Couples Who Know How To Ruin A Relationship In Seconds
With all things considered, being in a relationship is really hard work. Infidelity isn’t the only reason that couples are breaking up at a record pace, in fact, when the small problems add up it can be the deciding blow for a relationship.
From being a loud chewer to hygiene, and even outfit choices can be the straw that broke the camel’s back. With that being said, sometimes relationships don’t last because of bizarre scenarios and just straight up laziness on one person’s behalf.
Here’s a list of some relationships that are doomed to failure, and trust me, you won’t want to miss the girl who would rather date a tree than her boyfriend.
The Side Chick

This guy didn’t even get to the altar before he decided it was time to add some drama to the marriage. Most couples AT LEAST wait till the honeymoon before they start to get at each other’s throats. According to the American Psychological Association, 50% of marriages end in divorce now and this couple is well on their way.
What’s not pictured is the “DING DING DING” that rang through the church immediately following this wife’s realization. Jerry Springer then launched out of the pews with two security guards in black polos to stop the hair pulling and name calling. I’m not 100% sure this happened, but man do I hope it did.