Life Comes At Us Real Quick, And These Folks Made Sure To Slow Down And Take It All In
Life has its ups and downs. It can be funny, even if often feels like it's making inside jokes that only forces of nature would understand. There has to be a comical reason why someone put glitter in their eggs for breakfast, but it won't be funny when the glitter gets into the yolk.
However, those laughs usually come when we're surprised by something. It might make us a little scared, like a game of human Tetris, or respecting the "personal bubble" rule. These folks really outdid themselves when they got into these sticky situations.
Water World At 11 AM
It's a movie title and all, but this kind of looks like they calmly updated the sign. They did so to raise awareness to let people know they're adrift.
If they could have swum more letters out, they'd probably say something like "That's a weird coincidence, thanks for the notification."
Spaghetti And Feetballs
I'm positive somebody did this an April Fool's prank. This is one of those moments where filling up on bread isn't your average rookie mistake.
Instead, it's nothing more than a survival technique. If I get this to go down, does the lady come with me? Because my girlfriend hasn't arrived in the mail yet.
Next Station Is Mad Max, Mad Max Station
This person certainly comes from the world of Mad Max. Some people wear Nikes, but this guy has Nikes from Mad Max.
He just wants to make sure that the people around him respect the "personal bubble" rule. Not going to lie, this is the last guy I'd sit beside on the subway. I honestly can't tell who's more excited to tap the keg open in the next one. It's something you wouldn't expect.
Give Them A High Five!
Quick! Run to your friend and give them a high five. I hope somebody helps this poor kid out because that has to be painful.
Getting your hand caught in the door is a common accident among people using transportation. Maybe next time you should be on time.
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Just look at those Abrahamstrings and the legrahams too. If girls want this kind of figure, they better start lining up because it's in limited supply.
A Whole Lot Going On Here
I honestly can't tell who's more excited to tap the keg open. The kid in the mask looks pretty unhappy, whereas the pig is ready to get the night going.
Oh man, I don't know, maybe the keg is supposed to celebrate too? Screw it, someone get something to get the keg untapped. The next one ahead will make you ask "Hey, you know there's a door that you can close, right?" It's really disturbing.
Crayons Can't Die, Idiot
It's not a weed, nor is it a fish. This crayon isn't enough for you to call the police — they won't take you seriously.
Even if you try, they'll laugh at you because it's not anything like the X-Files. At least this kid has some sort of pride on his face for his new friend.
Human Tetris
How do these people feel about doing something like this? Bet you $20 that the lady in pink is starting to instantly regret this.
I mean, it's not as painful as pushing a child out from your belly. At least they can take comfort knowing that this experiment should never be attempted at home.
Didn't Anyone Tell You To Close The Door?
Look, man, we get it. You have to go so badly, but how stupid are you to forget to close the door? Ain't nobody got time for this.
I mean, there might be little kids around and parents won't be happy about this. He just had to do this to make sure everything went in the toilet. Still on the way, a battle that might be more epic than McGregor-Mayweather.
Emergency Tacos
Tacos a great food. So, why not have an emergency taco on the go? This reminds me of how physics teacher called the tachometer the taco meter.
On the other hand, it looks like something big is happening in the back seat. Hopefully, they're keeping it PG-13.
The Girl Of Your Dreams
Oh, back boobs. The visual stimulation of missionary meets the emotional attachment of doggy style.
Finally, you see the girl of your dreams. The one you constantly thought about in all of those dreams. Once you laid eyes on her, you knew this love was meant to be.
It's About To Go Down
This might be more epic than McGregor-Mayweather. The Domino's driver just noticed who they're beside.
It's about to go down, but it would be tough to pick who's gonna win. I know one of them is getting there in 30 minutes or less, and the other one will be crawling to their next customer. There's no way of predicting what's going to happen to you after you eat some special brownies. More on that later.
Cat In The Ceiling
Here's a nice surprise. This cat has a little hiding hole and can pop their head out whenever they want. I have zero allergies, so I welcome this kind of surprise.
Especially after you had a bad day, you would want this little guy popping their head out to say "Hello, hooman, how goes it?"
Tour de France
Geez, the French must have a lot of passion for the Tour de France. I guess that the staler French bread gets, it makes for a sturdy bike.
I doubt that this would be a smoother ride since birds could come at you to get the bread and attack you at the same time.
WTF Is Going On Here?
Oh, mylanta. These girls got into the edibles before Snoop Dogg could drop a beat. Look, there's no way of predicting what's going to happen to you after you eat some special brownies.
One minute everything is fine, then the paranoia kicks in and suddenly, you're feeding a fake head on a crab. All I know about the next one is that the device has had some wild adventures.
We Are Family
Of all of the family reunions I've had, no one ever pulled this off. One individual didn't want anyone to remember who they were or why they were in this photo.
I can assume he's photobombing, but he seems like a pretty cool dude to have some beers with.
Something Out Of Fast & Furious
Okay, this might not be in Fast & Furious because this is more of a Final Destination thing.
Like, the scene could have been two teenagers driving down the road when the Chevy became a Chevy Impaler. This is much scarier than having to die on a roller coaster.
What's Dead May Never Die
All I know about this particular scene is that the phone has had some wild adventures.
If this old brick lives up to its expectations, somebody could dig this up years from now. When they see the phone, just imagine how many numbers won't be in service.
When Someone Steals Gas From Your Car
Let's try to make a positive out this, shall we? At least he gets a free 3/8 extension and seeing the cup is half full, I like those odds.
However, what kind of culprit would randomly stab a gas tank to get free gas? Oh right, the ones who don't pay their bills and find an easy way to get through life.
Don't You Put It In Your Mouth
Well, I can't say anything bad against snails. This also reminds me of that nineties commercial jingle that goes something like this "Don't you put it in your mouth, don't you put in your mouth."
That's the only line I know, but you know but you get my point.