It Was At This Point That These People Realized They Should’ve Just Stayed Home Today

We’ve all had those days. You wake up in a stunning daze, barely make it out of bed before stubbing your toe on the wall. You have twenty minutes to get to work, so you’re rushing while coffee is spilling on your new white collared shirt. All you can think to yourself is, “I should’ve just stayed home today.”

Just when you think your day can’t get any worse, it does. As every minute passes that you’re not bunked up at home, the chance of something catastrophic happening heightens. For the people in this article, their luck couldn’t have been worse. One morning news anchor definitely didn’t get enough sleep before his shift, and it showed on air. As unfortunate as these “I should’ve just stayed home” moments are for these people, we’re very thankful they happened.

Class Was Very Ruff Today

was chillin in class.jpg

Photo Credit: Instagram / @will_ent

Can we talk about how terrifying rottweilers are when they’re behind a fence and not able to attack you? It’s severely uncomfortable because you feel like at any moment they can rip your face off.

Now imagine going to your 8 am morning class that no one else showed up to and you find this. I’m dropping out.