Garbage Pail People That Should Be Taken Straight To The Dumpster
We all have a little bit of trash inside of us. Maybe it’s getting excessively drunk at your cousin’s wedding and vomiting all over the floor. Maybe it makes sense to wear the same underwear three days in a row.
But, there are some members of the human race who just give the rest of us a bad name. These are the people that skip the classy and go straight for the trash every single day. Unfortunately for these poor, trashy souls, and fortunately for us, these pictures are so cringy they make me want to take a shower.
“It’s Going To Be The Best Day Of Your Life”
Photo Credit: Imgur
This girl looks like she’s fresh out of a trailer park. Look, to each their own, this is her day. A bottle of alcohol and a cigarette might be the perfect combination for this bride.
This is just a personal note on this dress, but she looks a lot like a loofa from a shower. It’s ironic because she doesn’t look like shes had one in a while.