How We Look On Instagram Vs. How We Look In Real Life

Instagram showcases the very best photos that we have to offer. We don’t post our pimply faces or a gross half-eaten lasagna— we post ourselves on our best makeup days. We take so many pictures of our perfectly plated pancakes that they get cold before we can actually eat them.

Everyone knows that Instagram is a pretty lie, but that doesn’t stop us from scrolling through it for hours a day. Keep reading for the best Instagram vs. reality memes that the internet has to offer. See what Mila Kunis looks like on an off day and see yourself in a literal bag of garbage. Do it for the ‘gram.

Pasta Doesn’t Look As Trashy On Instagram


Photo Credit: @iLouminator / Twitter

If you know you’re going to be taking pictures of your dinner, you take some extra time to neatly arrange your pasta on your plate, to add a sprig of basil. If you just want to dig in without any flash photography, your meal will probably look something like the picture on the right.

Macaroni on tortillas though? That’s on another level.