If These People Were Food Items, They’d Be On The Value Picks Menu Because They’re So Darn Cheap
Let’s be honest, being frugal is a lifestyle. If you’re cheap, it follows you everywhere you go. We all know someone who shamelessly will go out of their way, no matter how inconvenient something is, as long as it saves them money.
They’re the ones who have three t-shirts from five years that they recycle and wear every day, the ones who only get a side of fries when they’re out to eat at McDonald’s because “everything is over-priced.” Look, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to save a few bucks, but the people in this article take penny-pinching to an extremely un-necessary level.
Straight From The Ground And Into Your Heart
Photo Credit: Instagram / @will_ent
Having a girlfriend or boyfriend is extremely unpleasant on the wallet. If you’re in a new relationship, you feel the need to outdo each other financially.
If your girlfriend buys you a horse, you’re obligated to buy her a 737 airplane for her birthday. Flowers from the shop are expensive, but ripping flowers out of your neighbor’s yard is free.