People Brutally Called Out For Saying Something Dumb Online
Sometimes, people will shock you with the things they say. You won't know if they're kidding, but deep down, you know they're serious. It lets you know that common sense isn't as common as you'd hope.
Still, you live your life in the hopes that not everyone will be that way. Sorry to break it to you, but there are more than you think.
Somebody Come Get Her
Wow, who knew someone could think of something like this? But why does it have 306 retweets as if those hundreds of people agreed with her? I wish this weren't real.
Oh, This Is BAD
When an account named Really Dumb Tweets calls you out on your dumb tweet, you've outdone yourself. Maybe if you thought about that question for 30 seconds longer you might've found the answer.
"Why Would Someone Keep Throwing Avocados?"
When you sit and imagine this scenario in your head, that makes this tweet one hundred times better. Someone coming outside and seeing a new avocado every day sounds hilarious watching from a distance.
He's Got A Point
Maybe this person meant an online subscription service. Either way, you can't ever rule out the library to complete something like this for you. Hopefully, they found something for their little kid.
My IQ dropped After Reading This
In what little bubble is this Twitter user living inside of where she thought that was correct? But let's not gloss over the facts coming from the original tweet. He makes a great point.
Give Her The Benefit Of The Doubt
Let's give this user the benefit of the doubt. You never know if this is a 5-year-old who has access to the internet or a phone. If that isn't the case, then that's tough.
Yeah, What Made You?
That would be like asking a dolphin, "what made you swim in the ocean?" Some interview questions need to get cut before hitting the interviewee's ears or risk this embarrassment.
What If She's Right?
What if, this whole time, New York hasn't been apart of America? That would make sense since it's like a whole new world over there, but you never know. You can tell who paid attention in class.
Who Eats A Whole Cake To Themselves?
That question is almost rhetorical because I know a few who do it. Ignoring the people who don't mind devouring all that sugar, everybody already do this with their birthday cakes.
Just Wait Until Everyone Does
I'm willing to bet not everyone thought using this logic. Those complaining about facial recognition must not have any type of government identification. The government already knows where you live, too.
There Are Two Types Of People
Sometimes, you have to continue to have as much faith in humanity as you can. There's always teaching moments, but can you really teach every time something comes up as wild as this?
Hey, The Man Needed To Make Sure
Call this what you want, but I call it poor education. That, or this is some young boy who doesn't know any better. To be fair, they're both pretty big cats.
"Then Don't Waste My Time"
I'm sorry, person on the market for a TV, but you were the one that wasted this person's time. Does the phrase "I already sold it. Sorry," not register in your mind?
He Probably Thought He Was A Genius
Sometimes, people don't consider everything. This person proves that with this message to the world, not realizing a thing called the radio exists. Something he or she probably listened to while growing up.
I'm Currently Still Laughing
If someone didn't know any better, this is a logical thing to think. I'd cry, too, if I found out four babies were on the way at the same time.
Sometimes You Have To Call Yourself Out
The edit at the bottom is what makes this mistake worth your time. If that wasn't there, you'd have to do a little thinking yourself, but you'd come to a sound conclusion like our guy did.
Wait A Minute...
I'll start by saying this is a fabulous question, but it's a little sketchy. Everything looks fine until that last person pops up and lets everyone know they don't know how to count.
The Shirt Is Correct
Maybe the students who asked were merely trolling their teacher to see if he would laugh. I have no clue, but that's a cool shirt to wear around someone you want to test.
Yeah, Are You?
Both of these people have valid points depending on how you look at it. On one hand, some folks might not mind getting a little wet, whereas you have others who can't stand it. Both of these comments are pretty funny.
First Day On The Internet?
You can tell when it's someone's first time on the internet. They get a little too upset at any comment they see and start to defend it at every cost.
Another One Bites The Dust
It's shocking to learn how many people don't know how to read and calculate measurements. Her husband is probably a cake away from getting diabetes, but I hope that isn't the case.
Aww, The Little Pickle Pinky
To be honest, this is one of the funniest things. Although that might look like a pickle, it also looks like a pinky. Do you think he really stood there for 30 seconds?
We All Know A Jenn...
Well, we all know at least one person who would pull something like Jenn did here. Maybe she was having a long day and didn't have her cup of coffee.
Nice Thinking, Mr. Smooth Guy
This man didn't think for one second before he got this made. Or was it his girlfriend's idea to inject herself into his fake ID. Now, they'll never get that alcohol.
Didn't Realize It Wouldn't Fit Through The Bars
This man purchased a watermelon at a stop during his train ride. The only thing is, he didn't get off the public transportation to get it. This man had to hold it like this.
What "Close-Minded People" Look Like In Tweet Form
It's okay, not everyone is up to date with the world we live in, and that's how comments like this arrive. I mean, these two could be a bride and the bridesmaid, but still.
She Put What She Saw
I don't know if I feel worse for the teacher or the student. This is a calculus 101 course, so you can imagine that it would be a bit difficult.
Man Tries To Smuggle Under His Wig
Wow, I'm surprised they noticed this. It looks like his real hair, but I don't know, he could have fooled anyone. I wonder how much time he got for trying to do this.
Fractions Confused Everyone
If folks had known better, they could have received a bigger burger for less. A&W should have tried harder to keep this thing going because this sounds like a great idea.
That Would Be Everyone's Reaction
I sincerely hope that there isn't a single person on this Earth who would walk into a room covered in blood and instantly think, "Yes, I could't imagine anything better!"
That's A Lot Of Bricks To Unload, Reload, Then Unload Again
I like that, before unloading all of those bricks, no one even checked to make sure they were at the right location. I don't know how heavy 6,000 bricks are and I hope to never find out.
You Want Them To Pay You To Take The Printer?
We've all heard the phrase that "beggars can't be choosers", but some beggars really try to be choosy anyway. Imagine having the audacity to see a free printer and still demand gas money from the seller.
That Bar Wasted No Time
Picture this: you're a bartender at a local establishment when you're suddenly attacked and shot. From the hospital, you watch news coverage of your story only to realize the bar is already hiring to replace you.
Someone Take This Person Back To Grade School
First of all, does this person think that cows are the only animals capable of creating milk? Have they never heard of goat cheese? Second of all, how do they think babies were fed before the invention of formula?
Fellas, Never Let Someone Disrespect You Like This
I would like to make it clear: it's always nice to try to pay for a first date if you can, but never let someone who is getting a free meal on your dollar shame you for what you can and cannot afford.
Just Another Industry Millennials Have Ruined...
How dare millennials not buy food and eat it? It's almost as if they can't afford to eat hearty meals on a regular basis and instead are surviving on limited nutrition.
I'm Called CPS
Listen, I'm all for giving parents the freedom to figure out how they want to raise their child, but there is something deeply disturbing about a couple wanting to name their daughter after a weapon.
I Really Feel For Our Healthcare Workers
This ER doctor has probably been working overtime for the past few months trying to care for the increased number of patients and one has the audacity to pretend their disease doesn't exist as they wheeze for air.
The Fact He's Recording This From His Truck...
Dear Ginger Billy, I'm sorry that you had to leave your own home in order to even record this story. While it's obviously not your fault you cheated in her dream, it's easier to just apologize.