People Who Executed Their Plans Absolutely Perfectly And It’s Truly Inspiring
It’s not every day that you can say that you were able to follow through on a plan and execute it perfectly. Most of the time we’re scrambling last minute to get everything figured out and completely botch whatever we’re tasked with.
While many of us are just treading water trying to keep our head up, the people in this article are swimming laps. They’re figured out the key to success and are running with it.
This Is What The Athletic God Would’ve Wanted
Photo Credit: Instagram / @djbewbz
Look, to each their own, but I really don’t understand the standing desk idea. Why would you want to stand up voluntarily when you can be sitting comfortably doing your work?
It’s like choosing to trek through the rainforest in bare feet to get to your destination when you can just take a bus with wifi built in.