People Who Absolutely Positively Need A Break From This Crazy World
Life is an unpredictable roller coaster that none of us really know how to ride correctly. We all kind of hold on for dear life as it spins and swirls us around with absolutely no control at all.
While some people learn to navigate their way through everyday life fairly successfully, most of us don't. We struggle with putting one foot in front of the other, and yet we don't really get a break. It's always "GO GO GO" and never "stop, have a nap, take a vacation, and go have a massage." While you and I certainly need a break, the people in this article are on a whole other level.
..And Back To Bed I Go
We all have those mornings when we feel like we should just stay in bed. They're the mornings that you wake up, stub your toe on the wall and spill your coffee all over your work outfit.
You step outside and it's raining (which is bad enough). You take three steps on the sidewalk only to get drenched by a passing bus. Yeah, it's time to go back to bed.
There's No Way To Come Back From This
Public washrooms are awkward enough, nevermind having to make someone hand toilet paper that you soared across the floor back to you.
Any human interaction under a stall door should be banned entirely. Nothing good comes from those hand-offs.
Vending Machines Are The Devil
Can we talk about how frustrating vending machines are? They probably have a failure rate of around 50% at least and steal more money than every thief combined.
Everyone thinks that if you get an item stuck, the best thing to do is to buy another item to push it down. That has never worked. Not once. Stop doing it. Coming up, prepare to close your eyes because one of the most devastating pictures is about to grace your screen.
This is the kind of honesty that we need to value more. In a society that rewards people who are fake and pretend to be nice to everyone — we need more of this.
It's important that everyone has a moment of self-reflection, no matter how brutal it is. Look at yourself in the mirror and judge your actions and looks honestly. We need more pizza guys like this.
Let The Man Sleep
We all need a little bit of a break every now and again. A little nap here and a little nap there never hurt anybody.
If there's a picture that I can relate to the most, it's this one. Work is draining so it makes sense that he's taking a quick five. It'll increase his productivity, that's just basic science.
And That's The Worst Day Of Anyone's Life
Dropping food is awful, but dropping pizza is an entirely different devastation altogether. This is painful to look at.
Pictures like these can take your breath away and make your heart sink into the floor. Just ahead, a hilarious public service announcement about wearing headphones that you won't want to miss.
The Friendzone Is A Rough And Tumble Place
Once you're in the friend zone, it's a really hard place to get out of. It's even harder when she makes public posts like these that completely humiliate the guy.
We need to all say a quick prayer for this man who has some serious trench warfare to get through in order to get out of the friend zone.
Being Successfully Romantic Is A Skill
Being romantic is not easy. While some people can seamlessly light scented candles with rose petals surrounding it, others just set the entire house on fire.
While some can bake a cake with an innocent, happy face on it, others bake a cake that looks like it's about to commit mass homicide.
Chores Aren't Meant For Everyone
When you really think about it, listening to music while you're walking around or doing chores really isn't a smart idea.
You're literally taking away one of your five senses completely. Most of us listen to our music so loud that we can't hear our surroundings, which is problematic for vacuuming and, uh, getting hit by a car. Coming up, a horrifying picture that shows the rocky road a tub of ice cream had to endure.
This Is Repulsive On So Many Different Levels
Can we talk about how awful mustard is in general? How is it a popular condiment when it tastes like sour pickles smothered in some sort of gross horseradish?
If your favorite condiment is the yellow stuff, you need to be investigated by the CIA and potentially jailed. You're going to be a serial killer or something.
Join The Army They Said...
When this guy joined the army, no one told him that this is what it was all about. No one said that he'd be trapped in a sink surrounded by human pee and poo.
This is literally painting yourself in a corner. I think it's safe to say that this has to be the crappiest moment of his life.
Well, That's The Worst Case Scenario
It's one thing to drop ice cream and have it melt away in front of you. That's a terrible feeling. But, it's another thing to have the entire tub of ice cream fall out at once.
As you can see, this ice cream flavor has had quite the Rocky Road to get on the floor of a crappy Toyota Corolla (get it, because the flavor of the ice cream is Rocky Road). Okay, I'll stop. Just ahead, the word you don't want to hear come out of your crush's mouth when someone hints that you two should date.
Welp, So There's That
In order of worst job on the planet, the first goes to people who work at sewage plants, and the second goes to parking ticket enforcers.
No one has ever said, "Hey look, a parking ticket person, let's go say hi!" Along those same lines, no kid has ever mentioned wanting to be a parking ticket person when they grow up.
This Is A Legitimate Question
Have you ever been so hungover that every part of your body hurts? Somehow your elbow feels like it's about to fall off, your heart feels heavier than a bowling ball, and your head feels like it has a sword cutting it.
It's a legitimate question to ask if you can die from a hangover because the pain can be insanely intense.
"I'm Fine"
There's nothing quite like having a crush on someone, only to be humiliated by them in public.
It's like the sharpest dagger dug right into your heart and it just won't come out. In fact, the dagger just stays in place letting you bleed out in front of everyone. The worst part? You have to act like it doesn't affect you. Coming up, the reaction that a camel had when an observer wouldn't delete its picture.
You Had One Job
When you're transporting this much beer, you literally have one job to do, and that's to ensure that you don't break all of the bottles.
Well, in this series of "you had one job and somehow screwed it up," alcoholics all over the world clench in agony.
Not The Worst Demons To Exist
When you're trying to get fit, there are a lot of distractions and demons along the way that try to get you off your path.
One of the most prominent demons is a man named Ronald McDonald. He lingers outside of every gym, offering cheap, tasty, unhealthy food that is almost impossible to turn away.
Delete That Picture, Amanda
Just because you looked good Amanda, didn't mean that Humpy the camel thought she looked good.
You didn't listen when Humpy asked you not to post it to Facebook, so now she's getting her revenge. And let me tell you, it was sweet, sweet revenge.
Happy, Uh, Father's Day
If this is your daughter's idea of a "surprise father's day gift" then she needs to be professionally observed.
She took Carrie Underwood's 'Before He Cheats' a little bit too seriously when she decided to key her own dad's car. This was a malicious act.
"Go To The White Light"
This is what happens when you go swimming with your dog after you kept hiding the fetch ball and making him look like an idiot.
He's out to seek revenge on her for all of the humiliation that he's had to endure on that beach. It's not okay to think you can fake throw balls and hide them in your pocket without consequences.