Minimum Wage Employees Reveal What They Do When They’re Paid To Do The Minimum
Breaking the rules is like pushing boundaries. You think you know what you're doing, but at the back of your mind, the consequences aren't visible. It's when you're caught in the act breaking the rules at work that you start to realize that you're just not paid enough to care.
These people shared their stories while earning minimum wage. It might make you appreciate your next grocery store cashier a little bit more. They have more control over your bill than you think.
Deli Counters Have So Much Power
Working at a deli is like working at a bakery. Like a cookie, You can give kids a free slice of meat and offer one to the parent.
Honestly, this sounds like excellent customer service. You're making the kids happy, which typically means happy parents, who will mostly come back.
Managers Will Rip You Apart For This
If your manager hassles you for this, ask them why anyone would buy a crappy piece of pizza.
That's going to steer away customers if the quality of the food is nowhere near their expectations. I'm sure they will be reasonable after that and agree with you.
Your Boss Assumes You Will Come Back
Geez, your boss will start thinking that he's nothing without you. Good call on tossing the shirt in the garbage and quitting on the spot.
That would have made you a lifelong legend at Chuck E Cheese. Future employees will know you as "The One Who Didn't Give A You Know What."
I Wonder How Much Great Customer Service I Could Get With A Little Acting
This kind of service can pay off significantly in customer loyalty. You order a few bottles of wine from a large winery, but they ship out in -20 weather.
When it comes, the bottles will be busted. All you need is pictures of the damage, and they will apply free credit for your next order.
Being Followed Around In The Store
Not sure why some people think it's okay to make employees follow people around the store.
It makes the customer feel vulnerable when they aren't doing anything wrong. All it takes is one wrongful shoplifting case and you've got a lawsuit on your hands. This is what ruins a small independent retailer.
Would You Like More Ketchup Packets?
We've all seen that one uptight manager who takes things too far. They need to chill out — it's just ketchup packets. Like, it's not a big jug of soda customers are demanding.
Maybe if the employee was working the night shift, they would budge and give you all the packets in the world for your salty french fries.
Sir, Do You Remember How Much This Was?
You have to play it cool when you're doing this. Assume that the product price was lower than what the store sells it at.
However, it's not the customer's responsibility to check up on things like this. Good luck getting the cashier to actually call someone to track down the price. Just throw down a number and walk away.
They Aren't Paying You Enough For Poop
Technically, stores are supposed to call in a hazmat crew for biohazardous situations.
Pee doesn't count, but it's good to know that your manager stopped her from causing more trouble. At least it's better than having blood on your jeans.
Working At The Movie Theater Has Its Perks
I used to work at a movie theater in high school and wouldn't care if people brought in outside snacks.
Heck, even my co-workers weren't super strict about checking IDs for R-rated movies. However, we did have that one employee who took things way too seriously as he ruined the fun at work.
Some People Don't Get It When Dealing With Customer Service
By being a jerk, you might get what you want. However, you will only get the thing you asked for if you're technically right.
There could be ten other things that they could have gotten if they weren't such a mean person.
Good For You For Being Super Nice
Anyone who does good solely in the hopes that it's reciprocated, you're in for a bad time.
Even if you never served, it makes you notice how people can be so coldhearted at times. Good on you for making hundreds of peoples lives better by being a super friendly waiter.
Popcorn Is Pennies For A Refill
It shouldn't matter if you bought a bag or a bucket of popcorn. Regardless of what you purchased, everyone should get a refill.
Imagine employees at Subway doing this for refills on drinks. It's like they would give it to people who bought a foot long sub instead of a six inch.
Thank You For Not Calling 911
You're sound asleep until a police officer taps on your window. They might think you're up to something, but sometimes, you just have nowhere else to go.
All they're doing is making sure you're alright. Sometimes, a parking lot is all there is.
It's Not That Hard To Clean Up After Yourself
At first, no one will care. But then, someone from corporate will pop by and see all the garbage lying around.
Doing something trashy like this is a lot like a "Don't let me see it" kind of thing. Like the RA in your freshman dorm that knew you were going to drink.
Covering Costs For The Fam
You are the real MVP for doing this. Nevertheless, you might get fired for pulling that stunt.
That's not going to stop you from continuing to carry some extra change. It's such a dumb rule — like it's your money anyways. Why should your manager care what you do with it?
This Could Backfire In A Number Of Ways
After relenting on the "no public restroom" rule, people will mess up the entire bathroom to say thank you.
I mean, a lot worse can happen in a washroom. The worst thing that could happen is people hooking up in the stall, with people spreading feces all over the place coming in a close second.
An Important Lesson For Taking Tips
Yeah, I never took any tips because managers occasionally had people try to tip us so they could yell at us.
If that ever happens to you, that's when you call up your local labor board and say their two favorite words: "Unpaid labor."
Stuff Them In Because Timbits Are Good
Most employees at Tim Hortons do this, and that's a fact. If you're going to stand at the front for 10 minutes on a busy night and decide if you want five or seven raspberry timbits in your box, it's easier to just go a little overboard.
As long as you're not slowing down traffic, you get more than what you paid for.
You Are A Real Hero
What a good person you are for doing this. It makes you wonder how you can get bumped to business class on a flight.
If they give out food vouchers though, I'll gladly take free alcohol on a plane any day of the week.
Kindness Goes A Long Way
People try to throw tantrums to get their way. That only makes the poor employee hate them and do everything they can to spite them.
You have to treat the employee like they're human beings. Say please and thank you like you mean it — they'll appreciate the gesture.