If You Find Any Of These Things In Your Date’s Apartment, It’s Time To Find A New Date

Recently, women took to Reddit to describe some things they could find in a guy’s apartment that would set off major red flags. The ladies had a lot to say, but then another thread appeared asking men the same question. What’s something in a lady’s apartment that might as well be a giant red flag screaming, “get out while you still can”?

The good people of Reddit delivered. Keep reading to learn the sure signs that somebody is not a good match for a self-respecting adult human. If you have any of these things in your apartment, it may be time to re-evaluate your whole life.

Here Comes The Bride


Photo Credit: TrapTurk / Reddit & LEWIS WHYLD/AFP/Getty Images

I relate to this girl pretty hard. You always have to be prepared for a rainy day— or a wedding day— or a rainy wedding day.

But, yeah, it’s a bit much. I don’t want to say run, but maybe briskly jog away from that whole situation.