People On The Internet Are Asking The Important Questions That Clearly Need Some Answers

People are curious by nature. Asking questions is how we learn about the world around us. Most teachers will tell you that there are no stupid questions. They’re probably wrong. I can think of a few stupid questions. None of these questions are stupid, though. These are all legitimate thoughts that need some heavy pondering.

Keep reading to find out why Disney really called a movie Frozen, how dogs would wear pants if they felt like wearing pants, and whether or not you can get high pitched farts by pumping helium up your bum hole.

Appreciate The Booty


Photo Credit: Imgur

A good booty deserves to be appreciated, even if that booty belongs to a man, and even if you are a man. Everyone has a butt, not just girls.

Come on, boys, your masculinity is not so fragile that a genuine compliment could threaten it, right?