People Who Fake Their Way To Adulthood And Should Absolutely Go Back
Look, we’re all just get through childhood which leads to teenagehood which unfortunately transitions into adulthood. Once we become adults, we have responsibilities upon responsibilities, upon, well, responsibilities.
While some people strive in adulthood (how?) most of us are just trying to keep our head above water. We’re just trying put one foot in front of the other while we long for the days when we could mooch off of our parents again. If this describes you, fret not, because this article is about people who made it to adulthood but should absolutely not be there. These are your peers. Enjoy!
It’s All About Perception
Photo Credit: Instagram / @tampons
In the world of social media, everything revolves around how you make people perceive your life.
Nothing is real anymore. Nothing. In the world of filters and cropping, you probably won’t even recognize someone you only see in pictures when you meet them in real life. If you’re less than 5’2, you should legally not be allowed in adulthood.