learned the tactic of straight-up-lying yet and instead tried their best to fix it. Rookie mistake, kid.
This Gap Employee Who Was Just Trying To Do Their Job
I'm not going to lie — it isn't exactly hard to be a good retail employee. If you can make it through a shift without rolling your eyes more than five times, that's a successful employee.
Whatever person thought they needed to step up their retail game by accepting a 17-year-old return has clearly not mastered their customer-service-smile yet.
How Kind Of You...
Did you read what the letter wrote? "You won $2 dollars. Here is that $2. Merry Christmas!" There is no way that grandma went out of her way to give this as a gift. Grandmothers should know better. But when you think about it, the older they get, the gifts they give begin to become less extravagant.
The original idea of giving the lottery scratcher was a good idea but we all know how hard it is to resist scratching those things. But next time, grandma has to try a little harder not to ruin the gift.