Hilarious Photos That Show Just How Ridiculous Office Life Can Be
A lot of people think working in an office is all boring things like paper-pushing, reports, and emails. But that's not what working in an office is all about. It can actually be pretty interesting if you're surrounded by the right people.
From passive-aggressive signs to creative ways to cover up coffee spills, here are some pictures that sum up life in the office perfectly. These photos are hysterically truthful.
When The Printer Gives Philosophical Advice, You Listen
There's nothing more confusing than a printer randomly showing up. And to make matters more head-scratch worthy, one showing up with a sign that says the printer is only there temporarily. We're not even sure what that means. Where could it possibly be going?
Thankfully, someone had a good sense of humor, well, philosophical humor, about the entire situation. Nothing says you're bored at work like spewing some deep thoughts because of a sign on a printer.
Spending 15 Minutes Wondering Why Your Mouse Isn't Working
There's nothing quite like waking up, driving to the office, making it to your desk, turning your computer on, and then realizing your mouse just isn't moving. Don't worry though, we'd bet this person wiggled the device around for a solid 15 minutes before turning it over.
What they probably thought was a bum mouse turned out to be a prank by what looks like the Joker. The next move is on you, Batman. Make it a strong one.
Who Says Birthday Decorating Is Only For School Lockers?
Since these workers went through the trouble of printing out all of these Justin Bieber pictures, some of which look like actual posters, we really hope there's music involved. A little hidden wireless speaker blasting "Baby" would have put this birthday decor over the top and into the genius category.
Pro-tip for whoever has this lovely office: never leave your door unlocked on the eve of your birthday. It's almost as if you were asking for this to happen.
Eat At Your Own Risk
We feel like it's safe to say this person had their lunch stolen one too many times. But we're mature enough to give props when they are due, and they are definitely due for the brilliant decision this person made when it came to lunch box choices.
One way to deter people from eating your food? Put your lunch in something that says "Human Organ For Transplant." Unless they have Hannibal Lecter working in their office, we think they're days of missing their PB&J sandwich are over.
We Dub Thee 'Mount Shred'
Either this person really doesn't like their boss, or they took the directions to shred the paper into a mountain a bit too seriously. Don't worry, they stuck an American flag on top of the pile of shredded documents, so everything is forgiven.
Considering that it looks like this person has some US military swag around the office, whoever shredded the paper into Mount Shred probably just wanted to give their boss a personal monument.
The Office: When Tetris Is More Important Than Recycling
Nothing says office break room quite like a game of garbage Tetris. It's always surprising that no one ever thinks to take out the trash. Recycling? Who knows, everything is so jumbled up in that sad green container.
Hopefully, there are no hardcore eco-activists in the office, or else someone is about to get seriously yelled at. Also, we're not sure who has to hear this, but cool it with all of the Pepsi drinking!
Puns Become Life When Things Are Broken
When you're in the office, you have to make yourself and others laugh at things that are out of your control. For example, if the handle on the microwave is broken and someone spells it "Handel," you clearly have to print out a picture of a confused-looking George Frideric Handel.
All that's left is playing a bit of Messiah and calling it a day! Or just start singing one of the songs. Either or would work perfectly!
Never Cry Over Spilled Coffee...Well, Cry And Then Create
If we had to bet money, we'd say this desk area is for the graphic designers of the company. How else do you explain the genius of this coffee stain? We could honestly all learn a thing or two from this person.
Obviously, there is 100 percent a reason to cry over the elixir of life that is coffee. But when there is nothing to be done about the funky stain on the carpet, the only acceptable thing is to shape it into a startled cat, clearly.
It Has Now Been 0 Days Without Sarcasm
Honestly, if you don't have sarcastic co-workers, you might be in the wrong line of work. There's just something about dry humor that helps people get through their long days at the office.
And what makes this funnier is that you're lying if you've never pressed a button harder, thinking that it would work faster with more pressure. We mean, we're definitely guilty of doing so, especially with the laptop power button.
No Dogs Allowed? No Problem
It's good to know people are thinking outside of the box when it comes to the "no pets in the office" rule. And to say this office took "pets" to a whole new level would be a serious understatement.
We're actually surprised they didn't take their dino-seats to the next level with name tags. Considering they're all the same, little name tags or even painted toenails would make these office pets that much better.
Ed's Location: A Flowchart
So, we're guessing this person has been asked one too many times where Ed's desk is located. And considering they took the time out of their day to construct a flowchart, color code it, print it out, and tape it to their monitor, we'd guess they're pretty passionate about not being asked the question ever again.
The only thing is that we'd bet money some co-workers ask where Ed is located just to annoy this person. Not that we'd ever do that *wink*.
Font? Who Hired Someone Who Turns Off The Coffee!
Can we all agree that the font isn't the issue here? Who in the world decided to hire someone who thinks it's a good idea to turn off a coffee pot in the office? That is what keeps people from going insane, friend.
And the whimsical font telling people to not unplug the coffee maker makes us think it's the same person. They're just looking for attention! And now they got it in the worst way possible, by branding themselves as a "coffee hater who uses bad fonts."
Clippy Makes Random Guest Appearances
We have to hand it to the person who made the Clippy clap-back sign; that takes talent. We would like to know how much time it took for them to think of this comeback to the typo on the bathroom wall.
And now they managed to kill two birds with one stone. They successfully called out the passive-aggressive sign's typo while scaring anyone who walks into the bathroom. Seriously, '90s kids still have nightmares of this deranged paperclip.
It's Cheetos Or The Whole Company Is Going Down
Honestly, you have to admire someone who feels so deeply about things. In this co-worker's case, it seems as though it's either Cheetos or the entire company is going down. We have to admit that snipping the power line is a bit drastic.
But, hey, who are we to get in between a man or woman and their cheesy snack preferences? At least they gave the vending machine stocker a solid timeline to work off.
Keyboard Vegetation To Make You Like Less Of A Desk Dweller
If you're a desk dweller who loves the outdoors, then you might feel this picture on a personal level. Or maybe you're having flashbacks to that time you went on vacation and your hippie co-worker put seeds in between the keys on your keyboard.
All of a sudden, you're the proud owner of a woodsy-looking keyboard you never asked for! We recommend spraying it down, so you don't become the adoptive parent of tiny bugs.
There's Always That One Person Who Takes Things Literally
Things can be said about a person that takes things very literally. Well, either that or this co-worker decided to "dumb down" the message of not printing out large jobs. Therefore, a large picture of Steve Jobs makes total sense!
We have to admit that dumbing down memos in the office really isn't the worst thing in the world. But, still, thanks for the vote of confidence to the co-worker who thought the original message needed clarifying.
When In Doubt, Run!
Honestly, this evacuation plan is stellar. Someone in the office decided to take it upon themselves to fill in the otherwise blank plaque with a short, sweet, and to-the-point message about how to get out of the office.
Just run, folks! No need for a crazy maze illustrating how to get out of the office during an emergency. All you have to do is run and hope you make your way out!
This Is Just Wrong
For those of us who consider pizza to be the superior food group, this is just wrong. And yes, pizza has its own section on the food pyramid, and we would love you to argue the point. Regardless, this person needs to be given a very stern talking-to.
Sorry to the person who took the time to write this lovely note on the paper plate. But passive-aggressive office messages just aren't going to cut it this time around.
Sarcasm Level: The Office
If you have a co-worker that makes signs like this for the printer, then you are totally winning at office life. Just the fact that they went through the steps to name the printer, give a reason for the name, and then tweak Marley's lyrics to tie it all together, is genius.
Sir or madam, we applaud you and your creativity. That being said, we do hope the printer gets fixed at some point so they can give it a new identity.
The Battle Of The Single Bathroom Sink
If this worker was ever questioned by their manager about their breaks taking too long, they better have clued them in on the epic game of Risk that was being played in the bathroom. We call this battle, "The Battle of the Single Bathroom Sink."
So, next time a manager questions your lengthy breaks, just tell them that you were in the middle of setting up your army men in the bathroom for phase two of the battle. They won't question you again; maybe they'll even join!
Tall People Problems
Office life can pretty much be summed up with a single phrase: random post-it notes popping up everywhere. Keep in mind that "everywhere" does not eliminate post-it notes in the bathroom. Exhibit A is someone who took the time to write out (in all caps) that they need someone to move the air freshener.
We're sorry, but that is a lot of dedication to move an air freshener. Still, it's not office life if you don't take time out of your day to do something important, such as this.
And The Award For Most Sarcastic Co-Worker Goes To...
Is anyone else curious how this person got away with spelling sarcastic wrong? We mean, incorrect spellings typically have a red squiggly line underneath the word, no matter the program. At least it gave their co-worker a nice excuse to clap-back with a counter-attack.
The only problem is the word "nice." Seriously, if you're going to make fun of someone's spelling, make sure your letters are spaced appropriately, so it doesn't look like you're writing "nke spelling!!"
Office Life = Friend Zoned By The Food
We'd bet money HR put the first sign on the refrigerator, but leave it to someone else to make dating cans into a joke. Although we can't really blame them because, in this case, the wording is a bit weird.
Next time, don't say "date" and just write "label" on the note instead. Actually, office shenanigans are way more fun when you're able to bounce off one another's messages. We just don't recommend trying to date cans, especially if they're going to turn you down because that's just sad.
Simple Post-It Note Turned Into A Tinder Profile For The Coffee Maker
Just another example of post-it note genius. This person was obviously trying to waste time at the office because there is no reason to label a coffee pot as "hot." People can figure out fairly easily if the drink has a bit of warmth to it!
Even so, we're glad we now know that the coffee maker has a great personality. Maybe the person who tried to take the canned food on a date will have better luck with the coffee machine.
Getting Called Out By Your Font Choice
Nothing quite says office life like being called out for your font choice. Then again, whoever thought it was a good idea to write an office memo in Comic Sans probably shouldn't be working for a Fortune 500 Company. But that's just our opinion.
And excuse us, sir or madam who made the comeback sign, who says lemonade stands can't become Fortune 500 Companies? You don't know, maybe there is a stand out there that makes the best lemonade in the world, and we just haven't found it yet!
Nic Cage Wakeup Calls When You Log On
We swear if this ever happened to us, we'd scream. Accidentally, of course. But there is just something about that Nic Cage expression that makes us very uncomfortable. And if we turned on our computer to see a huge crack and that face peering back, yea, we'd let out a little yelp.
Then once we got over the creepiness of the situation, we'd probably be freaking out about the crack. How in the world does that happen to a desktop monitor anyway?
Priorities, This Worker Has Them
If you've ever worked in an office and had a project that was on a strict deadline, then you probably don't think this sign is strange. At least this lady gave exceptions to the rule because most people wouldn't!
Let's be honest, if she didn't put that sign on her back people would be coming up left and right, asking questions or trying to make small talk. It is an office after all, and people like to chit chat and procrastinate.
No Coffee? You're Just Asking For A Witty Remark
We're actually surprised that this office didn't go up in flames because of this sign! Who doesn't allow coffee and food in the workplace? That's just cruel and unusual punishment, folks.
And there's no way to deal with that type of cruelty except for witty and sarcastic comments. Honestly, just eat the coffee with the knife and fork. Maybe that will change management's mind about allowing caffeine and food in the office.
Taking Up Too Much Space In The Shared Refrigerator
If there is one thing in the office people don't necessarily appreciate, it's one co-worker taking up a lot of space in the fridge for a random item. In this case, an entire gallon of milk. Granted, it looks like this person enjoys their calcium because it's almost completely gone.
But it doesn't look like their co-worker appreciated the jug being there for a few weeks. That being said, wouldn't a cow take up a little more room?
Trying To Freeze Out The Office
We're not sure if it's just the office spaces we've worked in, but they tend to get really cold. As in they get arctic cold, so make sure you have a blanket, sweater, and maybe finger-less gloves at your disposal.
We're on Donna's side here. There is no reason to freeze out employees who are most likely trying to type. Because, news flash, freezing includes fingers that are supposed to be typing up emails and reports and what not!
Daves Have To Stick Together
Nothing says "don't touch my drink" like taping off a section of the refrigerator door. Unfortunately for Dave, he obviously wasn't expecting another Dave to be in the office. But that begs the question, does he not know the people who work in the office with him?
Sorry, Dave, but it looks like you're going to be sharing your Lipton Green Tea with Dave 2.0. Next time, maybe write your full name on your blue tape.
Someone Had To Say It
Honestly, we can appreciate the commitment this person has to cold drinks. But bringing ice from home is a bit extreme, even for the most passionate cold drink enthusiast. Also, is anyone else curious about the all-capitalized phrase "TAKE IT!"?
It almost makes it sound as though the ice bringer wants co-workers to enjoy the nice cooling sensation ice delivers to drinks. But that doesn't make it any less strange, so thank you, mystery worker, for calling this person out.
Troll Level: Office
Is it even office life if there isn't a snarky note in the communal refrigerator? In our experience, absolutely not. Hopefully, these co-workers don't know each other's handwriting though, or else there would definitely be an office war.
"You spit in my light salad dressing that I've used once? Well, I'm going to steal your two-liter Coke bottle." Yea, we see that going over well with management. May the odds be ever in these two co-workers' favor.
When You Have That One Overly Morbid Co-Worker
Do you know those self-proclaimed "murderinos" that love true crime podcasts and docu-series? Yea, that's definitely the type of co-worker who thought taping a fly to paper and saying, "he's not flying anymore," would be funny.
Okay, it's kind of funny in a weird ironic way. But that's only because employees aren't supposed to post "flyers" on the wall. And can we please go on record to say that a board framed by a frilly border automatically makes it a bulletin board.
Sarcasm Gets People Through The Day
Sometimes when you're working in a stuffy office all day, the only way to get through it is to be overly sarcastic. Poor Brenda was only trying to be a nice co-worker, letting people know that the ice cream has to be eaten.
The thing is we kind of get the sarcasm. Like, Brenda, thank you for letting the office know, but where in the world would the ice cream be located if not in the freezer? We probably would have left the sarcastic note, too!
One Ring To Rule The Office
It's always nice to have geeks in the office who know not to touch unattended rings. Come on, Susana, you should know better. And just as a pro tip, maybe write down a fake name next time.
A name that isn't close to Sauron would be preferable, but that's just our recommendation. Then again, if people are looking to have a nice long vacation, maybe put the ring on and bring the Nazgûl down upon the office.
This Person Is Overly Passionate About Their Soup
Okay, for one, who steals a person's soup? Of all things for a co-worker to eat out of the refrigerator, they choose to take the one thing they actually have to heat up to eat. That just leaves a lot of time to get caught.
Secondly, we're not sure if HR should be called on this threatening letter or if it is just funny. Think about it; if you put that powder in the soup, you wouldn't be able to eat it either. So, obviously, there is nothing in the soup.
Throwing Someone Else's Lunch Under The Bus
You have to admire someone who snoops through other people's bagged lunches so that they can write a note about its contents. Like, we get it; you don't want people to eat your "boring lunch."
But don't throw other people's lunch under the bus, especially if pudding is involved. And if it's chocolate pudding, that's a criminal offense (it must be). Only truly horrible people would steal another co-worker's dessert.
RIP Fluffy
Okay, so long story short, no one tell Hagrid that this office put Fluffy in their refrigerator and that he is now in a better place. If they do, they all have some nice curly pig tails in their future -- don't mess with the half-giants pets, folks!
But, real talk, how in the world did this office manage to get two refrigerators to smell like a dead animal? We're not sure if we should give them a slow clap or shake out heads.
Office Ransom Notes For Desk Figurines
Nothing says office shenanigans quite like someone stealing a Mr. Potato Head doll off a co-worker's desk and leaving a ransom note after a passive-aggressive message was left. The only thing that is confusing us is how did the kidnapper know there was a message about leaving a ransom note?
They would have had to go back to the scene of the crime, read the note, and take the time to cut out letters from a magazine. Watch some more true crime, friend, that was very risky!