If You’ve Ever Worked In Retail, You Know These Moments All Too Well
Working retail is like an American right of passage. Most of us have done it. Most of us know the struggle. I honestly think that working retail makes you a better person. It makes you more empathetic to any retail workers you might meet in the future, and it gives you some basic life skills that will help you for the rest of your days.
But that doesn’t mean that it’s not absolutely awful while you’re in it. Yeah, you’re a better person after you’re done working retail, but not while you’re working retail. While you’re working you’re just grumpy and burnt out. Keep reading to see some memes that’ll make you feel understood, at least.
The Customer Is Always Right
Photo Credit: Tortuz / Reddit
Do people really have nothing better to do than complain about a product not being in stock until Thursday? Come on, lady, you can wait two days to get your soap dish.
Complaining isn’t going to make the delivery truck get here any faster. There are no magic words that can help you, I promise.