People Caught Realizing They’ve Made A Massive Mistake

There's a reason the saying "been there done that" exists—it's to make us all feel better about all the mistakes we've made in the past. Normally we just make them, take a quick look around to make sure nobody has just seen, and then move on with our lives and try to repress the embarrassing memory. Unfortunately, these people can't do that.

Here are some people caught in the middle of a moment of chaos and there's nothing they can do about it. These photos capture the horror, shock, and pain they're feeling in the moment, but it's nothing compared to the embarrassment they're going to feel later.

When The Pizza Hits The Floor, That's Amore

two people holding a pizza and it dropping
Photo Credit: absolutelyUnlikely / Reddit
Photo Credit: absolutelyUnlikely / Reddit

These two were on different wavelengths when this photo was taken. The girl is clearly the master chef who's concerned about how her creation turned out. Her expression indicates that she may have already made it to the seventh stage of grief, "acceptance."

The guy? He’s just there to pose for a picture and eat the pie. At least he got to do one of those things. He could do both if they observe the five-second rule in this household.


Maybe Four People Was One Too Many

four people on each others shoulders
Photo Credit: brockington / Reddit
Photo Credit: brockington / Reddit

This family took a risk and boy did it almost pay off. The dad decided that today was the day to really compress his vertebrae and bond with his family at the same time. If the kid survives the fall I'd say he’s accomplished that goal.


You can always learn from a mistake, and we’d say, structurally, the kid in the blue trunks should have gone on top. He just seems smaller. They teach that in cheerleading 101.


The French Fry Avenger

mom choking a seagull
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit

People who live near a beach roll their eyes when they see tourists gleefully throwing food to a swarm of sky-rats. They know that it encourages unruly bird behavior, making them arrogant snack thieves.


So this lady probably isn't going to regret her decision to fight this gull, but this gull is definitely going to remember this day as the last time it tried to poach french fries off a local.


Selfie? Perfect Time For A Fly To Land On Your Face

woman takin selfie with fly
Photo Credit: angelinthehallway / Reddit
Photo Credit: angelinthehallway / Reddit

For our human readers: This is exactly what you'd expect would happen. Honestly, the one time you try and look cute a fly goes and lands on your face. It’s basically the law of the universe for people with crummy luck.


For our insect readers: This is exactly what you’d expect would happen. Honestly, the one time you try and look cute a girl goes and jumps in your background. It’s basically the law of the universe…


The New Groom Who's Really Using His Head

groom with his head in the ceiling
Photo Credit: aguart / Reddit
Photo Credit: aguart / Reddit

Option 1 (Editor's Choice): Picture this, you just got married, you’re happy, you’re celebrating with your friends and they decide that the only thing the ceiling needs is you hanging from it. It’s definitely an honor to be considered for such a huge renovation job, but it makes the reception a little awkward with you just hanging out there.


Option 2 (Honorable Mention): Did you hear that Spider-Man got married?


She Believed She Could Fly...

girl swinging on a swingset
Photo Credit: lorddumoh / Reddit
Photo Credit: lorddumoh / Reddit

Turns out, just because you believe you can do something doesn't mean that you either should do something or that you can. This girl is flying high on the power of her positive thinking alone, but she’s about to find out it’s also about to be her downfall.


Or, who know, maybe she is flying? All we have is this photo. There’s no evidence that she didn’t fly, or at the very least is maintaining a low hover.


Right Before She Broke Up With Him

woman on shoulders of man whos kissing another girl
Photo Credit: KevlarYarmulke / Reddit
Photo Credit: KevlarYarmulke / Reddit

We could try and sugarcoat this situation, hoping that maybe there is a plausible explanation for this scene, but the look on the woman's face who is getting the piggy-back ride says it all. Not cool.


If we were going to play devil’s advocate though, here’s a thought: What if the girl he is kissing is his girlfriend and the other girl is not really on his shoulders, she just has really long legs and is striding through the crowd back to her group?


The Wet Willy That Will Haunt You

dog licking a girl's ear
Photo Credit: Skywolf111 / Reddit
Photo Credit: Skywolf111 / Reddit

Just looking at this picture makes me sick. This is the most cursed version of a wet willy that I've ever seen. This dog is digging its tongue right into the nightmare center of her brain where the memory is going to stay for many years.


If this was a scene in a horror movie, we would do a super zoom into her ear canal, seeing the microscopic worms disembarking the dog’s tongue, preparing for life in their new host. Eeeww, next slide please.


A Good Day On The Boardwalk—Oh, Nevermind

icecream cone getting eaten by a gull
Photo Credit: HiFiSi / Reddit
Photo Credit: HiFiSi / Reddit

This seagull is really here to completely wreck this guy's fun day out at the beach. The worst part is that the gull didn’t even ask before taking a bite. Where’s that chokehold lady when we need her


Seriously though, you don’t do a Statue of Liberty pose at the beach unless you’re done with your snack. It’s the seagull equivalent of making that "check please" motion in a restaurant.


The Fish That Kept Swimming... Right Onto The New Lawnchair

fish falling onto a lawnchair
Photo Credit: WarriorSquirtle / Reddit
Photo Credit: WarriorSquirtle / Reddit

This fish was made to dance, and dance it shall. This guy flopped right onto the lawnchair its new owner was sitting in just to show the guy how to cut a rug even when you're lazing around.


Fun fact: When a fish dances, it is unable to perform "Jazz Hands," a crucial move to any serious hoofer’s repertoire. The fish equivalent is called a “Gill Flare” and yes, it is disturbing.


Baby's First Flight And First Splash Mountain Experience

long plane ride drink
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit

This is rule number 90027 why you shouldn't take small children and babies on planes. If they’re too young to form memories don’t take them on your Italian vacation because it’s not going to give them any joy and they’ll probably do this on the flight over.


Speaking of memories though, look at the expression on that dad’s face. This is one of those moments he will never be able to live down.


The Tennis Champ That Was Stronger Than The Trophy

tennis champion lifting thing up
Photo Credit: Chetruger / Reddit
Photo Credit: Chetruger / Reddit

This is tennis champion Marat Safin holding up a trophy he just won that immediately decided to fall apart. How ironic that the giant trophy he worked so hard to win has now permanently damaged the very part of his brain where tennis knowledge is stored.


There are so many other things I could say about this, but instead, I'll let the guy in the lower right-hand corner’s face do the talking.


It Is A Fair Question

someone eating donuts on the toilet
Photo Credit: Reddit / FrederikTwn
Photo Credit: Reddit / FrederikTwn

I feel bad for all the people in this picture. First, someone is eating donuts in the bathroom. Secondly, there are donuts in the bathroom that are not being shared. And third, why take a picture? Let them snack in peace.


I'll pose one more possible explanation here, and it might be more than some of you can bear, and may be a dated reference: It’s just "time to make the donuts." (sorry)


This Kid Is A Vegetarian Now

kid screaming as buffalo says hi through window
Photo Credit: fredauvr / Reddit
Photo Credit: fredauvr / Reddit

The first time this kid met a buffalo is also the last time this kid ever thought about eating meat again.


A few years ago, the National Carrot Council came up with the concept of using a buffalo mascot to increase carrot awareness among the nation's youth. Meet Barry Buffalo. He just wants to quickly explain the benefits of eating a meatless diet to this child, but the kid really didn’t need any convincing after this.


The Bride Who's Going To Need A Dry Cleaner

bride spilling drink all over wedding dress
Photo Credit: AwesomeSound88 / Reddit
Photo Credit: AwesomeSound88 / Reddit

Imagine saving up so much money to have a nice wedding and you go and spill an entire beer on yourself. Honestly, knowing me, if I'd be lucky enough to land true love that’s probably where my luck would run out and I’d end up spilling a drink, the whole buffet, and the chocolate fountain on my dress.


But these crazy kids are in love and that’s all that really matters. And no disrespect, but this probably isn’t the first time they’ve spilled some beer while making out.


A Facial Courtesy Of A Volleyball

girl getting her face hit by a volleyball
Photo Credit: Sammy_D- / Reddit
Photo Credit: Sammy_D- / Reddit

This volleyball came in hot and with a purpose right into this girl's face. She wasn’t really ready to attend her facial appointment but this volleyball decided that she most definitely was.


It also reminds me of that typical scene in a horror movie where the victim is fumbling around in the dark for the flashlight and finally gets it on and they are face-to-face with the monster. Yikes!


We Have So Many Questions

a guy holding up a sewing machine in front of a UPS truck that crashed
Photo Credit: Reddit / EwokMan
Photo Credit: Reddit / EwokMan

What kind of mistakes do you have to make in your life to end up wearing a full suit holding a sewing machine in front of a crashed UPS truck? Do you think that he is to blame for this?


Did UPS just deliver his tiny sewing machine just in time for his wedding? Or was this an elaborate Oceans Eleven style heist plot involving Julia Roberts to obtain the world's smallest sewing machine while in transit from Fort Knox to the Louvre?


The Bald Spot Landing Pad

sky dog flying through air
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit

This airborne dog decided that there was no time like the present to start in on its flying lessons. As we can see, this pup comes from a long and distinguished line of aviators (pictured).


It really wants to soar like the birds it chases do, so dad's head is the makeshift landing pad that it’s going to use. There’s a saying among pilots: "Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory. Try to land on some guy’s head."


The Downward Cat Pose

cat scratching a woman's face during yoga
Photo Credit: HiFiSi / Reddit
Photo Credit: HiFiSi / Reddit

This cat is not exactly the workout buddy that this woman needs in her life. It's not really encouraging her to reach her fitness goals by trying to claw out her eye the moment she goes into a pose.


And let’s face it, that beautiful, three story cat condo with multiple hammocks and other ammenities is just not cutting it any more. This human would be much more fun to climb!


There Is Some Weird Photoshopping Happening Here

some weird photoshopping in a picture
Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

I'm not sure what exactly happened in these pictures, but I do know that something just isn’t right… No one has a migrating mole that transfers from person to person like that.


"Baby, when you said we were boyfriend and girlfriend, everything that is mine became yours as well. I would give you the mole off my arm, that’s how much I love you." “Great! I’ll put it on my torso. Cheeeese!”


This Is Why We Listen To Wet Floor Signs

girl dancing on floor
Photo Credit: J5o5s / Reddit
Photo Credit: J5o5s / Reddit

Wet floors have been decking people for as long as humans have been around to be decked by them. This girl quickly figured out this essential truth of the human experience and it only took a few broken teeth to get there.


And not to add insult to injury, but the warning sign clearly shows that when you fall, you should keep your right leg straight and bend your left leg.


Playing Catch With Dad... And His Face

kid catching a ball with his face dad holing him up
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit

The helpful dad was just trying to get his son a little more involved in sports. The only problem with that is that the kid's body stayed uninvolved while his face gave 110%


Let’s hope dad showed a little more restraint after this successful block and didn’t spike the kid or punt him into the stands. Seriously dads, sports aren’t everything. They are the most important thing in the world, but they aren’t everything…


The Cone-Stealing Clucker

chicken stealing icecream
Photo Credit: Hexidian / Reddit
Photo Credit: Hexidian / Reddit

The last thing anyone wants is to have is a chicken ruining their day by stealing a cone… especially one that's chocolate-dipped.


But chicken doesn’t care. What you gonna do to chicken? Take all chicken’s eggs? Too late, all chicken’s eggs gone. Chicken will take your cone. Nothing you can do. Go complain to chicken’s manager. Chicken doesn’t care. Chicken didn’t really want you dumb cone anyway. Chicken have a ton of cones back at the coop. Chicken outta here.


Cat Or Launchpad?

cat getting launched by other cats
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit

Every group of friends has that one friend who is always showing off, has to be the center of attention. They can be fun to be around, but sometimes they take it too far, but you forgive them anyway.


This cat decided that best friends also make the best springboards. The other cats probably weren't in agreement about that fact, but they closed their eyes and just tried to go to their happy place. Which, by the way, has significantly more tuna and fewer feet in their faces.


The Gnarliest Fall

guy falling off of his skateboard
Photo Credit: westondeboer / Reddit
Photo Credit: westondeboer / Reddit

This man is attempting to perform one of the most intense skating moves known as an "Ostrich Flip." The hardest part is actually breaking through the granite with your skull when you land to get your head completely submerged below the surface. Pro-tip: practice with a helmet at first until you really get a feel for what you're doing.


Sure, it requires breaking your neck slightly, but this guy will do anything to get Tony Hawk to notice him.


Half A Second Before He Got A New Group Of Friends

breakdancer on the water
Photo Credit: whud99 / Reddit
Photo Credit: whud99 / Reddit

You can always count on your bros to have your back when things dicey, but the flipside is that you have to put up with their dumbass pranks. Or maybe the rest of the guys just overthrew their leader.


But let's just stop to appreciate how calm this water looks right before this man absolutely took a dive into it. It’s completely unaware that a big man with a big plan to create a splash-zone is coming along to mess with it.


The Group Photo That Turned Into A Group Shower

girl accidentally spilling a drink on friends head
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit
Photo Credit: basshead541 / Reddit

Sometimes something seems like such a funny idea that the pranks side of your brain completely takes over for a few seconds. You can see this girl realizing she's screwed up just as the other girl looks like she’s wondering why it feels like it’s raining all of a sudden.


Depending on how much time she’s got before the girl turns around, she might be able to convince her that this is the one and only time that rain kinda smells like beer.


Perfect Day For A Ride Straight Into The Lake

guy riding a bike right into the water
Photo Credit: RickeySanchez / Reddit
Photo Credit: RickeySanchez / Reddit

This man looks like he was having a great day—until this. He was off on a fantastic journey right up until he caught a pebble wrong and his day, and his bike, took a nosedive right into the river. Hey, at least he won't have to clean his bike anytime soon.


And with the new deals available for bike insurance, any covered individual only has to pay a $2000 deductible on submarine rental to extract his baby from Neptune’s Realm.


The Three Pointer That Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

the basketball shot that hit the backboard
Photo Credit: WyGG / Reddit
Photo Credit: WyGG / Reddit

Whoever threw this basketball clearly has the arms of the Hulk. They chucked it with enough speed to break the glass and after this they're moving on to the sound barrier. This is like if the Avengers turned to Globe Trotting for a little extra income.


And with the new deals available for backboard insurance, any covered individual only has to pay a $2000 deductible to replace their backboard, and that includes painting on the striped boxes that help you aim!


She Tried To Pet A Chicken And It Gave Her A Karate Lesson

chicken booting a girl in the face
Photo Credit: fozzythemexican / Reddit
Photo Credit: fozzythemexican / Reddit

This is the last time this girl ever tries to pet a chicken and coincidentally the last time she ever wears this hat. This chicken is aiming for that cute pink hat and looking to shred that thing up. Must've not been a designer brand the chicken liked.


All kidding aside, this appears to be a still shot from Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill spinoff for kids (no animals were harmed during the filming).


The Raccoon That Invited Itself To A Picnic

raccoon straling a bag of cheetos
Photo Credit: DigitalUFX / Reddit
Photo Credit: DigitalUFX / Reddit

This is what we all wish we could do when we see people eating some delicious treats at a picnic that we wish we were invited to. Just slowly sneak up and snatch some food and make a break for it.


Unfortunately for us humans, that usually ends up with an angry uncle chasing after you and getting detained by the local authorities. It's so hard to be a human.


The Person Who Got A Memorable Lesson From Plastic Fruit

mango with teeth marks in it
Photo Credit: _jacorn_ / Reddit
Photo Credit: _jacorn_ / Reddit

A savvy shopper always gives a potential purchase a thorough inspection. We want the highest quality at the best price and we will accept nothing else.


So what do we do when food looks too good to be true? We carefully examine it before eating to see if it's plastic or not (because it probably is). And just to be extra-sure, we try and take a bite out of it. This plastic mango gave someone a rude awakening.


A Perfect Fall Day And A Perfect Day For A Fall

kid falling into a pile of leaves
Photo Credit: hankappleseed / Reddit
Photo Credit: hankappleseed / Reddit

This kid just loves fall so much that he wanted to be in it, a part of it, and just be consumed by the spirit of the season itself. He loves it so much that he's even willing to risk folding himself in half to do the job.


That's way more than any one of us can say we'd do for the season, even if we are fans of pumpkin spice lattes.


R.I.P., Little Duck

a plastic duck that was left in a hot car that melted
Photo Credit: Imgur / Fishbong
Photo Credit: Imgur / Fishbong

It's shocking the number of people who forget that things melt when they get hot and just because they’re sitting in your car doesn’t make that not true… It almost makes it more true.


This automobile owner probably regrets the fate that their little buddy was met with. This rubber ducky no longer squeaks, but it does serve as a constant reminder not to fly too close to the sun.


How Is That Undercover Operation Going?

someone's pants are falling off as they dangle at the side of a building
Photo Credit: Imgur / RogueVector
Photo Credit: Imgur / RogueVector

When you finally get your ninja accreditation, you've already been prepared for these situations so they don’t bother you. So you might think that any kind of stealth operation they are trying to get going here is absolutely gone. In fact, they’re probably drawing a lot of attention to themselves with the whole pantsless thing.


What this photo doesn’t show is the ninja that no one noticed on the other side of the building. This was the distraction ninja.


Why Is It In The Fridge?

someone mistook containers of glue for milk
Photo Credit: Reddit / nerdallure
Photo Credit: Reddit / nerdallure

Is anyone else thinking that it's kind of weird that they would let all that glue just sit in the fridge in the exact place where you would leave the milk? Not cool. Well, technically the glue might be somewhat cool, temperature-wise.


Maybe it’s time we had a talk with mom. Everything okay with you, Mom? Maybe it’s time for some kind of getaway. I hear the mountains are nice this time of year…


It Was An Honest Mistake

person forgot to put a drain plug in their boat so it sunk
Photo Credit: Reddit / nerdallure
Photo Credit: Reddit / nerdallure

It looks like they forgot to put the drain plug in. The good news is that it's a boat and it will probably dry out to be OK, right? Or is that just not true and this is a disaster?


Maybe the captain figured he wouldn’t have to pay a slip fee if the boat was not on the surface. Or maybe the boat was dirty and they wanted just let it soak for a while.


We Call This Piece "Abandoned Scooter"

someone fell into wet concrete
Photo Credit: Reddit / Syckwun
Photo Credit: Reddit / Syckwun

This person was so upset by their little mishap with the wet concrete that they just left the scooter and probably went to hide somewhere until the embarrassment from the moment passes. We can relate.


Is it just us or can we deduce by the impression left in the concrete that this scooter was being driven by a baby manatee? Whatever happened, we hope the driver didn't just sink below the depths, quicksand style.


Of All The Ways To Lose A Phone

a crocodile with someone's phone in their mouth
Photo Credit: Reddit / PraxAttacks
Photo Credit: Reddit / PraxAttacks

Imagine trying to tell people that you lost your phone by dropping it into a crocodile enclosure at the zoo. Imagine this person's parents getting face-timed accidentally in the croc’s mouth: "Oh look dear, Courtney’s calling, she was at the zoo today… Hi honey, all I can see are giant teeth… oh god, I think something is eating our daughter!"


Even if they told one of the zookeepers, they’d probably say “sorry, that’s gone now.”


This Person Right Here...You're The Worst

sprinkler going off spraying someone in the face
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit

This is why the Navy SEALS are known as one of the toughest, most resilient military forces on earth. This guy is probably going to be a commander someday.


But seriously, if something like this happened to you, you'd have no choice but to wonder if the world was out to get you that day. You also have to wonder if this is some sort of punishment for not looking Sarge in the eye, or maybe because you were eyeballing him. Also, that probably hurt.


He Clearly Failed That One

someone forgot the day of their final exam until a friend text them asking how the exam went
Photo Credit: Twitter / @TheDiegoFranco
Photo Credit: Twitter / @TheDiegoFranco

How do you explain that to your professor? Sorry, I just got my days mixed up and wouldn't have realized if my friend didn’t text me to let me know?


Let’s hope that this was a Quantum Physics exam. Then maybe Diego could argue that time is relative and that he only missed the exam in this dimension’s timeline and therefore should be allowed to make it up. That’s how it’s supposed to work right?


Candles And Electronics Don't Mix

someone lit a candle way too close to their computer and it melted it
Photo Credit: Imgur / EricRich
Photo Credit: Imgur / EricRich

"This new app I'm developing to recreate the smell of burning plastic is really working well, I’m sure to become the next Steve Jobs," is probably not a direct thought-quote from this Mac user, but I don’t know, I’d pay 99 cents for one.


To be fair, it was probably hard to see how close the top of the computer was to the candle when they were working away. They just figured it out after it was too late.


"Check Out This Sweet Trick"

someone's front wheel of their bike coming off
Photo Credit: Reddit / future_career
Photo Credit: Reddit / future_career

This guy was probably showing off some sweet moves to people who were watching and then, right when he got too cocky, the front wheel flew off. Does that mean karma is real?


Let's imagine that he was able to catch up to the disconnected wheel and merge back to the original two-wheeler. That would be pretty sweet, but unfortunately, Dad didn’t want to waste his memory card using video mode. We can only assume this ended badly.