People Who Crucially Missed The Point
Has a joke ever gone over your head and made you feel worthless once you figured it? Don't worry—it happens to the best of us, and at an alarming rate. Not only do jokes do this, but signs, comments, and instructions can confuse people. Prepare yourself for a slew of people who really didn't get the point.
It Was Probably Too Early
Whoever wrote this name for Marc probably hadn't had their cup of coffee yet.
When it's too early in the morning, your brain doesn't work the same. Still, this isn't what "Mark with a C" should result in.
"They Ordered 'One Pepperoni Pizza' And The Restaurant Did Not Disappoint"
If the person who took this order thought this is what the customer meant, then that employee needs a little more training.
Who would want a lonely pepperoni like this?
Welcome To The Joke
Joking about a friend dying is a bit too much, but the joke is good enough.
Unfortunately, the person commenting on it didn't understand that this person wasn't serious about it.
This Isn't What The Question Meant
When it comes to kids, sometimes you have to be a bit more specific.
Hope named the shapes, but she gave them people names. Bob looks a little out of shape.
Looks Like An Honest Mistake
Maybe the person who did this is a foreigner who doesn't know how the handicap sign works.
I hope an officer didn't come and cite this wheelchair for parking there.
Does She Always Do This?
The point of a drive-thru ATM is to keep you in your car and make a swift transaction.
If you're going to get out of your vehicle, you might as well walk inside.
Maybe She Really Thought It Said 'No'
If she really thought it said "no" instead of "on," maybe we should give her a pass—her life is hard enough.
Still, what product do you know has a big "no" labeled on the front?
Shouldn't Have Commented
If you're ever concerned about a joke you see on the internet, then don't say anything.
You're liable to make yourself look foolish, as this person who commented on this picture did.
"Potluck Misunderstandings"
If someone dares to put out a bowl labeled fish and chips, but it's only Goldfish and potato chips, that person can't bring food anymore.
Don't play around with fish and chips.
Don't Try This At Home
Some people are perfect targets to try jokes on, as you can see here.
I'm surprised this man didn't know why the chicken was at his house knocking, but now he knows he's an idiot.
"A Bible Store In Kansas Has Trouble Understanding The Meaning Of This Quote"
Mark Twain didn't like religion. If you didn't know that, then you probably didn't get why this is a mistake.
You should probably do a little research before quoting people.
"My Friend Didn't Understand Why People Were Honking And Flashing Their Lights At Him"
Did the driver not feel the hose getting dragged along the ground?
You'd have to be pretty oblivious to miss this one, especially with people honking and flashing their lights.
Rolling The Dog Seems Fun
The whole point of taking the dog out to the park is to let the furry one have a walk.
If you need to take a walk, why not let him stretch his legs with you?
Might Be A Good Watch
People will do anything for a quick money grab.
At only $4, you too can read about a dragon who got his scales tattooed. I think I'll wait for the movie.
"I Think There Was A Bit Of A Misunderstanding Here"
How would you respond to getting your iPod if it had this?
Would you demand a refund or stick with it until you had to get a new one? This is pretty bad.
"My Mom Ordered A Graduation Cake With A Cap Drawn On. I Guess They Misheard"
Getting a cat instead of a cap drawn on you isn't that bad of an exchange.
You can tell people that it wasn't a mistake and they'll just think that's your personality.
"My University Doesn't Understand Fractions"
If this was my university, I wouldn't want to attend it anymore. I'm paying for an education at an establishment that doesn't know how to do fractions correctly?
That's a tough break.
Waste Of Money
The people who sell this coloring book probably didn't see the movies.
Do they know that these are the colors of the characters, so you don't need to do anything?
A Drastic Misunderstanding
How could people have this huge of a misunderstanding when it comes to their health?
The industry needs to do a better job at making sure their patients are okay.
"My Mom Sent Me A Picture Of Her Dinner. I Didn't Understand Why It Wasn't Playing"
Who else tried to click play on the pizza? If her mom sent a picture, why would she think it was a video?
This is why pizza savers should be circular.
Not Very Good At Hide-And-Seek
He has the hiding part down, but he needs to understand that people can see him. He probably thinks, "if I can't see them, then they can't see me."
Better luck next time, kid.
Not A Fair Comparison
Comparing a baby to beer is like comparing apples and oranges.
You can't mention them in the same sentence, so this PSA isn't going to work on people who love their beer.
They're Not Completely Wrong
I hope the teacher gave some points for this harmless answer. It's not the right thing, but it isn't wrong either.
You can only respect it, but you have to have a talk with the child after class.
This Guy Is Blindly In Love
When you're in love, there isn't much that can stop you from loving that other person.
This guy would have to witness his girlfriend cheating on him to believe this wasn't a paintball accident.
That's A Sad Bread
Some people don't have the capacity to understand subtle jokes like this one.
It's even funnier when the joke teller makes a condescending statement to make the joke go on longer.
"Somebody At Work Isn't The Brightest"
If I worked there, I would love to follow the rules they set out for the employees.
When they don't set clear rules, then that means the people can improvise, right?
"A Guy Right Outside My Office. He Isn't Aware The Reflective Glass Is See-Through From Our Side"
Hey, let the man live. He just wanted a few selfies for his Instagram account. That pose could use a little more work if he is taking pictures.
I wonder if he ever found out about the glass.
"Math Isn't A Strong Suit At The NC State Fair"
How will you save $5 if the tickets are only $1?
Yeah, whoever made this sign probably won't make any more for this fair ever again. Unless this was part of their plan.
When Your Latte Is Ready
The drive-thru sign is right there, but that doesn't give you permission to do this.
Follow the road like every other customer and wait for your pumpkin spiced latte to finish.
No Privacy From Tall People
What's the point in even putting doors on the change rooms if anyone walking by has the ability to just peek over the top of it?
This dressing room was not designed with the tall person in mind.
"Send A Copy Of Your Passport"
If you're an employer asking for a copy of someone's passport to keep on file, apparently you need to specify that you want the photo ID portion.
Otherwise, your employees might send you a copy of just the front cover.
A Pot Of...Erasers?
This is a great example of someone who should have thought through what they were about to do before they did it.
Think about it. When your mom asked you to peel half the potatoes, this can't have been what she meant.
Pick Your Own
When this person ordered a side of mushrooms to go along with their food at a hotpot restaurant, this is not what they were expecting.
At least they have the chance to pick the exact mushrooms that they want to eat.
Looks Tasty
This feels like something that Rachel should have made on Friends after she made the beef trifle for Thanksgiving.
What a waste of a set of perfectly good sponges, too!
A Not So Wise Choice
Apparently, the person who was getting ready to play this video game didn't realize that they were allowed to name themselves in this world.
And as it says, it can't be changed later, so now they're stuck as Wisely.
Way To Ruin The Joke
There's nothing worse than setting up a great pun or a funny joke only for someone to ruin it by completely missing the point.
This "brocollie" pun was a home run, and hopefully, someone else in their contacts will appreciate it more.
Nobody Tell Them How Cute Cows Are
So who wants to be the one to explain to them that all meat, regardless of where you purchase it, had to come from some sort of animal to begin with?
They apparently skipped that lesson in science class.
I Wonder What It Could Be
In this case, we're going to assume that the boyfriend figured out pretty quickly what his birthday gift was.
It's very nice that his thoughtful girlfriend wanted to preserve the excitement and keep it as a surprise, but the cat's out of the bag on this one.
That Isn't Really The Concern Here
It's too easy to spread misinformation online these days, so it's important that people like this commenter are dedicated to the pursuit of truth.
However, a bigger concern to address might have been the whole "levitation" thing.
There's Your Vegetable Serving For The Day
This person was trying to be healthy and ordered a lettuce bun for their burger in a restaurant so they could avoid the gluten and carbs of a normal bun.
They ended up being forced to ingest a full head of lettuce along with their burger, so it seems this restaurant missed the memo about what a lettuce bun is.