Parking Jobs So Bad They Should Result In A Jail Sentence
Let's face it, parking isn't everybody's forte. Even though you need to know how to do it to even acquire a license, a lot of drivers get lazy once they're no longer being tested. Although there are plenty of people who know how to park respectfully, or even pull off impressive maneuvers, that's certainly not the case for everyone on the road. Encountering a bad parking job is one of the most frustrating aspects of driving, but chances are you've never seen any as bad as these. Here are some parking jobs that are so terrible the driver should have their license revoked immediately.
It Only Takes One Person
In most parking lots, it only takes one person with a lousy park job to ruin the order of everything. That's most likely what happened here, and in turn, people decided to prove a point.
Either everyone in this parking lot started parking like this to spite one another, or a snowplow drove right through them. What's for sure is that many of these cars are touching each other too, so it's unlikely that all of these cars drove away unscathed.
Trash Parking
If you do a poor job at parking, many people won't have a problem letting you know, even if it means going out of their way to do so. This person apparently parked where they shouldn't have, so somebody let them know by literally surrounding their car with trash.
Now, whoever owns this car is going to have to move all the trash out of the way just to get back on the road. Hopefully, there will be bystanders nearby so the driver will feel more ashamed than they already do.
Very Important Parker
The owner of the red car clearly doesn't understand that parking spaces were created to be parked in, not ignored altogether. Instead of parking in one like a considerate driver, they decided to leave their vehicle in one of the most inconvenient spots possible.
Their selfishness ended up blocking that black car from getting through, so they decided to leave a message. They drew a box around the car and named it VIP parking as a back-handed insult. Now, when the driver gets back to their car, they'll look like a jerk.
Rooftop Parking Garage
Imagine going outside to get the morning paper and seeing this on your roof. What's even more surprising than how the roof didn't collapse is how the car got up there in the first place.
Did they launch it off a ramp to do this on purpose or was it airlifted down by a helicopter? We'll probably never know. All we hope is that the driver and the owner of the house both have insurance for this sort of thing. More than likely, they don't.
What's Going On Here?
Okay, so not only do we have someone who doesn't know how to back into a parking spot, but they're also a vandal. Why their car is filled with what looks like balls or packing peanuts is unknown, but that's going to take a while to clean up, and it doesn't look like they have any intention of doing it.
It seems like they've been captured on a security camera, so the least they could have done was park correctly to have at least one saving grace.
An Amphibious Automobile
We're going to assume that this poor soul thought they were just parking over a puddle, but they turned out to be horribly wrong. One second they're pulling into a parking spot and the next they're entirely submerged under what looks to be incredibly dirty water.
We hope that the driver made it out okay because nobody wants to go out like that. After seeing this, it's safe to say we're never parking over a puddle again.
Parking On The Dock Of The Bay
Well, this is one sticky situation. It's a lose-lose for both the driver and the owner of the boat. Luckily, the boat doesn't look terribly damaged, but that car is going to end up in the water no matter what, unless they have a crane on hand.
However, the most curious thing about this photo is the woman. With her keys still in her hand, she appears to be smiling for some odd reason. Was this her ex-husband's boat? How did she get back to shore? We need answers!
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
This person thought it was fine to park directly in front of a fire hydrant, something that's not only illegal but extremely dangerous. If there's a fire and firefighters don't have access to the hydrant, it can create a very serious problem.
It looks like there was a fire in this case, so the firefighters had no choice but to break the car windows and feed the hose through the car. This seems like justice considering their selfish decision could have resulted in something awful happening.
A Warning To All
Parking in a handicapped spot when you aren't disabled is wrong on so many levels. Somebody who has the gall to do this is the lowest of the low and shouldn't even have the privilege of a license. This person unlawfully parked in a handicapped spot and got exactly what they deserved.
Every inch of their car is impressively covered in sticky notes with the handicapped sign bright and clear on the sides and the back as an insult. This must have bee a team effort, which shows how many people strongly disapprove of this person's actions.
Smart Cars Are Not Exempt
Just about the only time that anyone wishes they had a Smart Car is when they're trying to find parking. Other than that, they're essentially a death trap. Seems like this driver assumed that parking laws didn't apply to them, and chose to squeeze into a spot that had been marked as a no parking zone.
So, somebody decided to teach them a lesson about how to follow the rules. They built an actual structure around the car, even nailing the pieces of wood together. Good luck getting out of that!
Are You Serious?
Just because you have an older or nice car, doesn't mean that you're more important than anyone else or that societal rules don't apply to you. This car is parked in a covering that is clearly designated for shopping carts so they don't sit in the rain. But no, they saw it as an opportunity to keep their car out of the rain.
Now, everyone at the store is going to have a soaking wet shopping cart because this person only cares about themselves. If they didn't want it to get wet, why are they driving in the rain in the first place?
Completely Clueless
A good rule of thumb is to never park even close to an ambulance, firetruck, or any type of emergency vehicle. It appears this driver didn't get the memo and chose to park directly behind an ambulance, more than likely to get as close as possible to their destination.
They better hope that nobody needs to be taken in the ambulance because they're parked so close that they wouldn't be able to open the door. They might end up having someone's blood on their hands due to their lack of logic.
Standing Up To The Big Guy
The driver of this truck committed a cardinal sin when they decided to park parallel in clearly vertical parking spots. This sure is one way of telling people you think that you're more important than everyone else.
Most people might scoff and drive by or maybe leave a note, but the driver of this Smart Car took matters into their own hands. They boxed the truck in, and the funny thing is that it only took a Smart Car to do. If you look closely, you can see that the Smart Car is even parked correctly!
Grab Some Pine
Even though these benches are made for people, the driver of this car figured that their vehicle is deserving of a seat as well. Although that's not how it works, we have to admit; this is a pretty impressive maneuver on the driver's part.
What's even more impressive is how those wooden benches are supporting the weight of a car that big! Maybe next time a parking spot would be a more suitable place for this vehicle. The park is for people, not cars.
No Excuses
What this person was thinking when they parked on a helicopter landing pad is beyond us. If you look, there's clearly an open parking spot directly in front of them! There's literally no excuse! Surely, a helicopter needs the entire pad to land, so we wonder what they are going to do in this situation.
Maybe they'll just have to hover there until somebody calls a tow truck to impound the car. The driver will be surprised when they come back to a helicopter where their car was.
"My Car Was Built For This"
Because this person owns a Jeep, they probably thought it was okay to drive up and park on this patch of grass. Essentially, that's what these models of Jeep are for, but not necessarily to be put to use in the middle of a parking lot.
This driver wanted to show the capabilities of his car, and now he's paying for it. looks like when he tried to get off of the mount, his tires ended up digging his car deep into the ground. Now he's stuck there looking like a fool.
That'll Work
When parking, it's important to keep in the back of your mind how big your car really is. Sometimes, you might pull into a spot and realize it's too small and have to go and look somewhere else. That is the opposite of what this person did.
There was no possible way that suburban was going to fit in between those cars, but they still parked there anyway. Now, an entire lane is blocked off because they were too lazy to find a spot that could accommodate their vehicle. Nice going.
That's Not How It Works
Amazingly, only one person in this picture knows how to drive. They understand that a car goes in between the lines when parking, to maximize the amount of space for others. We're sure that it only took one person to park like an imbecile for everyone else to follow suit.
Nothing like everyone taking up three spots when it should only be one! Does the person behind the car that is parked correctly understand that they are going to have a very hard time getting out? Sounds like their problem!
Now You're Just Showing Off
Okay, we admit that this person is thinking out of the box, even though we condemn this type of behavior. However, just because their car has the capability to pull off a maneuver like this doesn't mean they have to.
There must have been another parking space they could have used rather than getting their car vertical against this embankment. What if the car tips over in the middle of the road, or worse, hits a pedestrian? The parking job wouldn't be so cool then, would it?
Close, But Not Quite
The only thing worse than parking in a handicapped spot when you shouldn't is infringing on a handicapped parking spot. You might as well just park in the whole thing while you're at it! The spots are supposed to be more accessible for the disabled, so making it harder for them to park kind of defeats the purpose.
If you don't think that you can handle parking like a normal person, you should definitely steer clear of all handicapped parking spaces. You definitely don't want to look like this driver.