People Having The Worst Day Ever Because Misery Love Company
Can you imagine your dog chewing up your passport right before you need to leave the country? That's the epitome of a bad day, but others face great disasters on a daily basis. If you've ever had a bad day, you'll probably relate to all of these folks, and if you're having a bad day right now, maybe they'll make you feel a bit better.
Time For A New Passport
Dogs are cute and everything, but replacing a passport is a pain!
Look at his guilty face, staring at the ruined passport in agony. Is his punishment no belly rubs?
What A Waste!
Look at all the wine gone to waste.
That's at least 100 years of aging, and possibly more. Whoever did this might have to walk the plank when their manager finds it.
Spilling Wine On The Bride
When it's your big day, it's okay to sip on some wine.
Just don't bring it on the dance floor with your wife still in her gown. This man spilled it on her dress, and his face looks distraught.
There Goes The Pool!
Usually, when something this big breaks down, there's a way to save it.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like they can bring this one back to life. Is that water bad for the grass?
The Longest Fall
Whenever you're horizontal in the air (unless you're some kind of acrobat), it can't be a good thing.
It looks like this woman tried to hop over the log and her foot got caught.
He's Toast
The only silver lining here is that this man had his helmet secured. Had he not, this fall would probably have killed him.
Maybe not, but the way he's flying says a lot.
Coffee Spill In The Office
White pants must attract messy situations.
You can wear blue jeans all you want, but the moment you switch to white, something like this happens to them. Time for a new pair.
"I Knew I Forgot Something"
Leaving stuff on the roof of a car is a mistake people make all the time.
Sometimes it's a fast-food drink, and other times it's your brand spanking new Kindle.
Not So Happy Sweet 16!
For your 16th birthday, you want everything to go smoothly.
This mom wanted her child to have a blast, but she ended up blasting the floor with a perfectly good cake.
Is He Okay??
Scooters can be fun, but they're also quite dangerous.
If you roll over the smallest disturbance on one, you'd better have a good grip. This person just didn't see the wet cement, it seems.
Time To Call AAA
Just when he thought he was going to work, this happened.
Thankfully, newer cars don't need you to insert your key, so maybe he'll upgrade to a new model soon.
The Flaws Of A Porcelain Sink
I can't say exactly what went wrong here, but it looks expensive.
You can't turn that sink on anymore until you get that gaping hole fixed. What a bad day.
Good Luck With That
Judging by the mess all the way down the stairs, this person was probably at the top when the kitty litter box decided to give out.
Taking a picture so others can feel your pain was the next best move before cleaning.
Maybe The Deodorant Is Still Good
Thank goodness for cases.
That deodorant might still be safe, but those Q-tips are gone. Judging by the amount left, this person must have recently purchased those things! That's too bad.
Could Have Gone Worse
Honestly, there isn't much damage done to this car somehow.
Still, who wants to have their vehicle nose-first in the moat of a home like this? How did this even happen?
Burn The House
What are you going to do if you see this?
One look at this and cops need to be on their way. Not pest control, but the police, because this doesn't look safe for anyone without a weapon.
Please, Be Gentle
We can't always fit in the kids' seat, but we can try, and this is what happens if we do.
Was it worth it? One false snip and this lady will need to invest in a new butt.
The Cows Got Milked For This??
Do you mean to tell me that the cows were violated just for these guys to spill this much milk?
That's an absurd amount of dairy these men will have to clean.
That's Embarrassing
You've probably forgotten to put your gas cap back on before, but have you forgotten to take the pump out the socket?
This is a great picture as the disaster unravels.
Just Wanted To Test Out The New Ride
When you only wanted to test out your new ride, but a tree decides to fall on it.
It looks like the tree got cut, so was there no warning?
A Mistake On The Job
When you look at this, do you hear the groans from the workers?
Some probably laughed at the person who did it, but then they realized they'd have to help clean it up.
Her Face Says It All
This woman wanted to enjoy her chocolate cake in peace, but you can't always get what you want.
Her face says she's upset at herself for her mistake and for her missed cake.
There's An Art To Pouring Beer
If you're going to pour beer for someone and this is how you do it, just don't.
I didn't even think you could get this much foam without the liquid.
A Nightmare Come True
Rollercoasters are fun! Don't let this image distract you from that fact.
Definitely don't let this picture stop you from lining up for the next roller coaster you see. Everything is fine. Continue to enjoy yourself.
Right After Laundry...
Sometimes, air-drying your clothes is a good, environmentally friendly, efficient move.
Most times, you would want to make sure the sky is clear, that way, something like this won't happen to you.
Bad Kitty
Wow, this cat pulled off a three-for-one.
There's one toothbrush in the toilet, another in the cat litter, and it broke the vase. This kitty was on a roll that day.
The Bamboozle Of The Year
The one thing you don't want to do is mess with a gamer's games. If they rent something from the Redbox, it had better be the game it says it is.
This person was probably irate.
How dare this avocado do this to this kind person.
She chose this avocado, but in return, it gave her a brown stare back. Hopefully, she had a backup avocado waiting.
"I Picked The Ladder Up Forgetting The Paint Was On Top"
When you're forgetful, bad things tend to happen.
She got paint all in her hair, on her clothes, and on the floor. The cleanup for this was probably out of control.
Double The Pain
I can only think a few things worse than spilling your noodles.
One of them might be damaging your laptop. Doing both at once has got to be the worst thing to ever happen to this person.
Narrator: The Bowl Was, In Fact, Not Microwave Safe
The microwave is a great invention that makes life and cooking a lot easier.
But the sad reality is that not everything can fare well inside of it—even if it says it's "microwave safe."
This Is So Horribly Ironic
This guy was involved in a workplace accident that led to two of his fingers being cut off.
When he came home from the hospital, he saw that the new guitar he'd ordered had arrived on the same day.
All That Work For (Basically) Nothing
This person planted potatoes in the spring and then spent the whole summer watering, weeding, and nurturing the plant.
Unfortunately, it only produced this single, tiny potato when she harvested them.
It's The Dead Look In Her Eyes For Me
This woman specifically requested to have a window seat on her flight because she likes to look out at the clouds while in the air.
She was disappointed, to say the least, when she found her row.
No Self-Esteem For You!
After making a conscious effort to eat healthier foods and exercise more, this person was feeling really good about the progress they had made by losing 1/3 of their body weight.
The feeling went away when they sat on the toilet and cracked the seat.
Guess You'll Be Eating Off Paper Plates A Little Longer
This person ordered a new set of dining plates when moving into a new place.
When they arrived, five out of six of them had been smashed in the shipping process.
It's Pretty Sound Advice...
This person's loved ones threw him a going-away party (and you can probably guess where he was going), which included this custom-made cake.
I feel bad both for the guy and the person who had to make it.
This Should Be Grounds For Divorce
There are many things you learn about a partner through your time as a married couple.
Unfortunately for this person, they learned that they agreed "til death do us part" to a psychopath who does this.
This "Salad" Cost Her $12
No one really wants to order a salad when out at a restaurant with friends, but this woman tried to make a healthy choice with the Caprese salad option.
Imagine her disappointment when the waiter gave her this ball of cheese.
Not The Glassware!
Naturally, no one would ever want their kitchen cabinet to randomly detach itself from the wall and fall to the ground.
But it's especially awful when the cabinet was the one full of breakables.